Ros Freeman Dog Trainer Isle of Wight

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  • Ros Freeman Dog Trainer Isle of Wight

Ros Freeman Dog Trainer Isle of Wight Ros Freeman is a full member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers and has been training dogs for over 30 years.

She is the former owner and director of Bark2School in Gosport, and she continues to work on the mainland as well as the Isle of Wight.


If you have sent a message through f.b. or messenger, I am unable to open those messages unfortunately.
Please email to
[email protected]
Thank you



our power is off (not neighbours)
Does anybody know/have electrician who could come out now
Isle of wight
Please ...


Thank you for all your "likes"
I really appreciate this.


Run & Play with your dogs.
Exercise your dogs
Dedicated dog owners care for their dogs.
Why not try spend some time on you...!
Join aYin Yoga classs
So YOU can rest and relax, have some time just for you
Exercise in a tranquil setting.
I have just joined a Yin Yoga class and it is fantastic for MY wellbeing, body, muscles, and tension. I have found it helps me to relax and enjoy my dog even more.
Wonderful instructor.
(For more info read the notice I have already posted on my page)
Or email/telephone me.
Take care x

Sometimes even q trainer's dog needs to chill.Here is my dog holly 11 years in Sept.Like all my dog owners live my littl...

Sometimes even q trainer's dog needs to chill.
Here is my dog holly 11 years in Sept.
Like all my dog owners live my little pooch to bits.
Need help or advice please feel free to email me.

E: [email protected]


Thank you to my new I.o.w. owners and their dogs for choosing me to help with your dog's training


Do you know what Piloerection is??

You may have seen this if your dog becomes aroused, or very interested in something.....

Pilorection is where your dogs hair along his/her back is raised (some of you will know this by the term "raised hackles")

Raised hackles can appear on the tail, the whole back, neck and shoulders and is a sign that your dog is aroused or interested (but not necessarily meaning your dog has aggressive intent, but more a sign of "to be aware", particularly if there are other signs of stress within your dog.

What can you do?

Firstly increase the DISTANCE from whatever is concerning your dog if possible. We want to try to avoid your dog being in a position that he/she has no other option but to react. This can be a huge disadvantage when training and desensitising your dog by many weeks.

If you need help or advice, please feel free to contact me.

Take care and best wishes


Hi allThought you might like to see my little dog out for her walk today, wonderful background isn't it.Rosx

Hi all
Thought you might like to see my little dog out for her walk today, wonderful background isn't it.

Thanks for all my new views and likes folks, much appreciated.See you soonRos

Thanks for all my new views and likes folks, much appreciated.

See you soon



Hello to all my owners
As you know I am out of action due to my operation. However please if you need a chat or help feel free to email or telephone me.
Hope 2021 to see you you all again
Keep safe
Ros x

I would like to wish all my owners, their family, and their pooches a Very Merry ChristmasAnd thank you for your continu...

I would like to wish all my owners, their family, and their pooches a Very Merry Christmas
And thank you for your continued support throughout 2020.
It is a difficult time for us all and my thoughts are with you.
Keep safe and hope that 2021 is a better year for us all
Ros x


Great to meet today a wonderful puppy called Jarvis with his owners. Our first obedience session went really well and I couldn't be more proud of the little dog.

Hope to bring you some further news on how he progresses over the next few weeks.

For obvious reason not mentioned the name of the owners, but perhaps if they see this posting they may post a few words.

Well done to you all

Association of Pet Dog Trainers (MAPDT01355).


Thank you all for my new "likes" I appreciate this very much.Keep SafeRosAssociation of Pet Dog Trainers M01355

Thank you all for my new "likes" I appreciate this very much.

Keep Safe

Association of Pet Dog Trainers M01355


Message for Gail Horne

Gail I have tried to email you twice but the emails keep bouncing back. I didn't want you to think that I wasn't replying.

You must wonder why you haven't heard back from me.

Please email me again if you would like:

[email protected]

I often get asked by an owner – “why does my dog eat grass”?Some owners say to me that their dog eats grass because its ...

I often get asked by an owner – “why does my dog eat grass”?

Some owners say to me that their dog eats grass because its unwell or has an upset tummy. This could be true for a few dogs, but most dogs who eat grass do not vomit or have any adverse reactions.

Some dogs that feel unwell, may eat grass to make themselves vomit, it is thought that eating grass irritates the throat and triggers the vomiting. Usually if a dog eats grass, vomits, and then seems to be fine, they have probably taken care of the problem themselves. However, if a dog seems to be retching, but cannot vomit, or keep repeating the grass/vomit cycle repeatedly, then you should have a check up with your own vet.

But there are around 75% of grass eating dogs -who do not vomit, don’t have any reactions so why do they eat grass?

