Carnival fun!
What a giggle we all had yesterday at St Teath Carnival 😁.
So many brilliant entries and really chuffed with a 3rd place rosette for Bridget's Barn!
Thank you so much Team BB Anna Sanders, Jake Masters, Emma Davoust-Zangari and of course our little chick Archie 😋.
A bit peckish!
These fluffballs were ready to come out of the incubator and have their first taste of chick crumb. Lots of happy, busy cheeping!
Crested Cream Legbars, Marsbars and my first Gingernut Rangers. A lovely selection of auto-sexing and sex-linked chicks.
Hatching eggs are available just PM me for more info 🙂
Silkies (unsexed) and female Cream Legbar chicks available.
Just hatched (and super cute of course!).
Just need to fluff up then they are ready for a new 🏠.
Based St Teath PL303.
PM me for further details please.
First egg unzipping from this hatch and it's a Silkie!
Unzipping anticlockwise looking at the round end/air sac in a textbook hatching fashion!
Perfect job 😍
Popcorn's pride and joy!
6 gorgeous chicks arrived on Good Friday and she's now let me have a peek!
Thought the girls' 'egg song' sounded a tad different today!
What a beauty 🐓
Such busy bees!
We had a fantastic hatch of these Crested Cream Legbars and a single White Leghorn.
These will fulfill some of your orders for POL but plenty more hatching over the next week or so, so look out for availability of sexed day old chicks soon! 🤞🐣🐣
Well it looks like Pilau the Pilkie has been keeping up with my posts!
She's got her broody on for some of the surplus hatching eggs.
Of she's goes with 5 Marsbars and 3 Cream Legbars.
She's a trusted, experienced member of Bridget's Broody Bunch so I don't doubt she'll succeed!🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣
Happy Mother's day all!💐
Popcorn our Pilkie is in full Mummy mode!
My idea of heaven: in a warm bed all day, being fed and watered!