RB Canine Academy

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RB Canine Academy Training owners to train their dogs My names Ryan and I am the sole trainer at the RB Canine Academy.

Over the past 8 years of working with thousands of dogs and having experienced hundreds of breeds in all shapes and sizes I have wanted to make a difference to the lives of our canine companions. Working with other trainers and educating myself over the past couple of years has allowed me to expand my knowledge in how to help even the most difficult of cases. Working with reactive, aggressive or j

ust out of control dogs has allowed me to be able to pick apart a situation and find the best solution and training style for your dog. I aim to give you the tools an the information necessary to allow you and your dogs relationship to thrive and allow all dogs to have the life they deserve.

We hear this waaaay too often and I can’t really believe people think it’s a viable excuse. All dogs can be trained to a...

We hear this waaaay too often and I can’t really believe people think it’s a viable excuse.

All dogs can be trained to a high level. The only thing that’s stopping them is you!

“Huskies just don’t have good recall”. No, you can’t train a husky to have good recall.

“Doodles just naturally want to follow you everywhere anyway”. No, you never trained your doodle to hold a bed stay.

There is no excuse. Breed can make a difference in terms of genetic desires to interact with a the environment more than others but that does not mean it’s an excuse for you to not train them!

The only thing that’s holding your dog back is you, and if you can’t train your dog to a high level after trying that’s perfectly fine. But not asking for help to get them to that point is wasting your dogs potential and wasting their life.

Unlock your dog, ask for help, don’t blame their breed

We all know how good a dogs nose is. So why do we think that putting our hand up them is a good way to greet them? They ...

We all know how good a dogs nose is.

So why do we think that putting our hand up them is a good way to greet them? They have capability to detect the tiniest changes in hormonal levels to be service dogs.

So why do we put our hand out to smell them? Invasion of space can make a dog uncomfortable or even go on the offensive if their signals are ignored.

I think it’s because of this. If I held my hand out to you to shake your hand, you would (hopefully) shake it back as a peace offering.

A dog coming to sniff you is a hand outstretched, to us we outstretch our hand as a courtesy. Dogs do not work this this.

A dog coming up to you is not an invitation to touch all the time.

In this scenario you should not reach out your hand. Wait to see if the dog leaves or stays after they sniff you and then see if they want to engage.

If you try to entice a dog over and they don’t want to. Forcing that interaction won’t make you friends, but it does give you an increased chance of getting bit.

Ignore dogs

It is impossible to avoid stress. This does not mean we throw our dogs into the lions den with every fear they’ve ever h...

It is impossible to avoid stress.

This does not mean we throw our dogs into the lions den with every fear they’ve ever had. But it does mean that exposing them to the things they’re scared of is important, even if it is distressing for them.

Being scared of the bins we cannot run away from, they should be encouraged to investigate and overcome those fears.

If they have are scared of the lead or even being introduced to lead pressure they cannot be taught that having a fit and tantrum is going to work.

Work them through it, and even if it distressing for them you know it will benefit them in the long run.

The ethics of welfare span the entire life span of the dog, not just in the moment. If a few moments of discomfort or stress to get a dog out of a hole and into a better life for their remaining years,

Absolutely I will do it every time so that dogs world is open to the maximum it can be.

Why is it your business? Unless someone is specifically asking for your advice then you don’t give it. Sometimes that’s ...

Why is it your business?

Unless someone is specifically asking for your advice then you don’t give it.

Sometimes that’s really hard coming from a professional point of view because we want to correct misinformation or fix things before they get too far.

The difficult bit about it is that people need to want to be helped in order to be helped.

People do not take well to you just interjecting and trying to fix their problems when they didn’t ask. It’s rude, and makes them feel like they aren’t trying because you’re just telling them they could be doing someone else to be better.

Your opinion is not needed if it isn’t asked for. You are going to have that opinion anyway but that doesn’t mean it needs to come out of your mouth.

If people want help, they will ask, if people do not ask, keep it to yourself, or tell someone else if you feel the need to share it.

It’s unwarranted advice. You’re not being their saviour by commenting on their instagram reel about how their training is going so well and offering your opinion on how you did it with your dog. They didn’t ask.

If it’s an open conversation and they are welcoming advice, that’s your cue to start typing.

Always be the student. There seems to be this thing where people who train a specific way think they just know more or k...

Always be the student.

There seems to be this thing where people who train a specific way think they just know more or know everything someone else does which is a ridiculous notion.

Everyone has the ability to learn from someone else due to different perspectives and different learning styles.

To say you cannot learn anything from someone because they consider themselves more educated detaches yourself from reality and the ability to learn from any given situation.

Everyone has something to offer so it is important to listen and understand the perspective someone comes from.

