What conditions can acupuncture be used for with horses?
Horses taking part in a wide range of disciplines are prone to developing minor injuries that often go unnoticed. Eventually these build up and cause the horse to compensate by altering its way of moving and this makes it susceptible to more serious injury. Acupuncture for horses can be a huge benefit to providing treatment to their underlying issue. Acupuncture for horses can be used as part of a treatment protocol for almost any medical condition with very little exception. It is often used in combination with conventional veterinary treatment so the patient experiences the benefits of the combined effects.
In equine practice, acupuncture is commonly used together with chiropractic for the relief of musculoskeletal pain. It is especially useful for treating:
Any type of muscle soreness, particularly of the neck, shoulders, back and hindquarters.
Cold backs – resentment of saddling and girthing, dipping on mounting, general stiffness, inability to bend on one or both reins,
head tilt, inability to flex from the poll, shortness of stride, not going forward from the leg, disunited or bunny-hopping at canter, moving un-level behind, ‘hopping’ on the transition from walk to trot, bucking on the transition from trot to canter, irritability and soreness during grooming.
Sacroiliac pain
Headshaker syndromes.
Acupuncture is also used to influence the function of internal organs:
Respiratory problems
Dermatological problems
Gynaecological problems in mares, including infertility
Poor immunity and post viral lethargy
Digestive problems including loss of appetite, diarrhoea and some types of colic.