Dog Tales

Dog Tales Dog Training
Puppy Training
Behaviour Consults
Dog First Aid
Online Courses

Morning routine ☕️ 🐕 Every morning, my dogs get time in the garden. This is their time, a snippet of the day reserved ju...

Morning routine ☕️ 🐕

Every morning, my dogs get time in the garden. This is their time, a snippet of the day reserved just for them to be, well, dogs. my garden is pretty big, more like a small field, and we can spend 20 minutes or more going round investigating every leaf.

In the morning, I wander the garden with them, letting them do what they want. Only calling them away if absolutely necessary.

I see how Kippers leisurely sniff is ruined by Minnie barging over to sniff what he is sniffing. And how Minnie can't help to stick her head in any hole in the fence or ground she finds, very like a terrier. Watching them gives so many insights into how they think and feel.

This time in the morning is for them. They have the freedom to do what they choose, unless not safe. and they choose to be curious, wild, predators. Lots of wildlife that dogs like to chase, foxes, squirrels, birds, and once even a deer has visited here.

Minnie, her beagle ancestry shines through, when she takes to the chase like it's her calling. Kipper, on the other hand, seems to be guarding his territory, maybe a hint of his streetwise genetics sparkling through when he chases away birds, perhaps remembering a time when those birds were competitors for food.

Both dogs sniff and track the scent of where I suspect the foxes hang out.

Both dogs chase the birds and squirrels in the garden away.

Both dogs exude a sense of vitality, awareness, and confidence as they do this that's beautiful to see.

The goal is that their morning routine helps them to be content, feeling satisfied that their doggy nature has outlets.

When given the choice, my four-legged, furry tail waggers, choose to be predatory. Then they come in to lie peacefully on my couch.

The best of both worlds.

If this glimpse into the soul of our canine companions resonates with you, then our Dog Club is where you'll find your tribe. Starting this Tuesday, the 9th of January at 6:30 pm, we're an online community dedicated to enriching your dogs' lives.

Our program unfolds in 6-week sessions, priced at a total of £60 per block, offering a structured path to dog wellbeing. And because we want you to be certain that Dog Club is the perfect fit for you, we invite you to dip your paws into the first session for a mere £5. With no ongoing commitment required, it's the ideal way to introduce yourself to our unique approach to dog companionship.

To Join us, fill out the application form in the comments to improve life with your dog.

🐾 Exciting News to Share! 🐾Today marks another milestone in my journey as a dedicated Pet First Aid Instructor—I've succ...

🐾 Exciting News to Share! 🐾

Today marks another milestone in my journey as a dedicated Pet First Aid Instructor—I've successfully completed my annual skills refresher! 🎓✅

Each year, this comprehensive course keeps me up-to-date on the latest advice and sharpens my abilities to teach others the essentials of pet care, accident prevention, first aid skills, and how to stay calm in an emergency.

I'm continually inspired by the people, loving dog owners and pet business owners, who come along to these workshops. There are lots of well-loved and looked after dogs out there.

Here's to another year of making a positive impact! 🐕❤️

If you're interested in learning more about pet first aid or scheduling a class, feel free to reach out.

Happy New Year To You!I hope you had a refreshing break. I enjoyed taking some time away from work to go on adventures a...

Happy New Year To You!

I hope you had a refreshing break. I enjoyed taking some time away from work to go on adventures and engage in relaxing activities.

With the arrival of the New Year. it's a time for reflection on the past year and for setting new plans, goals, and fun activities for the year ahead.

This year, the focus for Dog Tales will be centred around creating a dog club.

I thoroughly enjoy training Kipper and Minnie, as well as teaching others how to train their dogs.

However, morethan that, I truly love helping to improve the connection between dog and human by improving their communication with each other.

This training club aims to bridge the gap between training and effective communication. We will
combine training exercises that encourage your dog to be a responsible dog citizen by doing behaviours like coming
when called, walk nicely on a lead, and generally behaving well in public.