Now in the end you maybe not agree, but at least you had the ability to learn how someone else might think and view a situation and have a healthy conversation.

There is no dialogue in training anymore. It’s “I know more” or “I would never train that way so I must be better”. No one has their ears open anymore and the only thing that suffers are the dogs.

Listen more, talk less

No one gets to tell you how to raise your dog. If your dog is thriving outside and inside and everywhere in between, why...

No one gets to tell you how to raise your dog.

If your dog is thriving outside and inside and everywhere in between, why are you letting people tell you how to raise and care for your dog.

You know your dog better than anyone else. You know their needs and their personality. Captain Karen on Facebook then comments ‘you’re abusing your dog’ when clearly your dog is happy then you don’t need to listen to them.

I don’t care about how you train your dog as long as the dog thrives. You can train them force free, positive only, balanced and whatever you want to call it. The priority is the happiness and overall welfare of your pet.

The people that are not truly invested in the dogs well being are the people who see a happy dog, then hear about how you train them and then say you’re abusing the dog.

If the welfare of the dog is the most important thing then the way they’re trained is irrelevant. If the way they’re trained overpowers the welfare of the dog then they don’t care about the welfare of the dog, just their personal feelings and motives.

Dogs are not being treated like dogsIt’s unbelievable that I have to type this. Your dog is a dog. It’s not a human. It’...

Dogs are not being treated like dogs

It’s unbelievable that I have to type this. Your dog is a dog. It’s not a human. It’s a dog. It has different needs to us. We are not the same.

We have spent 40,000 years selectively breeding dogs for specific purposes in specific environments. Only over the last 100 years have people now started to want just a chill sofa dog that isn’t going to do a lot.

No wonder we have so many behavioural problems when people are getting Border Collies and not providing an outlet for their genetics.

Dogs need to be provided with the needs they were bred for. It is selfish to want your dog to do what you want without providing anything back in return.

As much as you think they’re your child or you’re a pawrent, it is essential that you still treat your dog as such in order to give them the best life possible.

This means providing structure, discipline, fulfilment as well as the cuddles you want. You don’t get to give the love and cuddles without the boring stuff that comes with it.

I say this all the time it’s one of the phrases I say constantly. A job does not mean sending your dog off to work out i...

I say this all the time it’s one of the phrases I say constantly.

A job does not mean sending your dog off to work out in a field. It means you give instructions to your dog to concentrate on. That can mean a sit stay, a duration place command or even just lying down wherever they are.

Giving a job just means giving your dog something to do. Dogs without instruction and that are not in learning and listening mode, go into freelance and choose their own jobs to occupy themselves.

This usually results in bratty, destructive and sometimes even dangerous behaviours that they just like doing. It can also send them into an anxious and insecure mindset if they lack the direction needed to build their confidence.

Give your dog instructions, give them direction, and they will become your employee and not open up a rival business on your own patch.

Big question that most owners ask. Essentially if you can get your dog off the sofa when you ask and they have no behavi...

Big question that most owners ask.

Essentially if you can get your dog off the sofa when you ask and they have no behavioural issues then absolutely they can come up and snuggle.

Privileges are earned, and being next to us on the sofa where our scent is the strongest is a privilege. If they cannot use that privilege properly then they don’t get it.

I’m all about removing areas of conflict before they spiral into something else or something more serious.

This does not mean they can’t have the sofa time back, it just means you have some work to do before they are back up there.

Your responsibility is to your dog and not anyone else’s feelings. People will try to make you feel bad. It’s not your j...

Your responsibility is to your dog and not anyone else’s feelings.

People will try to make you feel bad. It’s not your job to fulfil their dogs needs with interactions with your dogs. If you need to hold their dog at a distance to keep your dog safe then that is what you must do.

Advocate for your dog.

There is nothing beneficial to meeting strange dogs you may never meet again. Your dog SHOULD have regular dog friends that have similar play styles and communication systems that involve boundary setting and neutrality.

Do what is right by your dog. Trust in your relationship will fall dramatically if you routinely put your dog in a position they aren’t comfortable with. Don’t do it

Respect your dog

A dog that is truly not motivated by food is unwell and needs to be seen by a vet immediately.It is against any animals ...

A dog that is truly not motivated by food is unwell and needs to be seen by a vet immediately.

It is against any animals nature to starve themselves. The ones that do are unwell.

What your dog is actually telling you is that they are not motivated to work for food as reinforcement. Reinforcement being the key aspect of the sentence. In order for you to use food effectively they have to be driven to work and earn it.

