When choosing a trainer please ensure that they are totally committed to force free and positive methods only. Often I see "balanced trainers" advertising - what does this mean? Well, it often means that they mainly train with positive force free methods but when those aren't yielding results quickly enough they add in aversives, such as a e-collar etc. What happens when the e-collar doesn't give the desired results? Then we are on the path to further aversive tools and so on. Dogs deserve better and positive reinforcement and force free works, it just isn't always the "quick fix" that so many people demand these days.
One of the many issues with the use of punitive/aversive tools and methods is- when they don't work - the escalation of intervention can often be to add MORE punitive/aversive methods.
It is sadly now not uncommon to see dogs with an e-collar AND a prong collar on. Leading to the question, if one tool was so effective- why would you even need a second?! 🤔
This picture is an example of everything that is wrong with our industry. An 'professional' so uneducated, so unskilled that they have to NOTHING but multiple aversive tools and aversive methods to use.
I'm sure this was justified by using one of the many sayings we often see used to justify aversive tool use.
The dog being "a red zone dog", "highly aggressive" or perhaps they are "really high drive".
Of course let's not forget that......
🗣️ “Every dog learns differently"
🗣️ “Not every dog responds to positive reinforcement training".
My experience and that of thousands and thousands of others says otherwise.
Never let a trainer justify such abuse. No dog deserves this.
The dog pictured is on a choke chain, on an e-collar, on a prong collar- which is slung up high so any movement (even if to balance) causes it to dig in more than it is already.
As if that's not bad enough, the dog is balancing on a chair with a muzzle on.
Whilst the trainer probably thinks they're stopping undesirable behaviour, they're also inhibiting the ability for the dog to offer any desired behaviour at all. This dog has been given nothing but surrender as an option.
It's important to note that there are many balanced trainers who have an adequate knowledge of behaviour and training who would feel just as sad as I do when looking at this picture.
Whilst I do not advocate, nor am I permissive, of the use of balanced training methods and aversive tools, I am aware that there are plenty of balanced trainers who are incredibly careful about how and when they use tools.
I'd like to see such trainers speak up and call out the escalation of aversive tool use. I'd like to see these trainers openly discuss and educate on the risks associated with aversive tools rather than using ambiguous language such as 'when used correctly'.
The trainer of this dog probably thinks they are using them correctly.
I do not subscribe to 'correct' aversive tool use. I've not needed a tool in 13 years.
But, I do recognise that many people will not listen to those who do not use aversive tools, such as myself. They think we are bias, uneducated, inexperienced and yet to see the benefits because we haven't given it a go ourselves.
So, if you're a balanced trainer or an aversive tool supporting dog owner who is saddened by this picture- then please reconsider how you communciate your advocation of aversive tools.
Aversive tool use is IMO more popular than ever. This picture is an example of how things said online or inperson can be interpretted.
If you advocate for tool use and you do not openly acknowledge and educate on the risks associated with such methods, this is what can and does happen.
Note, discussing this risks on your platforms will reach more who are more open to aversive tool use (and thus, more at risk of fallout!) than if you acknowledge the risks only on discussions promoted by those against aversive tool use.
IMO- the use of aversive tools are never necessery and after working with thousands of dogs for nearly 14 years, I feel I have enough anecdotal experience (alongside that of my like minded colleagues) to maintain my stance on the matter.
Thanks to The Perfect Puppy Company for bringing this awful picture to my attention.