This is combined with discussions on how to better understand and communicate with your dog. Members will also be encouraged to work towards their individual goals within our supportive community.

Be on the lookout for more information coming your way soon!

Merry Christmas! Thank you for following us, we feel privileged to be a part of  your journey in training, nurturing, an...

Merry Christmas!

Thank you for following us, we feel privileged to be a part of your journey in training, nurturing, and having fun with the dogs in your life.

Have a great day 🎄 🎅 🐾

How To Ensure a Safe and Enjoyable Christmas for You and Your Dog!Christmas can be a joyful but potentially stressful ti...

How To Ensure a Safe and Enjoyable Christmas for You and Your Dog!

Christmas can be a joyful but potentially stressful time for our dog friends, especially for young or energetic pups. By taking some proactive measures and planning ahead, you can save yourself and your dog from unnecessary stress on the day.

Consider the following tips for managing your dog's behaviour during the festivities:

1. Anticipate Your Dog's Needs: Take a moment to think about your dog's specific needs and behaviours. For example, if your dog tends to be an opportunist around food, make sure to keep an eye on them and prevent any unwanted snacking. Remember, dropped food on the floor is fair game for many of them! If your dog is still learning perfect manners, it may be unrealistic to expect them to behave perfectly amidst all the chaos.

2. Create a Safe Space: Set up a designated area, like a pen, crate, or den, where your dog can retreat to if things get overwhelming. This space will serve as their sanctuary during busy times, such as when you're carrying and consuming hot food, people are coming and going, or when they simply need a nap. Just like a toddler, your dog may not know how to calm themselves down amidst all the excitement, so providing them with a safe space is crucial.

3. Preparation is Key: Introduce the pen or crate to your dog in advance. Make it a positive experience by filling it with their favourite toys or blankets. This will establish a positive association with the space and encourage them to use it willingly. Don't force them in, just wait for them to investigate on their own and find their treasures inside.

Share your own strategies for keeping your dog calm on Christmas. We'd love to hear from you!

Christmas is nearly here!I hope you all have fun and enjoy the day. Keep your dog safe by avoiding these common at Chris...

Christmas is nearly here!

I hope you all have fun and enjoy the day.
Keep your dog safe by avoiding these common at Chrismas toxic substances

1. Chocolate: Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine, which can be toxic to dogs and affect their heart and nervous system.

2. Grapes and raisins: Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs, making it crucial to keep them away from your beloved pets.

3. Onions and garlic: Onions and garlic contain compounds that can damage a dog's red blood cells, leading to anemia.

4. Alcohol: Alcoholic beverages can cause alcohol poisoning in dogs, resulting in various symptoms like vomiting and seizures.

5. Macadamia nuts: Macadamia nuts can cause weakness, tremors, and even paralysis in dogs.

6. Xylitol: This artificial sweetener, commonly found in candies, gum, and baked goods, is highly toxic to dogs and can cause a sudden and dangerous drop in their blood sugar levels.

7. Cooked bones: Cooked bones, such as those from turkey or chicken, can splinter easily and cause internal injuries, punctures, or blockages in a dog's digestive system.

8. Poinsettia: While not typically life-threatening, poinsettias can cause irritation to a dog's mouth and stomach if ingested, so it's advised to keep them out of reach.

7. Holly, although festive and popular during Christmas, can be toxic to dogs if eaten. Holly leaves and berries contain substances called saponins and methylxanthines, which can cause gastrointestinal upset, drooling, vomiting, and diarrhoea in dogs.

If your dog does eat something you think might be toxic, you can call the animal poison line for help and advice on
01202 509000
There is a link to this service in the comments.

Wishing you and your family a merry and safe Christmas!

T'is the season......Minnie is currently experiencing a heat cycle. As a first-time owner of a female dog, I am learning...

T'is the season....
..Minnie is currently experiencing a heat cycle. As a first-time owner of a female dog, I am learning how to attend to her needs during this time.

