Rosco found my forever home

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Rosco found my forever home Hi, I’m Rosco and I’m the cutest little terrorbag in all the land. That’s all.

Took my car to the garage with Nurse Mum and Slave Mum, they had the smart idea to walk back from the garage. Unfortunat...

Took my car to the garage with Nurse Mum and Slave Mum, they had the smart idea to walk back from the garage. Unfortunately no one had rolled out the red carpet and this field was too prickly for my precious paws so I insisted on Nurse Mum carrying my 20kg of pure beauty across it. She wasn’t the happiest of bunnies but don’t worry about that, focus on me. I’m cute!

Yes I have my own pillow and get tucked in every night……what’s that I hear you say?…Adorable? Correct, BOSH!

Yes I have my own pillow and get tucked in every night……what’s that I hear you say?…Adorable? Correct, BOSH!

As they say in Essex…… Warm innit. Don’t worry about slave mum having my red hot body attached to her for most of the da...

As they say in Essex…… Warm innit. Don’t worry about slave mum having my red hot body attached to her for most of the day, focus on me…..I’m cute.

Woke up, went for a run, probs ate some poo, came home, stole hotdogs from the table. Today is a good day. Cute right?

Woke up, went for a run, probs ate some poo, came home, stole hotdogs from the table. Today is a good day. Cute right?


We love when it’s dad day 😍🤣

Spot the pointer….. 🤣

Spot the pointer….. 🤣

I went out and took some pictures of bluebells for my grumpy this morning as she loves them. I know you’re all busy look...

I went out and took some pictures of bluebells for my grumpy this morning as she loves them.
I know you’re all busy looking at me thinking “I only see a really cute dog in this picture” but I promise they’re there.
Grumpy says I’m an ar****le and beans ( Remi) is her favourite but I still went and got pictures for her, I’m nice like that.


Yes I go cross eyed when I eat spaghetti at 7:45am… IT’S CUTE!


Thoughts on love island? Not for me. Too much attention on others when it should all be on me.

Just me basking in the beauty of my own farts that are so potent nurse mum has left the house and isn’t coming back unti...

Just me basking in the beauty of my own farts that are so potent nurse mum has left the house and isn’t coming back until I stop raiding bin bags when I’m out. Adorable right?

This is my Christmas gorm. Cute right?

This is my Christmas gorm. Cute right?


Now that I’ve decided which giblets slave mum has on her crocs I can start my Christmas decoration business, I will take payment in snack form. Who’s in?

Slave mum has turned me into a cartoon so no one will recognise me as I’m now famous. How I hear you ask… a double ...

Slave mum has turned me into a cartoon so no one will recognise me as I’m now famous. How I hear you ask… a double page spread in the Apollos angels calendar to talk about myself didn’t I! I’m not going to show you, you will have to buy one yourself to see it!!! I’ll even put the link to it here for you……go on, treat yourself, I’ll allow it.

This is my bestie Pippa, her mum is busy doctoring so nurse mum and slave mum took us all for a walk and kidnapped her f...

This is my bestie Pippa, her mum is busy doctoring so nurse mum and slave mum took us all for a walk and kidnapped her for the evening. This is us waiting to intercept the beef rib that’s in the oven. Pippa made us do it. Slave mum isn’t getting stressed by the amount of bodies in the kitchen at all…..promise 😏


An adventure was had! You can now find me on the sofa…..snacking

“Formaggio” These are my feral pegs. I am tough. I am not smiling for the picture. I demand respect…..and snacks.


These are my feral pegs. I am tough. I am not smiling for the picture. I demand respect…..and snacks.

My senses tell me that demon vibes are imminent……he’s been looking at me like that for at least 4 minutes.

My senses tell me that demon vibes are imminent……he’s been looking at me like that for at least 4 minutes.


Not sure why she’s telling me to go on my bed when I’m already on it.

Sup superfans! As some of you may remember I sliced my foot open a couple of weeks ago. I’ve been imprisoned for 2 weeks...

Sup superfans! As some of you may remember I sliced my foot open a couple of weeks ago. I’ve been imprisoned for 2 weeks. Today was freedom day, finally I was allowed to run, and run I did…….straight for the biggest pile of unidentifiable poo I’ve ever seen. Slave mum was screaming at me but I simply didn’t care, that s**t was sooooo good! Nurse mum is busy doing nursing so slave mum had to gag her way through the drive home, she’s so over the top it’s almost embarrassing. Got home, launched into the tub to be scrubbed. Slave mum made a mistake and left the back door open 😏 I saw my opportunity and I took it, straight into the garden to dry off in the mud and a giant bird poo!!!! Slave mum said she’s posting me back to Cyprus, she’s really moody this morning. Do I care? No. Have I had a great morning? Hell yeah!

