Muck & Mayhem Equine and Animal Reiki Energy Healing

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Muck & Mayhem Equine and Animal Reiki Energy Healing Reiki healing isn't just for people any animal regardless of size or species can and do benefit from


Well thought I'd take the plunge and do a equine bodywork course, I'm quite interested in equine massage. I'm qualified in aromatherapy massage but thats for humans so thought Id expand my knowledge. Think May is enjoying being my test subject, she was quite specific where she wanted to be massaged and positioned herself so I would have no doubt ๐Ÿ˜„


It is so easy to upset situations, the little cob I have been working on Pegs, developed sunburn on her nose and mouth, I tried to apply some aloe vera, this was not a good idea, the situation upset her so much I could no longer get anywhere near her. Just this simple of things. I have been to visit her about half a dozen times but she avoided me completely. So I decided to leave her a few weeks then try again. Over this weekend I have taken my time just to get our connection back and gradually I could see her wanting to come close, wanting to connect with me but not sure she could trust me, I sat slightly turned away from her and slowly she approached, just to sniff then walk away but she wanted the connection so much she eventually came over and asked me to scratch her, it was such a wonderful moment when she stood next to me all relaxed whilst I massaged her neck and ears. Will be taking things nice and gentle because she needs things this way.โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿฉน


Had a lovely reiki and meridian energy session with a pony recently. Each time I reached a specific point along the bladder meridian he walked away, so we opted for the less hands on reiki treatment to work on the area, which he enjoyed much more ๐Ÿ˜„ unfortunately didnt get any photos of the sweet boy!


Well it was D Day last week, time to move little May to pastures new. She loaded, travelled and unloaded like a dream, no stress or anxiety. I am so proud of her. Time, patience and a lot of trust in their human help a horse overcome most things. ๐Ÿด ๐Ÿ’


๐“๐ก๐ž ๐จ๐ง๐ž ๐ฐ๐ก๐จ ๐ฐ๐š๐ง๐ญ๐ฌ ๐ข๐ญ ๐š๐ฅ๐ฅโ€ฆ

She was so excited to get her horse, she finally got him. Spent years with him. Doing everything she wanted, cross country, jumping, dressage, trial riding whatever she wanted he did.

And then one day he was no longer enough, she ๐ฐ๐š๐ง๐ญ๐ž๐ ๐ฆ๐จ๐ซ๐ž. She sold him on to another home and he was left in a new environment, with new people, new horses, new smells and new routines. He was wondering where his friend had gone? And why he was no longer with her.

Her new horse arrived, he could jump higher, move nicer and was everything ๐ฌ๐ก๐ž ๐ฐ๐š๐ง๐ญ๐ž๐. Until one day he wasnโ€™t, she ๐ง๐ž๐ž๐๐ž๐ ๐ฆ๐จ๐ซ๐ž. So she sold him on and he was left feeling the exact same as her previous horse, unsure whether he was coming or going.

One day she sat back and wondered why she was looking for more, she realised she ๐ฐ๐š๐ง๐ญ๐ž๐ ๐ข๐ญ ๐š๐ฅ๐ฅ, but at the expense of her horses.

We need to understand that horses are not a commodity. They are living beings not here to please us or give us what we want, letโ€™s start treating them like the beautiful creatures they are.

๐“๐ก๐ž ๐จ๐ง๐ž ๐ฐ๐ก๐จ ๐ฐ๐š๐ง๐ญ๐ฌ ๐ข๐ญ ๐š๐ฅ๐ฅ.

Written By - ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐…๐ž๐š๐ซ๐Ÿ๐ฎ๐ฅ ๐‘๐ข๐๐ž๐ซ

Art Work By - Dorota Kudyba Art ๐Ÿ’–


Had a very good ester weekend with my little mares. Peggy the little mare who never wanted to be caught, went out for a ride with one of her paddock mates. We had a lovely little hack through the fields and she was so well behaved.