Possible theories that it could be

Provides extra fibre
Some nutrients may be missing
Habit forming
They like it- It taste nice!

Be careful of:

1. Harmful pesticides
2. Ensure your dog is protected from lungworm – do talk to you vet about treatments.
3. If you dog is bored look for better enrichments – indoors and outdoors, think of some puzzle games, brain training etc.

You should seek advice if:

1. Is eating grass, but not their normal food
2. The grass eating because excessive
3. Your dog repeatedly eats grass and vomits up over a period of a few hours
4. Your dog is eating grass and doesn’t appear to be themselves, or is unwell.


Best wishes
Association of Pet dog trainers (MAPDT 01355)

Good morningJust wanted to thank you for all my new likes - I very much appreciate your supportWarm regardsRosAssociatio...

Good morning

Just wanted to thank you for all my new likes - I very much appreciate your support

Warm regards

Association of Pet Dog Trainers (MAPDT01355)


I know it can be a very difficult time for owners who have new puppies.

With the current restrictions my Zoom on line puppy consult may benefit you and your new puppy.

If you have any questions or worries please do not hesitate to contact me, or better still book in for one of my puppy zoom consults.

Also providing Zoom on line obedience consults

Look forward to speaking to you soon

Association of Pet Dog Trainers (MAPDT 01355)- Ros Freeman


I hope you enjoy my new Zoom On Line Puppy Home Start Video.

Look forward to chatting to you.

Association of Pet Dog Trainers (MAPDT 01355)


Here is my new video to detail my puppy and dog training services that I offer throughout the Isle of Wight. I hope you enjoy it.

So pleased I could help the Mountbatten  - by donating a prize of my time and training.Good luck to you allRoshttps://ww...

So pleased I could help the Mountbatten - by donating a prize of my time and training.

Good luck to you all


Post your favourite dog photos for a minimum £3 donation. Pick a category or enter all - the choice is yours. Wonderful prizes to be won & a sunflower rosette for the winning pooches!

Thanks for my new likes owners of Isle of Wight - so pleased to hear that owners are following and liking my page.Rosx

Thanks for my new likes owners of Isle of Wight - so pleased to hear that owners are following and liking my page.


I thought some of my I.O.W. owners may like to take a look at Duke. A new puppy I am working with on the Mainland.Postin...

I thought some of my I.O.W. owners may like to take a look at Duke. A new puppy I am working with on the Mainland.

Posting on my Gosport f.b. page

I think I must have the best job in the world - if you take a look at this little puppy called Duke - with those gorgeous eyes, I am sure you will agree.

I have been very fortunate to meet with the owners of Duke (Labrador) for an initial chat, then a Puppy Home Start which went really well.

As you can see Duke is a gorgeous puppy, he was very laid back when I met him, and was brilliant with the owners little child. A very chilled puppy - Looking forward to working with the owners and Duke for some puppy obedience training and continuing to offer full support to the owners.

Hi doggie owners on the I.O.W.Thought you might like to see another one that I have trained over on the Mainland. Thank ...

Hi doggie owners on the I.O.W.

Thought you might like to see another one that I have trained over on the Mainland. Thank you for reading and for liking my I.O.W. page. I also have a Gosport f.b. page

Another fantastic owner and dog I have had the great pleasure to help train. This little man - has even gone on to start his agility career with our agility club.

I first met Veva the owner of Stanley, one of the most friendliest, happiest dogs I have had the good fortune to meet and train. I met them both for the first time in March, when Veva asked me to visit her in her home to help and advise on Stanley. There were a few problems she needed help with, the main one was how to trust Stanley out of his crate (I did put some news on this way back on my f.b. page) following on from the huge success after the visit I made, Stanley and Veva started their obedience training. From a NO recall to about 85% recall now with distractions, and 100% recall without distractions is a fantastic milestone. Veva has worked really hard on Stanley's recall, and come on so much.

His obedience now is near on perfect, especially his "wait" command.

How proud I am of them both - and how lucky I have been as a trainer to have this opportunity.

Thank you Veva and Stanley

Catch up soon

Although this story is about an owner and his dog that I trained in Gosport - I thought some of the I.O.W. owners may li...

Although this story is about an owner and his dog that I trained in Gosport - I thought some of the I.O.W. owners may like to read what I get up to every week on the mainland.

New owners!!

It is always wonderful when I receive a new enquiry from an owner asking for help with their dog (or puppy). Each enquiry I get ca be so different from the next -and you never know what help, advice or training an owner will need from day to day.

Back in late May - Steve contacted me asking if I could help with his 2 year old Rottweiler x bulldog ! - Whose name is Hagrid (what a lovely name). Steve said that Hagrid was very friendly, but can be a bit of a handful when walking, he also wanted to work Hagrid's recall.

