E collar training
Another dog that was put on medication because several behaviourists couldn’t sort his aggressive & reactive behaviours. This 2 year old whippet was dopped up on meds for over a year. In just a couple of months this is him now. We conditioned him to the E collar and now he is balanced, neutral and relaxed on walks. A few months ago, he would never have been able to be on a long line or off lead around other dogs, which meant he couldn’t run 😔 and as you all know … they NEED to run 🤯 The E collar has totally turned this dog and his owners life around. He is getting the freedom and fullfillment he needs 🥳 thank god we have these wonderful training tools 🙏#DogTraining #fyp #foryourpage #foryoupage #ReactiveDogs #ecollar #ecollartechnologies #ecollartraining #minieducator #TrainingProgress
No wonder the dogs overweight
“Force free training “ 🙄
A dog who is fat as f**k, extremely over weight for the type of breed it is, being fed cocktail sausages for an hour on repeat for not going to a dog sh*t bin and eating all the used poo bags 🙄
Tell me how that is training ? Over feeding processed food to an overweight dog ?
One E collar session and I guarantee that dog would stop eating out the sh*t bin therefore healthier and no longer at risk of eating contaminated sh*t 🙄
Or just keep it on a f**king lead 😂
Camon 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
It’s a win … for now 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I want to highlight this video for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I contacted MSP Fulton Macgregor last week and have been in dialogue with his office. He listened and brought my concerns to parliament along with others who contacted him. He mentions my client by name, highlighting how important these training tools are for the dog to survive. This man is what you call a leader for the people. We spoke … he listened 👏🏻 our voices are SO important when it comes to these issues so let that be an example ! Speak up as your voice MATTERS ! I want to thank you Mr Macgregor, you are an asset to your constituency ❤️ Fulton MacGregor MSP I would also like to take this opportunity to say, Ross Greer, on behalf of the dog world who cares for our dogs … GET IT RIGHT UP YE 😂
Neutrality group class for reactive dogs ✅ our groups provide a safe place for owners to train their reactive dogs in intense environments. A place where no one is judged, no matter what issues they have, what level of training they are at or what tools they are using 👏🏻 We create fun exercises to push both the dog and owners to limits that they struggle with, building confidence and leadership skills. The benefits are game changing 💪🏻#dogtraining #fyp #foryourpage #dogtrainer #foryoupage #ReactiveDogs #impulsecontrol #groupclass #grouptraining
⚠️ LETS TALK PRONG COLLAR ⚠️ For years these collars have been getting such a bad rep. The common misconception is that they work through causing pain, torture and puncturing your dog 🙄 this is the opinion of the uneducated. Once you actually learn how to use these collars, they can literally be life changing ! As intimidating as they look, trust me when I say they are perfectly safe ✅I put it to you … how can such a “barbaric torture device” fail to burst a flimsy balloon 🤷🏻♂️😂 the people that push this narrative are usually ones who believe in purely force -free training methods, which is fine. However, when you spread bullsh*t and lies about a perfectly safe tool and try and bash people who use them then I think you need to get so far to f**k and stay in your vegan eating Tory voting lane 🖕 I will always advocate for these tools, I used it on my golden retriever and her training went from good to amazing 💪🏻 I always advise that you work with a trained professional first before using it in order to utilise it correctly. Does every dog need them ? Absolutely not, but they certainly have a place in the dog training world. Anyone who wants to fight me on this let’s have a war in the comment section … or you can go back to throwing hotdogs on the ground, asking your dogs “permission “ to train and clapping for the nhs every Thursday night 🤪😂 #dogtraining #fyp #foryourpage #dogtrainer #foryoupage #prongcollar #hermsprengercollar #hermsprenger #balloon
Its the simple things that matter ✅ i teach my dog road saftey every single time we leave the house. Next to my estate is a busy road that cars fly down at high speeds. I need to know that, even with distractions, my dog has solid impulse control. If she cant control herself then the lead would have to be on most of our local walks, which would be fine. However, my dog is an offlead dog, she has been E collar trained for a couple of years now so she has solid foundations 💪🏻 but, like every one, she has her weakness, THE BALL 🙄😂 i train for real life scenarios so my dog is always ready. Its one of the keys to a successful training journey. If you have a trainer telling you to avoid triggers or train in a quiet area away from ‘distractions’ then run a mile 👋🏻 #foryoupagе #fyp #foryourpage #dogtraining #trainingprogress #goldenretriever
