Calmer Canines with The Shouty-Barky Dog Lady, Stephie Guy

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  • Calmer Canines with The Shouty-Barky Dog Lady, Stephie Guy

Calmer Canines with The Shouty-Barky Dog Lady, Stephie Guy Calming the Chaos so you can live a Normal Life, just like everybody else.

Specialist in Shouty-Barky dogs, dogs struggling with separation, and sensitive rescues. Stephie is a certified dog trainer and behaviour consultant with a special interest in sensitive dogs, especially shouty-barky dogs and dogs with separation anxiety.

When we started working together in May, Romanian Rescue Ziggy was regularly growling and launching himself at his human...

When we started working together in May, Romanian Rescue Ziggy was regularly growling and launching himself at his human dad. He'd bitten both his human mum and dad, and dad was sleeping alone downstairs because Ziggy couldn't tolerate having him in the bedroom.

By July, Ziggy was a different dog, coming to both his mum and dad for touch, they couldn't believe how loving he'd become!

And now, in August, Ziggy is actually getting into bed with his dad and spooning with him, asking for cuddles!

What a phenomenal team. They've come so far in just 3 sessions, I can't wait to see where we get to in the next few months ❤️

This morning I'm writing up some notes for a new client. When I'm writing my notes I dictate a lot, which helps minimise...

This morning I'm writing up some notes for a new client. When I'm writing my notes I dictate a lot, which helps minimise the sometimes-painful impact of tip-tapping on the keyboard.
I was highly amused when the phrase "ACE Free Work will help with..." was written down as "Ice cream work will help with..."
Yes, yes it will. Thank you for the suggestion, I love ice cream!

If any of my local dogbook friends are interested in a dog first aid course, there's one in September run by Dog First A...

If any of my local dogbook friends are interested in a dog first aid course, there's one in September run by Dog First Aid Cheshire at Hesketh Bank. I'm going :)

FOREIGN RESCUE DOGS AREN'T LIKE OUR HOME-GROWN DOGS❗ The culture of their homeland is very different to ours❗ They speak...

❗ The culture of their homeland is very different to ours

❗ They speak 'dog' way better than our home-grown dogs do - most of ours are really rude in comparison!

❗ They're used to making their own decisions in life, free to come and go as they wish without human constraints

❗ They may have injuries that have left both emotional and physical scars

❗ They may be terrified of certain people or dogs, possibly even terrified of ALL people and dogs outside of their trusted circle

In my opinion all dogs benefit from being a co-pilot in their own learning, but for these dogs, it's crucial.

Going in all-guns-blazing telling them what to do and how to behave just isn't going to cut it. These dogs need a sensitive, dog-first approach. They need understanding. They want and need to be at partner level in the family dynamic.

Now that doesn't mean they always get their own way and get to be obnoxious. Far from it! Just like we shouldn't tolerate a human partner that's obnoxious and insists on getting their own way!

A partnership needs to be based on mutual trust and cooperation. Give and take on both sides...and that's why standard training programmes simply don't work for foreign rescues. They often don't work for our home-grown dogs too, especially the sensitive ones.

And what about you, the caregiver? One thing I've found over the years is that the most progress comes when you support each other. When you work in small groups (6 is a really great number) and share your ups and downs in a safe space that's just for you, that's where the magic happens.

🐾 My next Behaviour Rehab programme for Foreign Rescues will have a maximum of 6 participants

💚 Every dog gets to choose how and when to participate. You are an awesome team and we'll build on that.

💥 You'll get regular zoom meetings over 6 months where you get to talk about what's going on for your individual dog. You'll get support and guidance from me AND from your fellow foreign rescue caregivers.

🤩 You'll be guided through tutorials that are released weekly so that you don't get overwhelmed.

🐶 You'll get your own private facebook group where you can ask questions ANYTIME.

It starts on 5th September. Will you be one of the six?

I know you're brilliant at looking after your dog, and I love you for it ❤️My question today is, how good are you at loo...

I know you're brilliant at looking after your dog, and I love you for it ❤️

My question today is, how good are you at looking after yourself?

Because you see, the better you look after yourself, the better you can look after your dog too.

If you're anything like the members of The Shouty-Barky Dog Group, you won't be looking after yourself even half as well as you're looking after your dog.

When I asked them "Do you look after yourself as brilliantly as you look after your dog?" :

❗71 people said no.
❗Just 9 said yes,
❗and 11 said sometimes.

