
34Fido Improving human-dog relationships through small, easily achievable steps

Dog Lotto - pull a number out of the hat and play the corresponding game...  Aeroplane Feeding*This exercise grows from ...

Dog Lotto - pull a number out of the hat and play the corresponding game...
Aeroplane Feeding

*This exercise grows from It's Your Choice so make sure that your dog can do this first.

1. Grow desire for the food - play with the food, passing it from hand to hand.
2. When you decide to feed your dog move your hand SLOWLY towards him. If he moves forward at all then you must withdraw your hand and start again.
Be patient! This may be repeated many times before your dog improves!

Make it harder by;
• using tastier food
• dropping the food from hand to hand
• throwing the food up into the air and catching it, i.e. juggling with the food
• allowing the food to drop all the way to the floor before picking it up and feeding it to your dog. [If he goes to eat the dropped food simply cover it with your foot]
• moving your hand/ food in circles or loops on its journey to your dog rather than moving in a direct line

Remember; it’s important that you don’t prevent your dog from making incorrect choices as this exercise is all about teaching him self-control. By controlling access to the reward, rather than controlling your dog, you are teaching him self-control gets him what he wants. It helps your dog to develop focus for you and calmness plus a greater tolerance of frustration.

Dog Lotto - pull a number out of the hat and play the corresponding game...  ‘Get it’ Self controlThis game builds on th...

Dog Lotto - pull a number out of the hat and play the corresponding game...
‘Get it’ Self control
This game builds on the skills introduced in 'Get it'

Make sure that your dog is interested in the toy however pick a toy that your dog is not too excited by. Once your dog knows the game you can challenge his skills by using a more exciting toy.

With this game you do not restrain your dog to prevent him reaching the toy. It is a test of your dog’s understanding of the ‘Get it’ cue plus his ability to show the self-control not to go to the toy unless given permission.

This time you are going to hold out or move the toy, but your dog must not go to get it unless you have given your ‘Get it’ cue! If your dog makes the mistake of trying to get the toy before cued, then simply prevent his access to the toy by removing it.

End the game by letting go of the toy rather than taking it away from the dog!

*Don't make any attempt to force your dog to give up the toy.
*Keeping hold of the toy so that you and your dog both have it at the same time will enable you to start a game of 'Tuggy'. This teaches your dog to enjoy playing with toys with you which in turn will help your dog learn to return with items rather than playing 'keep away'. Play fair!

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How to play Doglotto can be found by searching in this group for

Dog Lotto - pull a number out of the hat and play the corresponding game...  Toy SwitchYou will need 2 two toys that are...

Dog Lotto - pull a number out of the hat and play the corresponding game...
Toy Switch
You will need 2 two toys that are big enough for you and your dog to hold at the same time and of equal value to your dog (they don’t need to be identical however your dog must not prefer one over the other), flexible toys such as rope or fabric that you can gather up within your hand are ideal.
1. Get your dog interested and playing with the first toy by moving it about and encouraging him to play; keep hold of the toy yourself.
2. When your dog is playing keenly, gather up as much of the toy into your hand as you can. Stop playing (become quiet and still).
3. Offer the other toy which you now make interesting to encourage your dog to let go of the now boring one and switch across.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3.
• Restarting the game with the alternative toy ensures that your dog doesn’t learn that giving things to you is the end of his fun.
• Keep the end of each session positive by either allowing your dog to keep possession of the toy or offering an alternative reward.

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How to play Doglotto can be found by searching in this group for

Dog Lotto - pull a number out of the hat and play the corresponding game...  Collar GrabThis game teaches our dog to com...

Dog Lotto - pull a number out of the hat and play the corresponding game...
Collar Grab

This game teaches our dog to come all the way to us and feel comfortable when we grab his collar. In time your dog will see your ‘grabbing’ hands as a recall cue.

*Progress this exercise at the rate that is right for your dog; never scare or intimidate him.