May the little mare who wouldn't load, loads quite easily now, we put up the back ramp and stood inside eating for a little while, I thought she might run out of the trailer once I put the ramp back down but no she stayed inside with us. Then yesterday I was riding her past the trailer and she stopped and wanted to go to the trailer, she was quite insistent she wanted to go to it โ˜บ๏ธ she obviously now associates the trailer as a positive place where she gets to eat tasty treats.

No the clearest photo think the sun was on the lens.  Ba****ck and only in headcollar, a long way from the little girl n...

No the clearest photo think the sun was on the lens. Ba****ck and only in headcollar, a long way from the little girl not wanting to be caught. ๐Ÿ’–


I've also been working on the little bay mare, to help with loading issued. Once again, I want this little mare to want to load, its so much nice if your horse wants to do something for you rather than trying to force the situation. After some standing and waiting she loaded twice last week and three times this week, unfortunately she is still rushing to get back out of the trailer. So we intend to work on this, I will use a slightly different approach and hopefully she will learn its ok to be inside the trailer, no monsters around. I will keep you updated.


Had a nice session with the coloured cob today, I've been working with her due to catching issues. I've always been able to catch her after a short time but that doesn't mean she wants to be caught, show her the headcollar and she is off, so today we took it a step back. I want her to want to be caught, to come to me because she wants to. So out came all my meditation, reiki and animal communication training. We had a lovely session, she chose to come and stand with me and we relaxed. Just a short time later I held out her headcollar and in my mind asked her to put her nose to it, after a few seconds she lowered her head and touched it with her nose. She did this a few times getting lots of praise. I opened the noseband wider and held it open, once again in my mind I asked her to put her nose into it which she proceeded to on three occasions, she let me hold the headcollar with her nose inside. This to her was a very big step. I'm so proud of her. We ended the session there with lots of praise and some treats.

I know I've not posted on here for a while, after losing Jess, I felt a little lost but I've still been busy, probably t...

I know I've not posted on here for a while, after losing Jess, I felt a little lost but I've still been busy, probably trying to fill the empty space she left. I was offered the chance of bringing a few horses back into work, so I've been taking it slowly over the winter, looking forward to doing a little bit more once the longer days are here. I've been using my reiki healing, taking it a step deeper by using a type of bodywork, working with the meridian lines. I think this bunch have enjoyed it. I know I have ๐Ÿฅฐ

Nemo and Tate two beautiful boys all the way from the USA, on whom I have completed a few distance reiki and communicati...

Nemo and Tate two beautiful boys all the way from the USA, on whom I have completed a few distance reiki and communication sessions

Recently I had to say goodbye to my beautiful mare, she was the last of my equine gang,  41 years of being in partnershi...

Recently I had to say goodbye to my beautiful mare, she was the last of my equine gang, 41 years of being in partnership with these beautiful souls, it's a heartbreaking time but because of my reiki and AC journey I know they are all living their best life somewhere just out of sight. I began my Reiki training and Animal Communication training because of these special equines, I wanted to be able to connect more, I wanted to help them, understand them. There is something almost spiritual about the horse, the connection and bond you developed is hard to explain, it begins deep within your soul and wraps itself tight around your heart. I was privileged to have spent so many years in their company ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–


Does the spirit live on after death, I'm a believer that it does. I have been practicing Animal Communication for some time and have had the opportunity to communicate with animals that have past over the rainbow bridge. I was given the chance recently to speak to a dog that had passed suddenly, it wasn't a long connection but he gave me 4 key points, which when passed on to his human mum made perfect sense to her. It doesn't stop her grieving but it does give her a little comfort.

I just thought this was a sad but lovely image.   I,  and I'm sure a few others have been through the heartbreak of the ...

I just thought this was a sad but lovely image. I, and I'm sure a few others have been through the heartbreak of the loss of their horse/horses. ๐Ÿ’”

Currently working on this little chap for slight anxiety issues  ๐Ÿ’™

Currently working on this little chap for slight anxiety issues ๐Ÿ’™


Just completed a couple of Distant Reiki sessions on an animals guardian, mostly to let her feel what her pet might feel. Although at one point her pet chose to join in too ๐Ÿ˜Š
I feel she understands it now

Went to visit this little man who is struggling with anxiety around people, he avoided eye contact, wanted to hide away ...