That's a lot of overwhelmed folks that are not looking after themselves.

Those cheesy sayings are true you know: you have to put your own oxygen mask on can't pour from an empty need to recharge your batteries before trying to power others...

Self care isn’t selfish, it's essential.

When we're constantly running on empty we're busy busy busy. We can be so busy that we don't even notice that we're running on empty. And even if we did notice, there's not enough time for everything that needs to be done so how could we possibly take time out for self-care? There just isn't enough time in the day!

But here's the thing. Self-care doesn't have to take a long time, and it doesn't have to cost money. I mean it can do, but it doesn't have to. If you've got the time, and the money and you want to go for a spa break, then that's great...but self-care can just as easily take a few minutes and cost nothing at all.

Just 5 minutes of self-care snatched in the middle of a busy day can make a huge difference! And if 5 minutes seems too much, then how about 3 minutes? And if 3 minutes seems impossible, then how about 3 seconds?

If you're struggling to look after yourself as brilliantly as you look after your dog, try this:

💥Share a smile with yourself in the mirror. Smiles release natural endorphins to help you to feel good.
💥Close your eyes if it's safe to do so, and ask yourself "What do I need right now?". Notice whatever comes up for you and if possible, gift it to yourself now, or if appropriate make time and space to support yourself with it later. Reach out for help whenever you need it.
💥Relax, release, enjoy a yawn for you. Yawns naturally help us to let go of anything no longer serving us. So whenever you're ready, yawn it out.
Huge thanks and gratitude to Liz Clifton of Take34U for these simple self care actions.

Remember, you can't light someone else's path if your own candle is burned out.



ps Liz was one of my Shouty-Barky Advent Calendar guests last year and you can still watch her 5-minute self-care activity here

And if you want to connect with Liz you can do that here:

This is what our walk looked like today. Some walking, much sitting, lying, watching the world, doing nothing together i...

This is what our walk looked like today. Some walking, much sitting, lying, watching the world, doing nothing together in the shade.

  Taming the Tornado Online Class This Friday 🐾 for owners, guardians and caregivers of bored, restless and naughty dogs...

Taming the Tornado Online Class This Friday 🐾 for owners, guardians and caregivers of bored, restless and naughty dogs 🐾 costs just £7.50 🐾 happening at 7.30pm UK time on July 26th 🐾 click the pic to join!!

𝗜𝘀 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗗𝗼𝗴 𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗙𝘂𝗹𝗹 𝗼𝗳 𝗠𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗲𝗳?
We've been discussing this in The Shouty-Barky Dog Group, and many of us share the same struggles. It's driving us to distraction trying to keep up! Here's what we've discovered:

Mischievous behaviour in dogs often stems from boredom.

🔎 Boredom can look like naughtiness, or it might lead to chewing, digging, tail-chasing, or excessive barking.

🔎Boredom in dogs feels like frustration and impatience—much like it does in humans.

Research shows that animals can feel boredom, which affects their behaviour.

𝗪𝗵𝘆 𝗠𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗔𝗰𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗔𝗿𝗲𝗻’𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝗼𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻
When faced with a restless, naughty, bored dog, many people try giving them more things to do. They'll buy more enrichment toys, go to more classes, and do more activities, trying to satisfy their dog's need for more and more stimulation. But do you know what? It doesn't work.

𝗘𝗺𝗯𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗕𝗼𝗿𝗲𝗱𝗼𝗺
Boredom is a part of everyone's life, and each of us has to learn how to cope with it. If you never get bored, you've probably already learned how to manage this!

The tricky part is helping our restless, mischievous dogs learn to cope with boredom:

❗Ignoring a bored dog isn't helpful. Their bodies tell them to move, seek engagement, and have fun. Ignoring this need makes them frustrated, and they'll try harder until they get a reaction.

❗It's important to give our dogs mental stimulation and choice in their daily lives. However, if you're exhausted thinking of more things to do, you might be making things worse.

❗Instead, we need to bring down arousal levels without adding to frustration.

𝗝𝗼𝗶𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗼𝗿𝗻𝗮𝗱𝗼 𝗪𝗲𝗯𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗿
If you're struggling with this, join my online class at 7.30pm UK time on July 26th to:

💚 Understand what drives the boredom-to-naughty cycle in our dogs

💚 Find out why providing more enrichment and entertainment might make your dog worse

💚 Learn how to help your dog cope with boredom

💚 Ask me questions about YOUR individual dog during the class


If your dog is full of mischief, needs constant attention, is restless, steals things, or generally gets into trouble, this class will be a game-changer for you! Who wants in?