I haven’t spent any of nurse mums nurse coins recently so I thought today I would do doing drama and slice my foot open....

I haven’t spent any of nurse mums nurse coins recently so I thought today I would do doing drama and slice my foot open. I didn’t think it through though as now I have a great big orange foot that’s driving me crazy. I just need slave mum to leave me alone for a bit then I can start doing removing the great big orange foot. Poor me.

Doing complaining is happening…..

Doing complaining is happening…..


Remember that loose screw I spoke about? The other 2 are inside scared of the noisy wind 😂😂😂😂

This is my new spot. From now on you can find me here, bruffing at every single person that walks past MY HOUSE.  I am f...

This is my new spot. From now on you can find me here, bruffing at every single person that walks past MY HOUSE. I am fierce, I am brave…..and hella cute 😏

Grab a drink, take a seat and get comfortable…..I have some stories to tell! As you all know by now, nurse mum and slave...

Grab a drink, take a seat and get comfortable…..I have some stories to tell!

As you all know by now, nurse mum and slave mum did doing getting married, blah blah blah. Now the interesting bit! They took us away to reward us for allowing them to get married. Some say it was a honeymoon, some say it was our treat for being the best pigs, nurse mum and slave mum say it was the worst trip of their lives. I don’t know or care what they’re talking about because I had a great time!

I’ll set the scene…

We all got packed into the car, I thought we were just going out but Rufus told me we were going on holiday, he knows this from the bags and beds being put into the car. We hopped out of the car a couple of hours later in a town called Folkestone. I didn’t see the town so can’t really rate it but there were multiple bushes for me to immediately see all over so I guess it’s an ok kind of place. Apparently we were staying in a “guesthouse” for the night so that my mums didn’t have to get up at 2 am to get the train to france and could instead get a good night sleep. FEAR NOT! I made sure that didn’t happen as I spent the entire night barking at every single person breathing in the building 😏 I then made sure that when I did sleep I did it on slave mums head, this meant that she got out of the nice big bed and tried to sleep in children’s bunk beds, you can see in the pictures that Remi and I had an entire bed to ourselves to luxuriate it.

Up early doors to get the train, went into a weird room to hand over what looked like my entire life story on paper and get scanned. Back into the car and off we went.

Nurse mum was a touch beyond disappointed that we were there so early the lounge wasn’t open and she couldn’t get 15 years worth of sandwiches and cakes for the trip but hey ho, we move!

Onto the train, don’t really care, weird lighting I guess but no real difference to driving along so I went to sleep.

More driving.

Stop for a wee, it’s definitely warmer and people sound weird!

Oooo Paris!

Tensions seem to be rising in nurse mum and slave mum. Slave mum is shouting “confiture after fu***ng confiture!” Nurse mum is driving and seems quite annoyed, I recall something along the lines of “it’s like being in fu***ng Naples with all these scooter wankers!” (She’s Italian so I assume the Italian comparison is factual)



calm panic
Stop for wees……apparently.

Nurse mums nurse car is now making a very strange noise, kind of like a ticking bomb. It’s all getting very hot in both temperature and atmosphere.

Next thing a strange man in a truck arrived. He wanted to leave us in the broken car on our own whilst he took the car to a garage. Slave mum immediately jumped in, backed up by nurse mum (and her French). Next thing I know I was about 12ft up in a big truck having the time of my life looking around everywhere out of the massive truck windows. I guess they won that fight!

We arrived at a garage and sat in the shade with slave mum and all of our belongings whilst nurse mum dealt with the strange people. Slave mum was really sad and crying so we all made sure we jumped all over her and gave her big kisses to clear her tears away.

Blah blah blah
Arguments in French
Car needs a new engine for €7000

Car arrives, we all bundle in and arrive at a hotel in a village of approximately 7 people. Nurse mum likened the room to a prison cell on the sun due to its size and temperature. I don’t know what was going on with my mums but one minute, one was crying and the next minute, the other one was crying. I don’t know why, I was having a lovely time jumping on all the beds and trying to escape every time the door opened.