Ways you can build food drive include:

Removing other treats and scraps during the day. Stopping food based enrichment. Stop free feeding. Reduce the amount of food being fed to put them in a calorie deficit, promoting weight loss also. Reduced opportunities for eating.

If you want to work with treats and not with a daily food allowance, that is your choice, but the calorie intact from treats better be accommodated in the reducing meal sizes to go with it.

If your dog eats, it’s motivated by food for survival. Tap in to the necessity of food for survival and watch the drive for food as reinforcement build.

There is no excuseYou say you’re busy? You don’t already spend 10 minutes feeding your dog? Why not put that food in you...

There is no excuse

You say you’re busy? You don’t already spend 10 minutes feeding your dog? Why not put that food in your pocket and use it for training?

You walk your dog twice a day? There’s 2 sessions to work on loose lead walking and recall at a minimum. You can work on dog neutrality and your engagement. You can play with your dog to improve your relationship.

If you say you don’t have time you’re lazy and if you really don’t have time to feed or walk your dog then you shouldn’t have a dog

Training is an obligation, not an option

Message to book on. Meeting place will be sent once booked on and confirmed. Rules of the walk apply to everyone.Everyon...

Message to book on. Meeting place will be sent once booked on and confirmed.

Rules of the walk apply to everyone.

Everyone and every dog is welcome as long as they are going to handle the training. If you’re unsure, send a message first and we will see if it’s appropriate

E-Collar Masterclass4 in person group sessions to go over all the essentials you’ll need to understand how to use it eff...

E-Collar Masterclass

4 in person group sessions to go over all the essentials you’ll need to understand how to use it effectively to achieve of lead freedom.

Your dog must have a good understanding of basic behaviours like place, sit and a basic recall in order to attend. A good understanding involves doing this behaviours when asked without bribery or luring into position.

The course is run out of a venue in Oakham so please be prepared to travel

If you are unsure on if you’re suitable for this course give Ryan or Wayne a message for more information.


Lots of people struggle with predatory behaviour. Their dogs love chasing squirrels, rabbits, sheep, horses, birds, the works and people are being lied to saying they can fix it with high value rewards and time.

If you’re struggling with predation and want to get your dog off lead the only proven and reliable way to achieve this is about to be banned.

This farmer alone has had 5 attacks this year and we are coming up to lambing season. Equipment fails, your extender lead may break, you may be surprised and have the lead pulled out your hand or you may not even see the wildlife but your dog has picked up the scent from miles away. All of these are possible, don’t think it won’t be your dog cause one day it will and the farmer has the right to shoot it if your dog endangers their livestock.

Know your dog better than you think you know them and prepare them for everything so you can take them everywhere

Thank you to everyone who has made this year possible. Thank you for trusting me with your dogs and working hard to bene...

Thank you to everyone who has made this year possible.

Thank you for trusting me with your dogs and working hard to benefit them in any way possible.

I look forward to working with past, present and future clients In 2024 and beyond!

Hope everyone has a great Christmas and the best start to 2024 you can have!

One of things that happens in dog ownership is that when we get a dog for the first time, or just a new dog at that, is ...

One of things that happens in dog ownership is that when we get a dog for the first time, or just a new dog at that, is we have this future expectation of what that dog is going to be like.

A lot of people will want a well rounded dog, that likes to play with other dogs, likes people and is calm and relaxed the majority of the time, wanting to cuddle on the sofa watching tv with you in the evenings.

That’s just one example, but there are obviously many.

Unfortunately we do not get to choose what the dog we get likes and dislikes. Dogs can not like other dogs and that’s ok. Some dogs prefer their personal space and will choose to sit away from us and that’s ok too.

Can you imagine growing up as a kid not liking football but being made to train or play 2 times a week. How demotivated and untrusting of your parents that might make you to know your guardians are potentially forcing you to do something you don’t like.

What we do have is a responsibility to accommodate our dogs preferences and fulfil them within the means they are successful in.

Constantly forcing them on to other dogs won’t make them like them. Forcing attention won’t make them like it either. But having a mutual respect for each others boundaries and preferences will make them better and it will enhance your relationship.

We don’t get to choose what works best for our dogs. But we do have an obligation to use what works so they have the best chance to succeed.

The big Christmas pack walk is here! Our way of giving back before Christmas is a free pack walk for anyone and everyone...

The big Christmas pack walk is here!

Our way of giving back before Christmas is a free pack walk for anyone and everyone to join in with! There are unlimited spaces, all you need to do is message for a space to let us know your attending!


Message for a place and the meeting point.
9am start

25th November 2023 9am meet We’ll be walking through the town centre and stopping for some training along the way. Send ...

25th November 2023
9am meet

We’ll be walking through the town centre and stopping for some training along the way.

Send a message to book on!