This is blowing up on tik tok today, over 70k views in just a couple of hours, so thought I’d repost 🏆 wee buddy was about to be put to sleep, now he is fully rehabilitated and smashing life 👏🏻
French bulldog
I often get messages asking “ do you train small dogs or is it only big dogs you do ?” 🙄😂 well here’s your answer … 🐾 Sadie - 6 month old French bulldog 🐾This is her first outdoor training session with me. When I met the owner in the car park, she told me that Sadie pulls towards every single person she see’s on a walk or if she is off the lead she sprints over to see everyone in sight, bouncing all over them 🚩this is definitely something you can’t have with any dog, regardless if they are a puppy or not ❌On this session, we put her to the test, a park run with over 250 people passing quickly. Usually, this would be a MASSIVE trigger for her, however, we managed to keep her attention on her owner the entire time the runners were passing ✅ she is jumping up on her owner, however, this is something that we will work on, the main thing was that she ignored the distractions while on a 5 metre lead 👏🏻I haven’t seen many frenchies that young that could have dealt with that the way wee Sadie did, she handled it like a boss 🫶🏻 Superb for the first session 👏🏻 .....#dogtraining #dogtrainer #fyp #foryourpage #foryoupage #dogsofinstagram #glasgow #frenchbulldog #frenchbulldogs #frenchbulldogpuppy #recall #puppy #puppytraining
14 Reactive dogs Recalling
All these dogs first came to me with reactivity issues. After working on a 1-2-1 basis they are now all able to attend the group environment. We repeatedly implemented PLACE & STAY and now moving on to actually recalling the dogs while the other 12/13 dogs and humans are only feet away. Having the lead off some of these dogs around people and distractions is something some of these owners never thought would be achievable. Huge progress for some of these dogs. Every dog in attendance attempted the recall exercise and smashed it … well almost all, we did have Yogi the lab who thought it would be fun to have zoomies and run around the facility for 10 minutes 🙄😂 #foryoupage #reactivedog #fyp #dogtraining #dogtrainer #glasgow #groupsessions
Off lead - E collar trained
Love when you get videos from your clients 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻it may not look like much to some people but this is absolutely massive for this dog and owners. This boy was reactive a couple of months ago. He was a nightmare for pulling on the lead and he struggled with recall when there was any distractions. 4 weeks ago we began E collar training with him, and now look at his progress. Prime example of unlocking your dogs potential and giving them the freedom that dogs love 🫶🏻 It honestly baffles me why anyone would object to these amazing tools. This dog has more freedom than most dogs I know all down to committed owners and the E collar. Just because wee force-free Fiona tells you these are “cruel” or “ torture devices” 😂 don’t believe the bullsh*t. These tools promote freedom and allow your dog to live a very fulfilled life ✅Well done to Thors owners 👏🏻.....#dogtraining #dogtrainer #foryourpage #fyp #foryoupage #reactivedog #dogsofinstagram #ecollartraining #fypシ #minieducator #hungarianvizsla
Have you ever been told by a ‘trainer’ to avoid busy places with your dog, not to overwhelm them or put them in stressful situations ? Well that my friends is not TRAINING … that’s avoiding 🤪 i condition your dog to be able to deal with these stressful triggers. I live in the real world, not one thats all sunshine and rainbows. There will be situations where you dog will be stressed. We cannot go through life avoiding it and the same applies to us humans aswell. Exposure to the triggers partnered with the E collar can literally changed your life. For expample, this labs owners have a holiday home in spain, should they avoid taking him on a plane or long car journey because its stressful ? Hell no !! Hes now on course to make that trip and be able to go with his owners 👏🏻 Of course you should always seek the help of a trained professional when carrying out such training. The proof is in the results… something as simple as this video … having your dog calm and relaxed in busy environments. #foryoupage #foryourpage #minieducator #reactivedog #dogtraining #offleash #RecallTraining #ecollar