Dog Lotto - pull a number out of the hat and play the corresponding game...
Aeroplane Feeding
*This exercise grows from It's Your Choice so make sure that your dog can do this first.
1. Grow desire for the food - play with the food, passing it from hand to hand.
2. When you decide to feed your dog move your hand SLOWLY towards him. If he moves forward at all then you must withdraw your hand and start again.
Be patient! This may be repeated many times before your dog improves!
Make it harder by;
• using tastier food
• dropping the food from hand to hand
• throwing the food up into the air and catching it, i.e. juggling with the food
• allowing the food to drop all the way to the floor before picking it up and feeding it to your dog. [If he goes to eat the dropped food simply cover it with your foot]
• moving your hand/ food in circles or loops on its journey to your dog rather than moving in a direct line
Remember; it’s important that you don’t prevent your dog from making incorrect choices as this exercise is all about teaching him self-control. By controlling access to the reward, rather than controlling your dog, you are teaching him self-control gets him what he wants. It helps your dog to develop focus for you and calmness plus a greater tolerance of frustration.