From 1st July 2022 I will be working full time for Annabelle Galt Veterinary Physiotherapy (AGVP). Some of you will know that I’ve worked part time with the fabulous AGVP team for nearly 3 years alongside my own personal work. As a result of this exciting opportunity, I will no longer be providing services under Katie Noble Veterinary Physiotherapy. I will of course be able to continue treating your horses/dogs but this will be under the AGVP umbrella.
This move does mean some changes in terms of appointment pricings. Details have been sent in an email but please drop me a message if you haven’t received it or would like more information.
I do hope that my clients will join me on this new venture, I truly value the support I’ve had over the past few years and this is an exciting opportunity for my personal career progression.
Katie x
I am off on my Holibobs!!
From today I am away for two weeks, I will be intermittently checking emails but for appointment bookings for late December and into the new year, I will be sorting everything out on my return!
Take care all 🐾🐴
Dashy Dog update 🐶
We have progressed to a hydro session once monthly and everyone is really pleased with his improved strength. He is continuing to do lots of rehab exercises little and often which keeps his brain busy. We have very gradually increased his walks and are now up to 20 minutes off lead exercise but I am making sure he has at least 10 minutes on the lead as a warm up before he is allowed to RUN! My goodness does he love to run ❤️
It can be so daunting for owners when rehabbing their beloved pets from injury or surgery but having been through all of the emotions personally, I feel so much better prepared to be able to help and support in any way I can 🐾
📞 07719704323
✉️ [email protected]
Mr Corkle strutting his stuff over some poles the other day in the sunshine! He is so enthusiastic about pole exercises and this was particularly challenging for him! We had 11 poles set at a one trot stride distance but we progressed the exercise to increase pole separation a little bit. Corky has a naturally short choppy stride so this was good to encourage him to try and lengthen. Poles are really helpful for gait re-education and correct patterning🦄
Lovely Bruce showing us how it’s done over some different pole exercises that I had set up at the weekend!
Depending on the layout, we can target improved joint range of motion, core strength, balance, gait rhythm and stride pattern! We’re lucky to have lots of poles so we could string a few exercises together but there are lots of things you can do with limited pole numbers!
I’ve noticed recently that little Dash spends an awful lot of time with his nose on the floor (typical spaniel!), sniffing all the new and exciting smells...
This is great for his general development but what this means for him physically is that his weight is shifting more onto his forelimbs. As a result, his hindlimb muscle strength isn’t developing at quite the same rate so we have introduced some rehab exercises to target this!
Having his forelimbs raised, shifts his weight onto his back legs, encouraging hindlimb muscle engagement. The wobble cushion also encourages core muscle activation as he has to balance himself! By moving his head up and down and left/right, he is constantly having to activate different muscles as his weight shifts about!
This was by no means perfect, but as a first attempt at this particular exercise, I think he did really well!
💥Rehabilitation exercises are prescribed to individual cases, please don’t try this without professional guidance💥
Time for a lockdown success story! And something a little bit alternative compared to my usual cases....🐔
Enid is one of my Mums hens who presented during lockdown with an acute onset non weight bearing lameness- in other words she was just hopping around on one leg! After discussion with the vet, we separated her from the other chickens in a dog crate so she could rest and she also had some pain medication to make her more comfortable. She stayed in the cage for about 3 weeks and I did some physio with her a few times a day. As we didn’t know the route cause of the lameness, everything I did was very gentle and I monitored her closely for any signs of discomfort. We did some gentle range of motion exercises, weight shifting and as she improved, progressed to doing some controlled walking as shown in this video to encourage weight bearing. I am very pleased to say that Enid has now fully recovered and is enjoying normal chicken life with her friends!🐔🐥
#vetphysio #successstory #chickenphysio #enidthehen #chickenrehab #rehabilitation #nonweightbearing #weightshifting #rangeofmotion #restandrecovery #KNVP #somethingdifferent #lovemyjob #varietyisthespiceoflife
Our version of the #NHSpoleworkchallenge 💙 Mum and Corkle were sporting a blue saddle pad for #blueforyou showing his support for the NHS! He just loves pole work, especially something like this where he’s really got to engage his brain! Has anyone else been doing anything a bit different to entertain themselves/ponies?
#ponypolework #vetphysio #ponypilates #equinerehab #strengthandcondition #KNVP #NHS #trottingpoles #sunnydays #coronadiaries
One very happy customer this week!
Licking, chewing and yawning are behavioural signs of tension relief in horses- it’s a relief to know I’m doing my job properly!😆🦄🐴
Cavaletti poles are a brilliant way to improve/increase joint range of motion (ROM) in dogs, and can aid correct gait re-education! They can be incorporated into an exercise plan for a variety of other reasons too!
Here is Mr Ace showing you how it’s done using some improvised poles in the garden! It’s amazing how well behaved he can be when treats are involved! 🐶🐾