So we met for the first time in June and since the first meeting, Steve and Hagrid had a follow on session with me, and then on the third session he brought his grandson along called Lennox (full permission given my parents of Lennox to post his picture).

Steve and Hagrid began their training in my enclosed field for the first session, we discussed the importance of gaining a good recall, especially as you can see Hagrid is a big boy! - The first session went well, and I met Steve and Hagrid again "out and about" we practise the recall with great results.

On our third session - I wanted to help Hagrid (and Steve) control his enthusiastic/fast speed to recall back to Steve (and Lennox), but at the same time not dampen Hagrid's enthusiasm to come back to us. So we worked on training Hagrid to run back to his owners but to make a stop/sit a short distance away thus not knocking over the owners. Wow this worked extremely well, and both Steve, Lennox found this hugely beneficial (and a little less scary when Hagrid run towards them). Over the 3 sessions I have discussed and advised on style of harness, and the use/reasons for Hagrid wearing a harness.

Recall is so much better
Walking on the loose lead is coming along nicely
Hagrid is more controlled when running back to Steve & Lennox
Hagrid has really enjoyed his freedom and being off lead and with Steve starting to trust him more.

What a wonderful owner, a smashing young man, and a gentle giant of a dog to train.

I am pleased to say that Steve has booked a further session and can't wait to see them again.

Keep up the great work Steve, Lennox and Hagrid
See you soon - but remember always here to help if you need it!

Fondest wishes
PS take a look at this pictures - don't you think they are wonderful, what a smile from Lennox!!! and I think a smile from Hagrid also

Do you ever ask yourself why your dog barks?Dogs bark – it is what they do!! Just like we speak….. Sometimes we relieve ...

Do you ever ask yourself why your dog barks?

Dogs bark – it is what they do!! Just like we speak…..

Sometimes we relieve tension by talking and our dogs release tension by vocalising (barking). It is a perfectly natural stress relief for them, and to be honest I am sure you will agree they have the right to bark, just as we have the right to talk.

Of course if a dog tends to bark all the time, we need to ask why? Short burst of barking is natural - perhaps your dog is barking because somebody has knocked on your front door, or they are barking for their dinner, there are many reasons your dog might bark. However, if your dog barks all the time we need to ask why? Not ask them to stop barking (by shouting no)!

Barking is a way of your dog telling you that there is something wrong, or they want something or perhaps they are worried about something. Barking could be because your dog is tense for some reason – so we need to find out what the reason is OR why your dog is tensed both of which will help your dog eventually relax.

How? – your dog may need more mental or physical release/exercise (both are especially important) or you may need help and advice in understanding the triggers that set them off and try to understand why they react as they do. .

There is no quick fix to help a dog overcome any triggers or anxieties, but there is help if you need it.

Keep safe



Thank you for all my new "likes" I really do appreciate your interest.

If there is anything that you would like some "general" advice about, please feel free to message me.

Have a great day



Questions for today?????

Do you know how modern breeding techniques may have affected our ability to read our dog's facial expressions?

Name one facial expression your dog does that you recognise???


Good morning, I just wanted to thank owners who are viewing, "liking" and commenting on my page. I very much appreciate your interest. If I can help in anyway with your dog, do get in touch for a chat. I am running Zoom calls/training. If you have a new puppy and needs some help now - I would love to come and see you for a puppy home start.

Best wishes

Association of Pet Dog Trainers MAPDT01355

You can email me at:

rosfreemantraining@gmail. com

or telephone me on: 07485030978


REVIEW - I am so very proud to receive my first review on the Island - Being a new dog trainer to the Island I realise it is going to take time for owners to get to know me - but for my very first behavioural consultation, I had this lovely review. Thank you so much to Clare and her family for taking the trouble to write this review - I am sure she wouldn't mind if any prospective new owner who are looking for a trainer - would like to confirm the validity of this review.

Clare's Review 17th June 2020

Ros Freeman is a highly professional, experienced, supportive Dog trainer. We were extremely impressed by her expertise and relationships with our dog and whole family. Her approach is entirely positive and is in accordance with evidence and established theory.
She is highly committed to make positive changes for the dog and family and is generous with her time and thoughts.
We really appreciated her honesty and openness.
We would highly recommend her.

Thank so much Clare and Family - Take care Rosx


Good news - In light of the Prime Minister's announcement yesterday - I am now able to offer 1-2-1's to owners and their dogs on the Island but with maintaining Health and Safety guidelines, and social distancing.

If you need some help, advice, or would like a consultation/training, please feel free to email/telephone or message me.

Thank you, keep safe




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