Minnie handles her heat cycle remarkably well, mainly she wants more cuddles. And she is hungerier too, which I can definitely relate to 🤣

She has been very flirty towards Kipper, which sometimes annoys him and other times he seems to enjoy it.

I am finding it a difficult decision on whether to have her spayed in future.
While spaying will prevent pregnancy, I am finding it very easy to keep Minnie away from unneurered males (Kipper is neutered) so that's not a problem for me. She doesn't go anywhere like Kennels or daycare, where she would need to be spayed to attend either.

Sometimes, there can be behavioural changes after neutering, and I don't want Minnie to change, she is perfect as she is.

There are health conditions associated with being intact, reproductive cancers and pyometra are a big worry.

But then again, some cancers and joint issues are increased by taking away the s*x hormones. And there are always risks associated with surgery. Urinary incontinence after a spay is fairly common too.

Ultimately, the decision to spay or neuter your dog is a personal one, and it's important to weigh the pros and cons based on their individual needs and your circumstances. An informed decision is best.

I would love to know your thoughts? Have you neutered your dog? Why or why not amd are you happy with your decision.

Your Dogs DinnerWhen looking at behaviour problems like food stealing, it's very important to look at the dogs diet. Let...

Your Dogs Dinner

When looking at behaviour problems like food stealing, it's very important to look at the dogs diet.

Let's take a closer look at the diet of one of my clients' dogs through a pie chart on the top. Their dog is currently eating a common brand of kibble that can be easily picked up at the supermarket. It is almost exclusively carbohydrates!

My client was told by a dog professional that a high meat diet isn't good for her breed of dog. This is just wrong.

A diet that is predominantly carbohydrate-based is generally not ideal for dogs. While they can digest and eat carbs, they are mostly carnivores as can be teetermined by their:
🐕 Ancestral history to wolves
🐕 Teeth
🐕 Short digestive tract
🐕 Nutritional requirements for amino acids only found in meat

For comparison, the pie chart on the bottom represents the diet of my own dogs. The majority of their meals are composed of meat, with only a small percentage (4 to 10%) of carbohydrates.

It's worth highlighting that diets rich in carbohydrates are not considered optimal for dogs or even humans. While moderation is acceptable, the majority of a dog's diet should not consist of carbs.

To assess the nutritional value of my client's dog's current diet, the website "All About Dog Food" has rated it at only 8%. On the other hand, the meat-based diet, similar to what my dogs are being fed, receives a high nutritional rating of 81%.

Behaviour problems in dogs are often worsened or even caused by a poor diet.

While I don't have qualifications in dog nutrition, I have done a lot of research because of Kippers' poor appetite, weak stomach, and strange eating habits.

What I have found that there is no one-size-fits-all diet for dogs. What works for one dog may not work for another. However, there are numerous different diets available to choose from. Whatever diet you choose, I really recommend you avoid high-carbohydrate options.

Playful PredatorsDogs are natural predators, following a genetic predatory sequence that includes scenting, tracking, ey...

Playful Predators

Dogs are natural predators, following a genetic predatory sequence that includes scenting, tracking, eyeing, stalking, chasing, grabbing and biting, killing, dissecting, and possessing. Different dog breeds are inclined towards certain aspects of this sequence. For example, a border collie may excel in the eyeing stage, whereas a bloodhound may excel in scenting.

Your dog's strongest abilities within the predatory sequence will be evident in their play. Understanding this can be valuable in motivating your dog to pay attention to you. By honing your play interactions with your dog, you can enhance their listening skills and overall contentment in life.


Motivation and effective play techniques are topics covered in our online beginner's training class. The upcoming class starts on Thursday, January 11 at 6pm. Join us to learn more!

🎉 Dog Tales News! 🐶🎉 Another successful Dog First Aid Workshop has recently taken place in West Calder! This workshop wa...

