I've been in the wars again, with a mysterious paw injury. Dad thinks I have done one of my spectacular about turns on a hard surface at 900 mph and given myself a kind of carpet burn.
I was not impressed with the bandage/donut combination and flung myself to the floor but nobody took any notice of my dramatics. I had to stay in the house and be on my lead in the garden! For more than 2 weeks! No walks, no running free or playing bitey face with my sister 😢 Not impressed but I was secretly pleased to be able to spend so much time sleeping and healing. Dad said what a pleasure it was to see me so relaxed like a normal dog. Dunno what he means by that but it might have something to do with the superior pain killers from the vet. I quite like her now.
Now my paw is almost back to normal, Mummy has found a new form of dog abuse. I have boots! Size 5. We tried them out this morning, I was a bit waddly to start with but soon got used to them and enjoyed a short walk to the common. Mummy said if I was a horse, she'd say I was a bit fresh! My legs can't wait for a good run.