Two years ago today, a whirlwind of chaos, destruction, fur, widdle and unconditional love threw itself into our lives, on a set of legs like a new school coat.
Now, the chaos, destruction and widdle have abated and like that once new coat, the legs have been grown into, but the love remains.
I'd be lying if I said life with Castor was all easy and wonderful. In the early days there were tears of frustration, and times when I thought it would never work, that we had made a terrible mistake. "Is he always like this?" people used to ask, with a concerned expression. Every time though, he would do something to redeem himself and show us what a lovely boy was there under the surface, waiting to learn.
And learn he did. Crating has turned to free rein of the house, sleeping in either his own bed or ours, depending on how the mood takes him. Destruction is confined to some specific unfortunate toys, and a nice antler satisfies the chewing bug. We can bring him anywhere with us and although he gets excited when he meets another dog he's always a good boy. He happily goes to daycare and settles immediately when we go on holiday. He walks nicely on the lead and while recall is still a work in progress I think we're getting there. And he loves absolutely everyone. I've never met such a loving and joyous dog, and it makes me so happy to have him in our lives.
Happy Gotcha Day, Castor.
My beautiful boy.