Get the details and join here:

If you have a naughty, attention seeking and mischievous dog that keeps stealing things and won't let you alone then this online class will be a game changer!


Last week over in The Shouty-Bark Dog Group I asked "Do natural calming products work for your dog?"

Opinions were very divided. Of the 65 people that answered,

🔎 29 found that the natural calming products did help

🔎 27 said that they didn't

🔎 5 said CBD products were useful

🔎 3 were undecided

🔎 1 hadn't tried them

So in my very unscientific study, around about half of the people that had an opinion thought that they helped, and half thought that they didn't.

The more I learn about the way the brain functions through the various trauma courses I've been taking, the more I understand why some products can be *really* helpful.

One product that I've come across in the last few months is Pet Remedy, and I have to say I'm super impressed with the science that backs up their claims.

🐾 Mickle is impressed too. He took his first wipe off me, made a very good attempt at opening by himself, and then settled down with it right by his nose. That's him in the picture 🙂

I'm so impressed that I've joined their partner programme - and I don't do things like that lightly!

Going back to my question, a common theme seems to be that we often need to try several different products before we find one that works for our individual dog.

So if, like me, you're impressed with Pet Remedy's reasoning and Mickle's response, try this:

💚 use my partner code STEPHIE25 to get 25% off, or click this link

💚 Introduce the product at a time when you're all feeling relaxed so that you can ask your dog:
"How do you feel about this? Do you find it helpful?"

💚 Watch for deep sighs, soft body language and true relaxation

💚 Once your dog is giving you clear signals that this is supportive for them, begin to use it when you'd like to help your dog's brain process potentially scary situations, all the while keeping them feeling as safe as possible.

**Full disclosure, if you use my code then you'll get 25% off, I'll get points or a small payment or something (I'm not sure which, I haven't looked into it, that's not why I'm affiliated) and your dog gets to try a scientifically backed up natural calming product too. Wins all round!

Try it and let me know how it goes.

Of course, this isn't going to work without a solid trauma-informed plan to back it up, but it's a really great start!



ps we'll be diving into this next month in my membership, The Calmer Canines Club.

If you'd like to join in with conversations like this, you can join here for £25pm

pps if, like me, you're interested in the science behind Pet Remedy, there's a video that explains it all beautifully on the Pet Remedy website. It uses direct and indirect pathways to help animals to cope better with stressful situations by improving emotional resilience and wellbeing. Watch it here:

A hazard of my job is that I spot emotionally and physically uncomfortable animals everywhere I go. Today in Liverpool c...

A hazard of my job is that I spot emotionally and physically uncomfortable animals everywhere I go.

Today in Liverpool city centre more than half the dogs and several pigeons I saw were struggling physically. We don't put up with this level of suffering in our human population - why is it ok in our canine population?

There's no real point to this post, I guess I'm just offloading my sore heart. It gets to me sometimes.

Mickle's Pet Remedy wipes arrived today. I'd say they were a huge success!

Mickle's Pet Remedy wipes arrived today. I'd say they were a huge success!


Mickle and Beans both enjoy their free work. Today it was very much needed - Mickle is coming down with an ear infection and Beans has been for her rabies jab ahead of joining her Mama in Vienna next month.

Blimey this was a difficult course to take! Absolutely fascinating content, and I'll need to revisit it several times to...

Blimey this was a difficult course to take! Absolutely fascinating content, and I'll need to revisit it several times to make sure all of it has gone in.

𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐒 𝐔𝐏 𝐈𝐅 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐃𝐎𝐆 𝐈𝐒 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐄𝐅!Constantly needing attention, restless, stealing things and gener...


Constantly needing attention, restless, stealing things and generally getting into trouble?

This is a topic we've been discussing over the last couple of weeks over in The Shouty-Barky Dog Group, and it turns out that many of us have dogs just like this...and it's driving us to distraction trying to keep up!

Here's what we've found out.

❗Mischievous behaviour in dogs often stems from boredom.

❗Boredom can look like naughtiness, or they might chew, dig, chase their tails, or bark excessively.

Boredom in dogs feels like frustration and impatience – much like it does in humans. This is backed up by research showing that animals can feel boredom, and that it affects their behaviour.