🎉 Dog Tales News! 🐶🎉

Another successful Dog First Aid Workshop has recently taken place in West Calder! This workshop was specifically tailored to the needs of renowned dog trainers Mark and Mandy Walker and their valued clients. Mark Walker Dog Training - Canine Solutions

I was lucky enough to witness Marks' exceptional dog training and human coaching skills first hand: he is a kind and effective trainer who prioritises the wellbeing of the dogs he trains.

We would like to extend our warmest congratulations to all participants for their dedication and commitment to enhancing their dog first aid skills! 🎊

The workshop was a resounding success, with participants gaining invaluable knowledge and practical training in a wide range of essential topics, including CPR, wound care, and recognizing signs of distress in dogs.

Attendees left feeling more confident and prepared to handle potential emergencies involving dogs in their care.

We are thrilled to announce that we are extending an invitation to all business owners and pet professionals in Scotland to book a personalized Pet First Aid Workshop tailored to their unique needs and the needs of their clients. 🐾🏥

By investing in a Pet First Aid Workshop, you can ensure that you and your staff are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to handle any emergency situations that may arise with the pets under your care. This workshop will address topics such as basic life support for pets, common injuries and illnesses, and appropriate first aid techniques.

Not only will a Pet First Aid Workshop enhance the safety and well-being of the pets in your care, but it will also demonstrate your commitment to providing the highest level of care and professionalism to your clients.

Offering this additional service will undoubtedly set you apart as a trusted pet professional, instilling confidence and peace of mind in your clients. And, you can get certified in Pet First Aid at the same time!

So, whether you're a pet groomer, dog walker, dog daycare owner, trainer, or any other pet-related business owner or professional, don't miss this opportunity to enhance your skillset and expand your services.

Book a Pet First Aid Workshop tailored to your needs and those of your clients today!

Find out more and grab some free resources on our website:

Together, let's create a community of well-prepared pet professionals who prioritize the health and safety of our furry friends above all else. Contact us now to schedule your customized Pet First Aid Workshop and take a step towards providing exceptional care that goes above and beyond!

Because it's all about keeping our dogs happy, healthy, and safe ❤️ 🐕

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Happy St. Andrews Day 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Happy St. Andrews Day 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

My guys are being tormented by squirrels just now.Together, they chase them in the back garden. Minnie is much better at...

My guys are being tormented by squirrels just now.

Together, they chase them in the back garden.

Minnie is much better at noticing them and will fly after them, Kipper hot on her heels.

sometimes it's Kipper that notices them, and then it's the other way, with Minnie following Kipper.

And sometimes I will spot a squirrel, and chase it with both dogs running behind me.

What gets the dogs to follow each other (or me) is their excitement, their confidence, and their sense of purpose.

All the while, the squirrels are safe
up their trees 🌳 🐿

Learn to chillYou that is, not your puppy. Don't sweat the small stuff. Have fun. Not everything needs to be a lesson or...

Learn to chill

You that is, not your puppy. Don't sweat the small stuff. Have fun. Not everything needs to be a lesson or training or enrichment. Sometimes, you can just laugh about the mad antics your pup gets up to. Not everything will traumatically affect them for life.

I've met a few people who ended up down the puppy training rabbit hole and are worried about not doing enough, getting it wrong and damaging their dog.

Yes, it's important to teach your pup how to behave, give them age appropriate activities, and keep them safe.

It is just as important to be a good role model to your dog. To be a calm parent, teacher, leader.

What would you prefer.... a stress head parent or a confident, fun one?

So take a deep breath, smile, and enjoy the puppy tornado stage.

And, if you need help feeling more confident with puppy raising, give me an email.

[email protected]

At the dog first aid workshop yesterday, I came across an inspiring story that I wanted to share with you. This one is a...

At the dog first aid workshop yesterday, I came across an inspiring story that I wanted to share with you.

This one is about helping our dogs as they age and potentially face mental decline, a condition known as doggy dementia or CCD (Canine Cognitive Dysfunction).

