I’ve been grooming this gorgeous boy since he was a year old. As you can see, he’s happy to get on the table for his groom! He’s hand stripped and his coat has grown into this beautiful, rich red. When he came to me he was as light as his chest. Hand stripping is the manual pulling out of dead hair because in certain breeds and coat types it doesn’t all drop out naturally. It’s painless, if done correctly, and promotes healthy hair and skin, however it costs more than a standard groom due to the time, physical work and expertise required. Show standard stripping can be harsher and, in line with my ethos of cooperative, kind grooming, I don’t take on show dogs. By the way, this is the ‘before’ of his groom!
Groomed this beautiful boy today. Used a good deshedding shampoo and blasted out his coat - got out so much fur!! Although home grooming is absolutely essential, a good professional groom will get out more dead undercoat than you can realistically manage without the right tools, keeping the coat in tip top condition and able to do its job, especially in hot weather.
Not quite the calm spa experience you might envisage for yourself but this pup helpfully and gleefully helped me towel dry him in the most adorable way - I love it when they do this!