We don’t just want to make sure that you are buying safe products for your pets, we want to make sure you are up to date and all knowing if the unsafe products too!
The Latest Fail - the pet trade is killing our pets once again
Marketed towards rabbits and rodents as a safe way to encourage natural gnawing behaviours and helping to keep teeth in good condition these compressed sawdust chews are actually a death trap.
Made from flavoured sawdust, to encourage chewing, these ‘natural’ chews will absorb gut moisture and swell within the digestive tract leading to potential blockages and, if not treated with expensive and risky surgery, will result in death.
Gut blockages are serious and if not caught early often fatal.
They provide no additional benefits to dental health that cannot be met by a suitable diet and safe enrichment items.
Please please don't buy these for your furry family members, it simply isn’t worth the risk. They are indigestible, meaning that they cannot be broken down in the gut and have to pass through the entire digestive tract and out the other end, all the while absorbing more and more moisture and potentially clumping together.