One woman at the workshop has a senior dog that, unfortunately, suffers from CCD. Among the various symptoms she mentioned, some of the most prominent ones included restlessness, increased digging in places like bedding, pacing, and exhibiting other signs of pain. These behaviours can persist if left unchecked, causing distress for both the dog and their caregiver. However, this thoughtful woman discovered an effective strategy to break the cycle.

She realized that the magic lies in triggering her dog's favourite activity – going for a walk. By simply uttering the words, "let's go for a walk," her dog's behaviour instantly shifts, redirecting his focus towards the anticipation of venturing outside. Even a quick toilet break is enough to create a much happier and more settled dog.

Now, I'm curious to know about the challenges you face with your aging dog. Are there anything specific solutions to problems you have found that would help others if you share?

P*e Pad ProblemToilet training pads can double your toilet training work. First, you teach them to p*e on the pad, then ...

P*e Pad Problem

Toilet training pads can double your toilet training work.

First, you teach them to p*e on the pad, then to p*e outside. It can be confusing.

And teach your pup to p*e on things like towels lying about your floor.

Save yourself some work and some pennies and ditch the pads.

I'd love to know, what has been your experience with toilet training?


Online Dog Training Classes.

You wont have to have your camera or mike on. I know that some people have been worried about this.

Kipper and Minnie have kindly volunteered to assist me in practicing the exercises for the upcoming online class starting this Tuesday. 💪🐾

You can keep me informed of the progress with your dog(s) by private messaging.

Or you can have ypur camera on and get feedback there and then.

It's whatever you feel most comfortable with.

So, if you have two dogs or a more anxious pup who would prefer a calmer learning environment, this is the perfect class for you!

📆 These classes will be running all the way until Christmas, offering you a fantastic opportunity to enhance your dog's training skills during the festive season! 🎄

And i know money is a worry this time of year, so each class only costs £10, but if you book into all the classes, you'll enjoy a special offer of just £50. This means yiu get one class completely FREE! 🎁

Don't miss out on this wonderful chance to improve your dogs' training abilities while having a blast. Feel free to reach out to me for more details or to reserve your spot.

Have fun training,
Claire, Kipper, and Minnie

Dog First Aid is on the road again!We are thrilled to share that the Dog First Aid Workshop is heading to West Calder to...

Dog First Aid is on the road again!

We are thrilled to share that the Dog First Aid Workshop is heading to West Calder tomorrow.

This time geared towards refreshing the knowledge of esteemed dog training couple Mark and Mandy Walker and their valued clients! 🎊

Mark Walker Dog Training - Canine Solutions

This exclusive event aims to provide an opportunity for Mark, Mandy, and their dedicated clients to strengthen their dog first aid skills, ensuring they are equipped with the most up-to-date knowledge and techniques in handling emergency situations involving our dog friends and family.

The workshop will journey into a wide range of topics, including CPR techniques, wound care, recognizing signs of distress, and other crucial aspects of canine first aid. Kipper will be there too to demo (if he feels in the mood!) and we will share the story of why Dog First Aid became so important for us to teach others.

Mark and Mandy Walker have long been respected figures in the world of dog training, and their commitment to further enhancing their clients' skills not only speaks volumes about their dedication but also underscores their genuine care for the well-being of dogs.

I can't wait to meet everyone tomorrow. These workshops always attract the best dog people.

I consider myself incredibly luckybecause of my two dogs.Kipper, my sensitive soul, has taught me valuable lessons in cu...

I consider myself incredibly lucky

because of my two dogs.

Kipper, my sensitive soul, has taught me valuable lessons in cultivating gentleness and practicing patience to nurture his confidence. Through him, I've come to realize that my own mood and mindset play a crucial role, trumping any training techniques I employ.

Minnie, my little monster, is a whirlwind of boundless energy and pure sunshine. In her spirited nature, she's teaching me the importance of embracing vitality and enthusiasm as the foundation for effective training.

Having two dogs with such contrasting personalities has proven to be such a blessing, allowing me to develop into the best trainer I can be.