When faced with a restless, naughty, bored dog, most people try giving them more things to do. They'll buy ever more enrichment toys, go to more classes and do more activities, trying to satisfy their dog's need for more and more dopamine….and do you know what?

❗It doesn't work.

Boredom is a part of everyone's life, and each and every one of us has to learn how to cope with it. If you never get bored, you've probably already learnt how to do this!

The tricky bit is helping our restless, mischievous dogs to learn how to cope with boredom.

🐶 Simply ignoring a bored dog isn't helpful. Their bodies are telling them to move, to go looking for something to do, to go looking for engagement and fun, and ignoring that need will make them frustrated. They'll try harder and harder until they get that reaction from us.

🐶 It's important to give our dogs mental stimulation and choice in their daily lives, but if you've got to the point where you're exhausted trying to think of ever more and more things to do, you're possibly making things worse.

🐶 Instead, we need to bring down arousal levels without adding to frustration.

Sounds simple? It is, when you know how!

𝑰𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒈𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔, 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒋𝒐𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔 𝒂𝒕 𝟕.𝟑𝟎𝒑𝒎 𝑼𝑲 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒍𝒚 𝟐𝟔𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒐:

💚 Understand what drives the boredom-to-naughty cycle in our dogs

💚 Find out why providing ever more enrichment and entertainment might be making your dog worse

💚 Learn how to help your dog to cope with boredom

💚 Ask me questions about YOUR individual dog during the class


If your dog is full of mischief, needs constant attention, is restless, stealing things, or generally getting into trouble, this class is going to be a game-changer for you!

Who wants in?


🐾 𝗗𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗴𝗮𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 🐾
My Mickle is TERRIFIED of sheep. His main aim in a field of sheep is to get through it as quickly as possible, head down, let's go mum!

Last week, on holiday (vacation) in Cornwall, UK, we were walking along the coast path when a very friendly and curious sheep wanted to say hello to Mickle. The sheep walked slowly and calmly up to him , almost nose to nose - I was totally lost in the moment - and then my sensitive boy bounced backwards with a "what the @* #£!" look on his face. I wish I'd had my camera out as his expression was priceless!

What he *didn't* need in that moment was me to intervene. He didn't need me to tell him it was ok, it was just a sheep. He wasn't able to listen to any reassurances. He just needed to get out of there.

On the beach we were able to slow down a touch, gather information, and decompress with some sheep wool. At that point he was able to listen, and we could have a chat about the sheep.

Then we went on our way, rebalanced and no longer afraid 💕

*No sheep were harmed in the making of this video

Job done ✅

Job done ✅

Dinner for the animals 😋

Dinner for the animals 😋

Big soft Finn would really like to be a little dog please and thank you 💕Adolescent Romanian rescue Finn and his wonderf...

Big soft Finn would really like to be a little dog please and thank you 💕

Adolescent Romanian rescue Finn and his wonderful caregivers Chris and Sharon have made MASSIVE progress since we started working together. They've gone from having manic hu***ng and biting Fincidents several times a day, to less than a handful of easily interruptable Fincidents per week. And all done with kindness and understand, meeting Finn's adolescent Rommie brain where it's at, helping him to work out how to fit in with family life and helping his family to work out how to fit in with him.

Can't wait for our next session!

It's been a beautiful day for a walk into town, pausing to do nothing together on the way. What's your favourite way to ...

It's been a beautiful day for a walk into town, pausing to do nothing together on the way.

What's your favourite way to do nothing together with your dog?

I'm in love! Out with this gorgeous little Rommie in Liverpool this afternoon, working on ✅ calm lead walking and ✅ stra...

I'm in love! Out with this gorgeous little Rommie in Liverpool this afternoon, working on
✅ calm lead walking and
✅ strategies for getting out of sticky situations

He is the sweetest soul - you wouldn't believe he had a reactive side ❤️❤️❤️

Great news! Clinical Animal Behaviourist Alyssa Ralph is joining me for this workshop 🤩 Go Grab one of the last places n...

Great news! Clinical Animal Behaviourist Alyssa Ralph is joining me for this workshop 🤩 Go Grab one of the last places now!

*** Mindfulness for Dogs with ACE Free Work ***
I'm very excited to be bringing this workshop to my local area!

It's on the 25th of May in Ormskirk near Liverpool

This full day workshop is for dogs that are:
* Sensitive
* Hyperactive
* Shouty-Barky or reactive
* Anxious or scared
* Frustrated greeters
* Separation anxiety
* and more

An Introduction to ACE will give you the skills you need to be able to practice daily mindfulness with your dog, so that you can both lead calmer lives.

