Hello Billy….little Billy has come to @roseland_retirement_livery for an extended holiday, whilst his lovely owner goes travelling for a few months. Billy is a British riding pony x Arab, and has the most adorable sweet face. ❤️❤️#horses #retirementlivery #ponies #liveryyard #cornwall #poniesofinstagram #horsesofinstagram #grasslivery #retiredhorses #holidaylivery
Rainbows and sunshine in December….i feel so so lucky to have these beautiful beings in my life ❤️❤️#horses #retirementlivery #ponies #liveryyard #livery #cornwall #poniesofinstagram #horsesofinstagram #grasslivery #retiredhorses #rainbows #sunshine
Misty morning here @roseland_retirement_livery. Everyone having a roll in the mud, without a care in the world ❤️❤️ #horses #retirementlivery #poniesofinstagram #ponies #liveryyard #livery #cornwall #poniesofinstagram #horsesofinstagram #grasslivery #retiredhorses
Autumn evening @roseland_retirement_livery, full tummy’s, fresh hay and a freshly picked apple. Night night babies ❤️❤️❤️ #horses #retirementlivery #ponies #liveryyard #livery #cornwall #poniesofinstagram #horsesofinstagram #grasslivery #retiredhorses #
Summer..autumn..Summer…❤️❤️❤️ #horses #retirementlivery #ponies #liveryyard #livery #cornwall #poniesofinstagram #horsesofinstagram #grasslivery #retiredhorses
The wise old crew altogether and getting on so well….❤️❤️🐎🐎🐎 #horses #retirementlivery #ponies #liveryyard #livery #cornwall #poniesofinstagram #horsesofinstagram #grasslivery #retiredhorses
Grooming day…..rugs off, lots of scratches, dust baths, brushing and conditioning oil for manes and tails….love these beautiful souls that have been entrusted to me ❤️❤️ #horses #ponies #horsesofinstagram #poniesofinstagram #liveryyard #retirementlivery #retirementliveryyard #retirementliverydevon #retirementliverylife #cornwall #oldhorses
Roseland Retirement Livery…
Retirement livery at Grass - package £280 pcm
* Twice Daily checks + field security cameras
* Farm made haylage in the winter months All of our haylage and straw is produced by us on the farm to ensure its quality, made when the weather is just right and fed throughout the winter.
* Large grass paddocks with thick Cornish hedge shelter 24/7 turnout, quality grazing with suitable equine companionship in adjacent fields or together in pairs and 3s.
* Winter field with quality grazing as standard, natural Cornish hedge shelter, good drainage little winter mud.
* Hard feed, Chaff, Milled linseed, all purpose vitamin & mineral supplement, salt licks and evening carrot.
* Pampering, grooming and daily attention
* Winter rugs, fly sheets and fly masks changed, washed regularly and repaired when needed.
* Sun protection and fly repellent applied if needed
* Manure management / poo picking and harrowing.
* Worming program + wormer
* Mains filled automatic water troughs
* Regular trimming by our local farrier
* Fieldwork - rolling, fertilising, weed control, hedge trimming
* Regular emails and photos on our page, just in case you don’t have time to visit
* Special Hard feed and supplements ordered and bought if needed (extra costs associated)
* Annual dental visit and biannual vaccinations (extra costs associated)
* Prescription supplements ordered and administered (extra costs associated)
* Emergency stable and large barn for extreme weather conditions.
When the time comes for your horse or pony to be sent to reside over the rainbow bridge we can offer several different options. This can be discussed personally upon enquiry.
Turn away, convalesce and recuperation service also offered, with the above package. For an informal chat about spaces and tailoring a package to suit your needs or any further information, please message. ❤️❤️ #horses #ponies #livery #retirementlivery #liveryyard #cornwall
Fly rugs and masks off, for a few hours, for a good scratch, roll and groom.
We have one space coming up in the next few weeks. Message me for information #horses #livery #liveryyard #retiredhorses
Welcome ‘Friday’ to Roseland Retirement Livery. You will always have friends, food, grass and so much love and care. Your time has come to chill, relax and enjoy. 🖤🖤🖤#horses #ponies #retirementlivery #liveryard #livery
Welcome’Silver’ to @roseland_retirement_livery. You are free to be just you. No exceptions, no instructions and no more new homes. Just be you, eat grass and snooze in the sunshine. 🖤🖤 #retirementlivery #horses #horseturnout #horseyards #horsefreedom
Holiday livery spaces book now for the spring and summer #holidaylivery #liverycornwall #retirementlivery #horses #ponies #grasslivery