What about you? I'd love to know what your dogs personality has taught you 🧡 🐕

If you have any number of dogs, perhaps you would like to join us in the new online classes we have starting on

Tuesday 14th November at 6.30pm

To come to one class is £10 or you can book a block of 6 for £50.

Come and see how much your dog can learn before Christmas

Focusing on handler skills and mindset, with a little first aid thrown in, too, means that this class is suitable for most dogs.

I love getting feedback from clients on how well they are doing with their dog. I can provide direction, strategies, and...

I love getting feedback from clients on how well they are doing with their dog.

I can provide direction, strategies, and give confidence. But ultimately, it is them that does the work with their dog.

It's a fantastic moment when you know you that your relationship with your dog is so strong that you can call your dog from chasing a deer ❤️

In light of the recent news that XL Bullies will soon be added to the list of banned dog breeds in England and Wales, wi...

In light of the recent news that XL Bullies will soon be added to the list of banned dog breeds in England and Wales, with discussions of a similar move in Scotland, I have been reminded of the powerful poem "First They Came" by Martin Niemöller.

The original poem goes....

"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—
and there was no one left to speak for me."

While it is crucial to address the rise in dog attacks and ensure public safety, we must question whether banning entire breeds is an effective solution. Such measures not only harm innocent dogs but also cause immeasurable distress to responsible and loving dog owners. 🐕💔

There is a better way. Rather than penalizing specific breeds, let's focus on holding irresponsible breeders and owners accountable for their actions. By promoting education, responsible ownership, and enforcing stronger regulations for breeders, we can work towards preventing dog attacks and fostering a safer environment for everyone. 📚💪

If you share our concerns and want to make a difference, here's how you can contribute:

1️⃣ Sign Petitions: Join forces with other passionate dog lovers by signing petitions aiming to reconsider breed-specific bans. Together, our voices will be stronger and make a greater impact. 📝✍️

2️⃣ Write to Your MP: Reach out to your Member of Parliament to express your concerns about breed-specific legislation. Share your thoughts and suggestions on alternative approaches that promote responsible dog ownership while safeguarding public safety. 📩🏛️

3️⃣ Share Your Voice and Good Dog Tales: Use your social media platforms, local community networks, and online forums to raise awareness about the negative consequences of breed-specific bans. Share heartwarming stories of well-behaved dogs from various breeds to challenge stereotypes and promote understanding. 📢🐾

Do you have a beautifully behaved Bully? I'd love to hear more about them.


Accidents happen

All those rescuers are absolute hero's. Especially the woman in the dress and leather jackets who comforts the owner once the dog has been rescued.

Its people like this you need in an emergency. Do you know how to be calm in a crisis?


Check out a recent video showcasing one of the first steps in teaching your dog to leave and not mug your hands for treats!

Discover the power of trust and boundaries in building an incredible relationship with your pup. 🐾💪

Join our community of dedicated dog owners who are passionate about training their pups and creating a deep, lasting connection. 🐾🌟

Unlock the potential within your dog and join us for online classes this winter. All you need is your dog, some treats, and lots of love.

More details coming soon....

🐶🎃 Halloween Dog Tip: Did you know that pumpkins can be incredibly beneficial food for dogs? 🌟🔬 Nutrient-Packed Goodness...

🐶🎃 Halloween Dog Tip: Did you know that pumpkins can be incredibly beneficial food for dogs? 🌟

🔬 Nutrient-Packed Goodness: Pumpkins are loaded with essential nutrients, such as fibre, vitamins A, C, and E, as well as potassium. These nutrients play a crucial role in supporting overall health, boosting their immune system, and promoting a shiny coat and healthy skin.

🌾 Digestive Upset?: Pumpkin's fibre content works wonders for your dog's digestion. It can help ease constipation, and even soothe an upset stomach. Additionally, pumpkin acts as a natural prebiotic, supporting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, which is good for gut health.