Went to visit this little man who is struggling with anxiety around people, he avoided eye contact, wanted to hide away behind his dad chair and did a lot of tongue flicking all signs of anxiety. I completed one short introduction reiki session in person and three further sessions of distance reiki. His mum messaged me to say he seemed much calmer out and about, he wasnt yet up to greeting people but he was no longer avoiding them out on his walks. We will monitor him for the next two weeks. ๐Ÿ’–

This is a beautiful little man, on whom I did a couple of distant reiki sessions.   There are some beautiful little soul...

This is a beautiful little man, on whom I did a couple of distant reiki sessions. There are some beautiful little souls out there ๐Ÿ’–


When doing a reading on a cat which had recently passed, it showed me the image of him walking and playing on the grass and said tell her I'm playing in the grass.... when I passed this on the the pet mum, she became upset, she had rescued this cat and it had never been outside, never been on grass but a couple of days before he passed she had taken him to a park on a lead and let him feel the grass for the first time.. him showing her playing in the grass seemed insignificant to me but as you can see it was very significant to her.


I thought I would add snippets from another couple of Animal Communication sessions I've done. These show that however insignificant the words seem to me, they mean so much to the pet parent.

At the end of a reading with a dog who had passed over, his last words were.. Just mow the lawn!! When I passed this on his mum she was amazed, only that morning a neighbour had asked her husband if he could mow their lawn, she wasnt best pleased as her husband wasnt in the best of health mobility wise and had been complaining about them asking. Obviously her dog thought she should stop complaining and just mow the lawn!! ๐Ÿคฃ

Completed a couple of reiki session on these little ladies, after Milly became quite poorly.  I offered the reiki to her...

Completed a couple of reiki session on these little ladies, after Milly became quite poorly. I offered the reiki to her sister also and gave her the option of taking it or not, didnt want her to miss out. ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy to say little Milly is now on the mend.


I didnt realise it's been so long since I posted on this page... Shame on me. Life has been somewhat busy over the past few months with work, a new dog, my own horse has also had big problems with her feet, teeth, weight and and lameness for different reasons ๐Ÿ™„ retirement for her, pain relief, reiki lots of love and care. We will see how thing go over the next few months.
Although I haven't posted I have been busy, with distant reiki sessions and getting back into the amazing experience of animal communication. I'm going to post a couple of the more wow moment readings I've given. I'm still very much at the practicing stage, a major lack of confidence prevents me taking it further but who knows what the future holds in store for me ๐Ÿ™‚


Here is one AC reading I did a little while back on a dog that had passed. I will only give the initial of the dogs name. I do the reading from a photo. I only know the dogs name.

Hi when I looked at Js photo, I picked up something about cancer, possibly bone cancer. Did J ever do any herding? Possibly cattle? Strange he said I used to herd before I was with Mum. I got an image of him being lifted up and down from a couch or bed as he got older. Do you like to sing he showed me an image of you singing in the kitchen as he watched? Has J ever been to the beach he showed me an image of him running barking at the waves enjoying himself, he was saying look where I am mum.. He spoke about the number 12. He also mentioned the names Thomas, either Lucinda or Linda and what sounded like William or William Charles. He also showed me an image of you laying on a sofa and him laying next to you you were feeling very down, someone had gone from your life...

J's mums reply...
Wow! You really connected with him thank you !! ๐Ÿ˜ข. The vet said he had bone cancer... I got J from a farm when a puppy, so he may have tried herding... I did lift him up and down off my bed when he got older... I always sing when I clean the kitchen.. J loved the beach... 12 is how old he would have been now.. Linda is my mum... William Charles is my friends real name but he goes by Chad. The image of me on the sofa could have been just after I'd lost my sister. J has been kn my mind this week so thank you so much for validating he is still around.

Most definitely ๐Ÿฅฐ

Most definitely ๐Ÿฅฐ

Been sending distant Reiki to this beauty, to work on possible emotional based issues... work in progress, will keep you...

Been sending distant Reiki to this beauty, to work on possible emotional based issues... work in progress, will keep you informed.






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