1. Have a tasty piece of food in one hand and nothing in the other.
Make sure that your ‘food hand’ is against your leg with the food held securely so that your dog cannot eat it until you open your fingers. The other hand needs to be held flat and slightly in in front of the one with the reward in it. You are aiming to put this hand where your fingers will brush against (and allow you to gently take hold of) your dog’s collar or harness when he approaches.
2. Call your dog and allow him to approach for the food.
3. Take hold of his collar with the flat hand before allowing him to take the food from your other hand.

*If he backs away, let him, but do not give him the food. Try again but with a gentler approach or tastier food.
*Never allow your dog to have the reward before you have hold of his collar.
*Remember to practise this exercise both right and left handed!

More information on markers can be found by searching
How to play Doglotto can be found by searching in this group for

Dog Lotto - pull a number out of the hat and play the corresponding game...  FollowSay the word "Follow" and offer your ...

Dog Lotto - pull a number out of the hat and play the corresponding game...

Say the word "Follow" and offer your dog a piece of food held within your closed fingers. If he moves or shows interest mark and reward by opening your fingers and letting him take the treat.
Over the next repetitions start to wait for your dog to follow your hand for further before you allow him to take the food.

*We taught our dog not to steal food from our hands in ‘ It's Your Choice’ . Your dog should not take food from your fingers unless given permission to do so. This is fundamental manners. Therefore, we need to hold our hand differently to give a visual cue and to say ‘Follow’ (verbal cue) to make it clear to our dog that this is a different exercise and he should follow the lure. He will receive the food ONLY when you actively place it in his mouth.
*Take it slowly at first aiming for slow thoughtful behaviour rather than snatching at the food.
*’Follow’ is about teaching him to politely move where your hand indicates. If your dog starts to grab at your fingers play a few rounds of It’s your choice to remind him of the rules and his manners.

As soon as your dog can follow your hand containing food remove the food and cue the behaviour with an empty hand (remembering to hold your hand in the same way as this has become part of the cue). Mark and reward when he follows. If he fails, go back to the previous step for a few repetitions before trying again.

*Challenge yourself to move your dog slowly and calmly from side-to-side, around you or in circles.

Just like Catch the word 'Follow' becomes both a cue and a marker word.

More information on markers can be found by searching
How to play Doglotto can be found by searching in this group for


Mark and Reward
What do I mean by "Mark and Reward"? A Mark (or marker) is a special sign (usually a word or sound) that that tells your dog that not only are you PLEASED with what he is doing RIGHT NOW but that he will also RECEIVE A REWARD. It is a promise that you make to your dog that something reinforcing, i.e. something that he finds rewarding will happen within a fairly short period of time.

*It is different from praising your dog with a "Good Boy" or whatever because such words do not promise a reward beyond your approval. Don't get me wrong; I am all for praising to show my approval and all dogs love recognition and approval for their efforts however a promise of a reinforcer (something your dog actively likes and wants to happen again) is going to trump your approval alone. This is especially true and helpful when your dog is learning something new or being asked to do something that he finds more difficult.
*Once your dog makes the connection that your special 'Mark' predicts something great he will actively seek out ways to earn it.
*Never fail to deliver that promised reward otherwise your 'Mark' will diminish in value and your dog will not be so keen to earn it.
*Using a marker helps you in those moments when you cannot deliver the reward immediately perhaps because you are at at a distance or because the timing required is so precise, e.g. if you deliver a food reward for sitting (without using a marker) and your dog gets up as you hand the food to him consider what he thinks he is getting the food for...Is it the sit itself or the action of getting up from the sit? By marking as his bottom hits the floor you are able to freeze the precise behaviour and moment in time of which you approve. The mark becomes your promise of the reward that follows irrespective of what your dog did following the mark.