🌿 A Pump-King for Weight Loss: If your dog is fat, pumpkin can come to the rescue! Low in calories but high in fibre, pumpkin helps them feel fuller for longer, reducing the tendency to mooch for food. It's a healthy substitute for calorie-dense treats, helping to keep their weight in check.

It's a good idea to introduce pumpkin slowly into your dog's food. 🐶🎃

Once I've carved a pumpkin, I freeze it in small tupperware to add a little into my dogs food when needed.

If you found this information interesting and want to stay up-to-date with more pawsome tips and tales, be sure to sign up for our email newsletter! 📧

Just send me a message with your email address, and every month, you'll receive exclusive dog first aid and safety tips straight to your inbox. You'll also get to hear all about my adventures in training my two 🐾🎉


Hey everyone, I stumbled upon this interesting (from a dog body language perspective) video from a few years ago and couldn't resist sharing it with you all, again.

My sister decided to wear Maleficent horns and we decided to introduce them to Kipper. And this was the result

Now, let me give you a bit of background on Kipper. He's always been a little nervous around people changing clothes. When he first came to live with me, if someone entered the room wearing a different outfit than before, he would make this low growling-like noise that we fondly call the "Kipper noises." It's become quite the trademark among those who know him.

But this year, when we showed Minnie the Maleficent horns, her reaction was completely unexpected. She instantly jumped at my sister and would have happily chewed them if given the chance. 🤣

With Halloween just around the corner, there are scary decorations popping up all over the place. it's a good time of year to help your sensitive Kipper types gain confidence around these things. and to teach your mischievous Minnie types not to wreck them 😂

Topics, including dog body language, confidence building, and teaching leave, will be covered in the online beginner dog training class starting on the 7th November.

You talk about if you and your are suitable you can email me on

[email protected]

Recently I had a chat with Emily from the pet directory Can I Bring The Dogs? for her podcast.Her previous musings have ...

Recently I had a chat with Emily from the pet directory Can I Bring The Dogs? for her podcast.

Her previous musings have been interesting to listen to and I was keen to try it out too.

Really enjoyed our chat, thanks for asking me Emily McMillan

Dog Tales with Claire Downie - Building confidence, Compassionate training & doggy First Aid
Available on Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts & iTunes
Go have a listen and leave us a review

What like for the current banned breeds. Of course we need to protect people from dog attacks. But Hurting responsible p...

What like for the current banned breeds. Of course we need to protect people from dog attacks. But Hurting responsible people and traumatising good natured dogs isn't the answer.

So many dont read the featured post and im continually asked why the muzzle. Actually most aren't that polite! ...


Apologies for those that are aware, but so important for those that have just joined us x
On August 14th 2019, my precious Lola was seized by the police.She was taken from the house, put in a cage in the back of a police van and driven away. I was not allowed to know where she was going, not told if I would get her back and not allowed to give them any of her food, bed, toys or even a blanket with our scent on. To say I was hysterical is not a strong enough praise for how I coped.
Lola is an American Bulldog/English Staffordshire Bull Terrier. There is a law in this country that states if the dog shape based on tape measurements “fit” they are labelled Pitbull “type” . What this means is they are at risk of been euthanised even though they have done nothing wrong. This is called BSL, breed specific legislation.
The officer did an assessment on Lola and confirmed she was a well balanced, obedient, gentle dog that showed no aggression what so ever. However, she measured the measurements they use, he even said he did some several times to check, he could see how lovely she was. He told me the kennels that she was taken to commented on how lovely and good natured she was.

I have had to go to court to get her back and the court agreed she was no risk to the public, but because she’s now labelled “type”she has to be muzzled and kept on a lead in public for the rest of her life. No more long free beach and wood walks, no more playing fetch with her ball. Both her and my life have changed forever.
I now have her home, but she cried and cried when she saw me. She was starving and p*eing herself with stress.


Opening Hours

Tuesday 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday 08:00 - 20:00
Friday 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday 08:00 - 17:00




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