Furry Friends November Update..
This month we have helped..
Rashila Ramchurn x 2 food funds..
Laila Yadallee food funds
Sona Juleemun 2xsterils
Janita Goorjhun x food funds
Anah HB Devi x food funds
Nazziah Mungly x food funds..
Alma Deltoro x food funds..
Furry Friends have achieved so much this year, it been hard going but we were able to help with many Sterils and food support for our Friends in Mauritius who save many lives day in and day out.
Lets hope the New Year brings Hope for all the suffering Animals and Furry Friends will do their best once again to ease that suffering to many Dogs and Cats.
We would like to thank all the vets and rescuers who work tirelessly to make a difference and to our supporters who always help when we need it..( you know who you are ) and we cannot thank you enough..
It been a hard year both emotionally and physically for the Furry Friends team but knowing we are helping all we can and seeing positive results gives us the strength to continue..
Jane Cameron Dunsmore, Jacqueline Hannan and myself wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR.