Luna relaxing while I do all the pampering. Foot rub madam? 🥰
OMG, mum got hold of a picture of me 😱😆😆😆. Happy Halloween everyone 🎃🦇
Sending dog fur to be made into oil absorbing mats. My gift to #MatterOfTrust
Benny's been waiting all day for this!
Bella, bless her, she’s trying so hard not to go to sleep 🥱😴💤
Spring collection Lovely soft clean designer colours. Ideal for nesting birds. Stuffed a few handfuls of premium fur into a bird feeder for mums and dads doing up the nursery. 🐕🐣🐦
Happy Easter to all you wonderful folk and doggies 🐾
Rocky's had a tremendously hard day 😉. Fortunately he's found time for a little nap. Love him 😍
George helps out.
George says he can do this bit by himself, but isn't sure if he'll go frizzy 🤗
Springer time!
It's Spring time and Springer time. Grooming nine puppies at 12 weeks old, what an adventure 💗
I'm a video star 🌟
So, all I have to do is lay here and look good for the camera? Are you sure? This is sooo relaxing- Beautiful Beau