New day new dramas
Car hire now required for us to finish our journey.
One company took lots of nurse mums nurse coins then cancelled the booking. More tears. At one point, nurse mum was walking the streets asking strangers for a lift to the car hire place as it seems that taxi drivers don’t actually want to do doing taxi work.

They finally found a car!

All in the new spaceship that slave mum arrived with, we had to hide when slave mum went to get the car as no one would allow them to have a car with us in it 🙄

Long drive and it was hot so slave mum had the air con blasting. Poor nurse mum and her Italian blood was so cold she had to dress like she was going to rob a bank.


Slave mum said something about a wine bottle in her arse and a kart wheel or something but I don’t really care because I had running and barking to do.

Nurse mum and slave mum were exhausted, by the time they had let us play and run around and had dinner they were absolutely ready for bed. It was going to be the highlight of their trip so far! Nurse mum sat on the end of the bed and…..BOOOM! THE BED COLLAPSED! I think that by that point they were so tired and so many bad things had happened that all they could do was scream with laughter! slave mum started clearing the bed to put the mattress on the floor. I remember nurse mum standing in the corner of the room and saying “we need a priest or some holy water or something because this isn’t normal” off to sleep we all went. -see pictures-

I spent every day chilling under a tree chewing antlers, the evening was when I really came to life. The garden was so big I could get lost. My mums kept ruining my fun though by constantly calling me back. At one point I even had to be restrained because I just wouldn’t stop nobbing about -see pictures-

Repeat for a week.

If you’re still reading, congratulations! A medal is on its way!

The mums were making lots of calls and tippy tapping on their phones a lot. I think they were trying to figure out how to get us home!

Home time!!!

Rudely awoken at 3am! Oh well, outside….running running, niffing, niffing. Back in the car 🙄

Absolutely zonked for 5 hours! Smuggled into a bush with nurse mum and our belongings whilst slave mum changed hire car. Back into the new but much smaller and less luxurious car.

Ooo Paris
“F**king confiture”
“It’s like fu***ng Naples…..”

Into a car park……oooo it’s grandad in slave mums car!!!!! Sat in the car park with our belongings once again 🙄 back into the car and back into that weird room with my life story and scan.


We’ve arrived in England! Slave mum burst into tears because she was so happy that I could now bark and run and be a general nobber at home safe and sound!!!!



the servants unpacked the car whilst I went to bed because I was so tired and happy after 10 days of doing whatever I wanted!!!

(Of holidays ever again!)


For those of you that follow my sister Remi, I want you all to know that she did go hunting and catch a duck today but in the interests of global warming I have removed the duck from her. I’ve decided she needs to live a vegan lifestyle now so I shall not be giving it back to her. Cute how much I care right?

Went to the beach the other day, car was full to the roof because we were staying somewhere because my mums got married ...

Went to the beach the other day, car was full to the roof because we were staying somewhere because my mums got married or something. anyway, who cares. I’m usually chief navigator in the car but Amy took that role instead. It was nice because it meant I had time to look around and luxuriate which I never have the time to do. Thanks Amy, it was nice to have a break for once.

I’ve got a new friend! There’s a special day happening soon so nurse mum’s nephew has arrived from Italy. I tried my har...

I’ve got a new friend!

There’s a special day happening soon so nurse mum’s nephew has arrived from Italy. I tried my hardest to hate him and have barked at him for a full 24 hours but I just couldn’t resist his charm in the end. I was worried that he was going to try and out cute me but it turns out he’s just a nice guy that gives excellent neck scratches. This, my friends is my new best pal Zio Andrea.

Back to me and how cute I look.

WHAT A DAY!!! After 5 years of dropping some serious hints, Nurse mum has finally parted ways with her nurse coins and b...

WHAT A DAY!!! After 5 years of dropping some serious hints, Nurse mum has finally parted ways with her nurse coins and bought slave mum a new tool so she can take her moaning about slaving away in the kitchen out to the garden. Slave mum is the happiest I’ve ever seen her but I’m not going to show you that, I’m going to show you how much fun I just had. I heard someone say I looked feral. Did I look like that to scare Rufus and Remi found my forever home away thinking I would have it to myself? Maybe. Did it work? No Do I care? Absolutely not. Ignore the scary teethy pegs, focus on me as a whole. I’m cute.


Rufus and I like slow peaceful mornings, Rosco is the absolute opposite. Remi is 100% up for it ALL the time. That’s one way of getting him to leave me in peace.…..



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