💡Understanding your dog's threshold is incredibly important when managing their reactivity and anxiety levels. It helps you determine the optimal distance or intensity at which to expose your dog to triggers that cause their reactivity during behaviour modification exercises. Helping your dog by keeping them emotionally below ‘threshold’ can create a more manageable and comfortable environment for your dog, which allows them to remain calm and responsive.
When the concept of “going over threshold” is brought up, people often envision a dog barking, snarling, or displaying aggressive behaviour. However, it is important to recognise that “going over threshold” means crossing over into an emotionally distressed state, which may manifest as shutting down, freezing, exhibiting overly excitable behaviour, or becoming so distracted that there is a loss of connection.
⚖️Pushing a dog beyond their comfort zone (threshold) can lead to heightened anxiety, fear, and potentially aggressive behaviour. It is essential to respect and work within their threshold levels to ensure their emotional well-being which in turn will help facilitate effective training and behaviour modification.
When a dog is over threshold, they are primarily reacting rather than thinking – they are in a fight-flight, freeze, fidget, or fawn state. Their emotional and physiological responses are heightened, making it difficult for them to ‘listen’ or respond to cue’s. They may be too overwhelmed or focused on the perceived threat to process information effectively.
Through systematic desensitization (gradual exposure therapy), and counter-conditioning (changing an emotional response) techniques, you can help raise your dog's tolerance levels towards a stimulus that causes emotional distress over time. By carefully managing their exposure to triggers and pairing it with positive experiences and rewards, you can help them develop more resilience and confidence, allowing them to handle challenging situations with greater ease.
Mardi Richmond MA, CPDT-KA describes it as: -
“Consider the threshold of a front door. When you cross a threshold, you move from one space to another. A behaviour threshold is a similar concept; it is when your dog crosses from one emotional state to another. If you spend time with a dog that is concerned about other dogs, you have probably witnessed the moment when he or she moves from seemingly okay into out-of-control behaviour. That is going over threshold.”
When a dog is over threshold, teaching them new behaviours or trying to modify their behaviour becomes challenging and would be inappropriate to do at that moment in time as they are not in the right frame of mind for learning to take place. Their heightened state makes it difficult for them to learn and retain new information. It is important to bring the dog back to a ‘sub-threshold’ state before attempting any training or behaviour modification.
✏️Furthermore, thresholds are not fixed and can fluctuate. Unlike physical thresholds like a front door, emotional and behavioural thresholds can fluctuate depending on various factors. These factors include the dog's current state of arousal, the environment, previous experiences, and the specific trigger or stimulus.
Having awareness of the dog's threshold levels and being vigilant in their behaviour and responses is crucial for effective management and training.
Adjusting the distance, intensity, or duration of exposure to triggers based on the dog's threshold can help create a more conducive learning environment and prevent the dog from becoming over threshold.