On to the really clever stuff now...
*A Mark can also let your dog know the nature of the promised reward. We are getting into my favourite bit here...the reward DOES NOT HAVE TO BE FOOD! By naming the things that your dog loves to do in life so that they become the CUE to indulge in the behaviour you have a way to approve and reward just about any choice your dog makes.
Some examples from my own dogs are:
'Off you go' - permission to leave me and indulge in your own whims. E.g. Can reward and release from hanging about near me after a recall or when I take the lead off.
'Get it' - permission to chase a ball, toy, food or whatever. E.g. Rewards the sit-stay whilst I throw.
'Catch' - enjoy catching the thing I'm about to throw. E.g. Rewards the previous behaviour e.g. a speedy recall or trick.
'Find it' - permission to go and hunt.

'Find it' was a biggy for my spaniel and is her favourite mark. It is how I got a reliable recall from a high energy and high drive Cocker. Bizarre as it sounds by rewarding her recalls with the permission to go and hunt again her recalls got better and better...and for anyone doubting the value of using markers I rest my case.

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Dog Lotto - pull a number out of the hat and play the corresponding game...  CatchSay the word "Catch" and facing your d...

Dog Lotto - pull a number out of the hat and play the corresponding game...
Say the word "Catch" and facing your dog (so that it is easy) throw either a toy or a piece of food in such a way that it is easy to catch.
This game is not about challenging your dog's ability to catch; it is about teaching him that when you say catch he has the opportunity to earn reinforcement by catching whatever you throw. It warns him to get ready and watch out for your throw. Most dogs enjoying catching once they have learnt this skill and it will become a new way for you to deliver rewards. The great thing is that your dog learns to come close and focus on on you when you say catch....if your dog enjoys catching the word 'Catch' becomes both a cue and a marker word - how cool is that?!

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How to play Doglotto can be found by searching in this group for


Dog Lotto - pull a number out of the hat and play the corresponding game...
Hand Touch
This game teaches your dog that it is rewarding to come towards you (helpful for those recalls and retrieves!) plus it can be great fun!
Starting close to your dog offer your palm in an easy location for him to touch. Mark and Reward touches by placing the reward into the hand.
*Mark and reward interest and movement towards your hand to start with. Later insist on a firm nose.
*Remove your hand between ‘touches’.
*When he knows the game, make it more difficult by offering your hand in more challenging locations.

How to play Doglotto can be found by searching in this group for

Dog Lotto - pull a number out of the hat and play the corresponding game...  Building Value for a ‘Place’Mark and calmly...

Dog Lotto - pull a number out of the hat and play the corresponding game...
Building Value for a ‘Place’
Mark and calmly place the food reward on the ‘place’ whenever your dog is on the place. The ‘place’ can be anything, e.g., a bed, box, platform but needs to have clearly defined edges.
*It is OK to lure your dog on in the early stages.
* If your dog chooses to remain ON the place rather than get off mark and reward (by placing food ON the place as before). This will build value for remaining on the place.

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Dog Lotto - pull a number out of the hat and play the corresponding game...  Quick SitsOnce you ask your dog to sit he s...

Dog Lotto - pull a number out of the hat and play the corresponding game...
Quick Sits
Once you ask your dog to sit he should do so until he hears your ‘Release Word’ telling him that he can move, until then he should remain in the sit which, of course, is actually a sit-stay. This game teaches your dog the concept of a release word.
*By releasing your dog as soon as he sits you will avoid him ‘self-releasing’. He will hear your release word and be incentivised to move out of a sit by your throwing out an item.
* The ‘pause’ between the verbal release word and your throw is important. It separates your word in time from the physical movement of you throwing and thus creates a predictable chain. “My word means that in a short while you can expect me to throw something that you will want to get up for”. With repetition your dog will learn to move in anticipation of the throw rather than in response to the throw. You will now have a dog that ‘releases’ on your verbal cue! Magic, isn’t it? 
Here goes….
Create a sit by luring or wait for your dog to offer one. As soon as his bottom touches the floor say your ‘Release Word’, PAUSE and throw out a piece of food or treasured toy.

