Did you know that upto 80% of dogs experiencing behaviour issues have an underlying medical condition (in many cases this is pain of some sort) and that often they are undiagnosed.
I have worked with a lot of dogs where there is no indication of pain - they still run around like loons and donโt limp etc. Yet, a really thorough vet check, or physio assessment have identified an issue.
Only once medical issues have been ruled out can we begin to look at our dogs behaviour (the behaviours can sometimes resolve themselves once the underlying medical cause has been addressed).
Working with a suitably qualified behaviourist* (who asks for a veterinary referral before working with you) is so important to ensure your dogs welfare is maintained ๐งก - your vet is usually a good place to ask for recommendations ๐
* look for someone who has a formal qualification of level 5 or above, a degree is level 6, and an MSc is level 7
Ref: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2615/10/2/318?fbclid=IwAR0v7ljPSmoo_Qmojr7KcakgRyZVLsCWl6_6YsyuwUNwKFl0wsd6cX-S7-A&mibextid=v9XM1L&fs=e&s=cl