They just all love each other 🧡 kylo, Pixie, Einstein and Hugo
Oh we know that feeling Einstein with all these walks and treats 😂 😴
Is there anything cuter though? Video from yesterday 🥰
Love meeting new pups on our trips out 😍 I so wanted this pup to start Fetch and play😅🤣
Focusing on Max’s walking on his lead. He’s a strong pup and he’s coming on a treat.
Too cute of these two good pups! Max and Nellie 🐾
The cutest video sent by Shannon Murphy of ghost with his treat from Fetch and play! 😍
Happy faces all around! Happy Tuesday! 🐾🧡
Birthday treat for Duke today! 🐾🧁🎈
It was Einstein’s birthday a few days ago before he started here at Fetch and play!
We made sure he didn’t miss out though! 🐾 🥳