Corflute (Correx) ... it's all the same isn't it? 🤔🤔🤔
Well as much as it may look the same or similar it actually isn't. You can get different thicknesses of the sheets including 2mm, which you'll find in DIY stores and 4mm which is a more common thickness for C&C cages. Be aware, some promote as having 4mm but have been known to send 3mm 😡
Then there is the density, measured in GSM, where the higher the number the stronger the material. Again, DIY stores tend to be between 250 and 500gsm and some C&C suppliers go up 600gsm ☝️☝️☝️
Why use Cage Creations then? Simply put, we are the only suppliers who use guaranteed 4mm 700GSM corflute plastic for ALL of our items. This makes them stronger, more rigid and longer lasting than those found elsewhere or you will make yourself. A fabulous bonus is that they come accurately scored and cut meaning that you can have your new item made and installed within a few minutes of it arriving.
A few minutes compared to potentially an hour or so of watching videos, measuring out, scoring and cutting and hoping you've not made any mistakes and all with lower grade materials. What seems better? 😁😁😁
Come take a look at https://cagecreations.co.uk