How to play Doglotto can be found by searching in this group for

Lovely photo taken tonight at Rowan’s first puppy class.

Lovely photo taken tonight at Rowan’s first puppy class.


Dog Lotto - pull a number out of the hat and play the corresponding game...
Capture Heel Position
Mark and reward your dog in the correct heel position.
*Use your position and the placement of the food reward to help your dog move into the right place.
Hint: stand sideways on to a wall or other barrier with enough space for your dog at your side. Throw the food behind you so that once your dog has eaten it and comes looking for more he'll 'bounce back' to your side in right place.

More information on markers can be found by searching
How to play Doglotto can be found by searching in this group for


Dog Lotto - pull a number out of the hat and play the corresponding game...
It's Your Choice
Have food in your hand (at or below dogs nose level).
If your dog approaches too close then close your fist to prevent him stealing.
When he backs off open up your fist again.
If your dog remains at an appropriate distance USE YOUR OTHER HAND to remove and give a piece of food to him.
*If he starts to move forwards at any point then replace the food in your hand rather than continuing to feed!
*Play this game silently. Say nothing and do nothing to help your dog. This game is about him working out that his choices have consequences hence the name "It's your choice" - it's HIS choice how to behave and the good things happen when he learns to control his impulses rather than attempt to help himself or show no manners.
*Use less desirable food to make the game easier or tastier food to make it harder; what that is will depend on your dog's preferences.


Dog Lotto - pull a number out of the hat and play the corresponding game...
'Get it'
Restrain your dog whilst you build interest in a toy by moving it around just out of his reach. Only when your dog is straining to get to the toy... say "Get it" and release your dog to go and play with the toy.
*Don't make any attempt to force your dog to give up the toy. *Keeping hold of the toy so that you and your dog both have it at the same time will enable you to start a game of 'Tuggy'. This teaches your dog to enjoy playing with toys with you which in turn will help your dog learn to return with items rather than playing 'keep away'. Play fair!
*This game starts to teach your dog that "Get it" means he can take an item.
End the game by letting go of the toy rather than taking it away from the dog!


Dog Lotto

Over the next few weeks and months I am going to start posting numbered 'games' to practice during short training sessions with your dog. These will all be easy and quick so that they can be done within a short 'Pause'. Many can be repeated several times within the Pause; some, particularly later on, will take longer. Whether your Pause is 3 minutes or 3 pieces of kibble long doesn't matter; it's up to you and how much time you have! Some of the games will build on skills learnt in earlier games so you will need to start at the beginning like this...
Pause 1 - play game 1 then put the number 1 on a piece of paper and put it in a bag for next time.
Pause 2 - play game 2, write the number 2 on a new piece of paper and add it to the bag.

Pause 3 onwards...from this point onwards you always have a choice.
Select a number from the bag and play the game which corresponds to the number, i.e. a game that you already know.
Progress your training and use the search function (hint: it looks like a magnifying glass) and search for the next game by typing in 'X' (where the 'X' is the number of the game that you require). Play the new game, write the number on a new piece of paper and add it to your bag for future 'Pauses'.
Hint: It will help you to remember what the game is if you write down its name as well as its number!

Playing 'Doglotto' will help you practice and progress your dog training skills by providing a structure to your sessions. Sessions should not be long or boring! Ideally, take Three for Fido several times a day whether that is 3 minutes or 3 pieces of kibble!


Dog Lotto - pull a number out of the hat and play the corresponding game...
That's my name
Say your dog's name and then give an awesome reward (remember that to be effective the reward has to be some thing that YOUR DOG FINDS REWARDING AT THAT PARTICULAR MOMENT IN TIME)


Dog Lotto - pull a number out of the hat and play the corresponding game...
Offered Attention
'mark and reward' offered attention (when you dog looks in your direction without you asking) by throwing the reward (this 'resets' for the next rep)




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