It’s becoming quite clear that people are not doing the research into their breed selection in order to find a dog that ...

It’s becoming quite clear that people are not doing the research into their breed selection in order to find a dog that will seamlessly fit into their life style.

We are seeing people getting way too much dog for their capabilities or getting the wrong breeds and cannot exercise or mentally fulfil them.

Just because you may have had collies all your life, or your previous dog was as good as gold, does not mean you are equipped to deal with the next one in that immediate stage in your life.

If you don’t want to walk 10 miles a day don’t get a husky. If you don’t want to do the extra mental stimulation and extra training, don’t get a working breed. Just because you want it. Doesn’t mean you should get it. And if you do get it, be responsible and accountable to ask for help.

Owning a dog is a privilege, not a right.

If you want to learn about any of the services listed, send a message on: WhatsApp, Check the website with the address o...

If you want to learn about any of the services listed, send a message on:


Check the website with the address on the post or

Send an email enquiry

To ask for more details about specific services and extra details you might require about the issues with your dogs behaviour.

Book a free phone consultation today!

Please read the slides for information on the walks. Meeting place will be messaged out on the run up to the walk beginn...

Please read the slides for information on the walks.

Meeting place will be messaged out on the run up to the walk beginning.

Send a message on Instagram, Facebook or message on WhatsApp at 07563198022 for extra information.

November 12th 202309:00-14:00£100 per dog and handlerCovering all the important foundations every single dog and their o...

November 12th 2023
£100 per dog and handler
Covering all the important foundations every single dog and their owner should have and much more!

Message myself or Wayne at Military K9 Fitness & Behaviour on Facebook or Instagram. Or use the respected phone numbers for myself or Wayne over WhatsApp.

This workshop is an absolute steal for the price point we’ve put it at. You won’t get much more affordable for the quality!

Workshop details:

We are hosting a group training day in Oakham on November 12th, 0900-1400

Everyone is welcome, from pup to senior, any breed, any behaviour.

Places are limited so we can work with everyone.
Private secure parking so dogs can chill and we will of course be stopping for coffee!

If you are not an existing client and you would like to book a place, please send details of your dog and any issues we might need to be aware of.

Places can be booked through myself on 07359 730188 or Facebook

Or Ryan


I’ve been wanting to make a post like this for a while but never really found a way to do it without it being bitchy but...

I’ve been wanting to make a post like this for a while but never really found a way to do it without it being bitchy but I’ll do my best.

Being social does not mean you socialised your dog correctly. It means you got a genetically social dog. There are plenty of people who do everything right and still end up with a dog that may not like dogs and that’s ok.

The issue I have is when people say ‘it’s ok he’s friendly’ and we say ‘we’re in training, he’s not’ the common reply is ‘well you shouldn’t be out here’ or ‘you should’ve socialised him better’. These people are the most annoying of anyone we ever meet as what they really mean is that they have no control over their dog and rely on the interaction with other dogs to provide fulfilment.

Way too many people are not realising what goes into a well rounded dog and just thinking they can do puppy classes and that’s it, job done.

If this mentality continues to exist then dogs will continue to be injured and attacked, continue to have negative experiences in public and will continue to lose their lives and I hate every second of watching it happen. If the dog licence doesn’t come back, we’ll just go through breed by breed and equipment by equipment, banning everything. And the worse thing is the people who don’t think they’re the problem actually are.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk

1 space left!

1 space left!

Is your dog reactive and needs some help?

This course aims to give you the fundamentals you need to understand where your dogs reactivity comes from and how we can help fix it.

This isn’t a one-and-done course. You will need to practice and train once the course has finished, applying all your knowledge that you learnt to the real world.

If you’d like a space and to know where this workshop is being held, get in contact to book a space.

Message on either Instagram or Facebook or message Ryan on WhatsApp on 07563198022

The first FREE UNLIMITED pack walk is up and ready to go. Please read through the information on slides to find out rule...

The first FREE UNLIMITED pack walk is up and ready to go. Please read through the information on slides to find out rules for the walks. If you are unsure on whether these are suitable for your dog, please message first.

Meeting place will be messaged out upon confirmation of attendance.

Is your dog reactive and needs some help? This course aims to give you the fundamentals you need to understand where you...

Is your dog reactive and needs some help?

This course aims to give you the fundamentals you need to understand where your dogs reactivity comes from and how we can help fix it.

This isn’t a one-and-done course. You will need to practice and train once the course has finished, applying all your knowledge that you learnt to the real world.

If you’d like a space and to know where this workshop is being held, get in contact to book a space.

Message on either Instagram or Facebook or message Ryan on WhatsApp on 07563198022



Deeble Road

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00


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