There are only 3 dog places left so if this sounds good to you, get more details and book on here:

Over the last couple of weeks in The Shouty-Bark Dog Group we've been talking about frustration. More than 50 brilliant ...

Over the last couple of weeks in The Shouty-Bark Dog Group we've been talking about frustration. More than 50 brilliant people joined in with the conversation, and this is what I've learned.

When we talked about people's instinctive emotional response to frustration,

➡️ 15 people said they got angry
➡️ 9 people shut down quietly
➡️ 8 people cry
➡️ 8 escape the situation
➡️ 2 became impatient,
➡️ and there was a smattering of snarkiness and panic.

🔥 17 people recognised that their emotional response to frustration is very similar to their dog's emotional response 🔥

Whilst dogs aren't human, putting a human slant on our dog's behaviour can be a helpful way for us to empathise and understand them better. And of course, better understanding leads to more effective adaptations and training protocols.


There are many different frustration flash points.
Some examples are during play; when things don't happen fast enough; when we want something but can't get to it.

What's happening here is that the being (human or dog) that is frustrated has made a prediction error. They've predicted that something will happen, and it hasn't done. The reward that was expected hasn't happened, and we get a dopamine dip.

And when that happens repeatedly we get frustration flash points.

When we have a super fast learner, or a jackpot prize was predicted, it doesn't even need to happen repeatedly - once will do it! And that's frustrating for us, the humans, because this dog is clever, why can't they learn!!

🐶 Traditional training is unlikely to help our dogs to overcome these frustration flash points because there's so much emotion, driven by hormones, behind the response. 🐶

Once we've got a dog stuck in a frustration flash point loop, we need to make changes and adaptations to get them out of it.

We're looking to create a NEW pattern or habit that changes our dog's predictions around what's going to happen next.


💥 Express your dog's desire in human words, in the first person. "I want..."

💥 Add the frustrating element. "but I can't because..."

💥 Then add the emotional component. "And I feel..."

💥 Now think about what the prediction error was and come up with an adaptation to that situation that would help your dog to make a true prediction next time.

This might sound complicated so let's work through an example.

** I want to go and play with that dog, but I can't because I can't get to them, and I feel upset and angry and it's NOT FAIR. **

In this case, the prediction error occurred because the dog is on a lead and for whatever reason, it's not appropriate right now to go and play.

A suitable adaptation to the pattern or habit around this frustration flash point might be that when we see an approaching dog in the distance, we tell our dog that there's a dog and we're just going to walk past, or that we're going to make some space. We then engage our dog in a rewarding action game that we've practised lots at home.

Remember, what makes a game rewarding for your individual dog is very much led by your individual dog. It needs to be active and involve movement, otherwise we'll be adding in even more frustration.

Try it and let me know how it goes.

Of course, this isn't going to be the ultimate answer if we're dealing with more than simple frustration, but it's a really great start.!



🔥 ps this was the topic in my membership, The Calmer Canines Club, this week. We also dove into canine vs human social norms, emotional attribution and theory of mind, why practicing prediction errors is a really bad idea, and we ran through a few live examples for members of the club.

🔥 If you'd like to join in with conversations like this, you can join here for £25pm

***  Mindfulness for Dogs with ACE Free Work ***I'm very excited to be bringing this workshop to my local area!It's on t...

*** Mindfulness for Dogs with ACE Free Work ***
I'm very excited to be bringing this workshop to my local area!

It's on the 25th of May in Ormskirk near Liverpool

This full day workshop is for dogs that are:
* Sensitive
* Hyperactive
* Shouty-Barky or reactive
* Anxious or scared
* Frustrated greeters
* Separation anxiety
* and more

An Introduction to ACE will give you the skills you need to be able to practice daily mindfulness with your dog, so that you can both lead calmer lives.

There are only 3 dog places left so if this sounds good to you, get more details and book on here:

TRAINING WORKSHOP IN ORMSKIRK FOR REACTIVE, ANXIOUS OR SENSITIVE DOGS🐾 Learn how to support your dog through their diffi...


🐾 Learn how to support your dog through their difficult moments.
🐾 Find out how to create an effective multi-sensory classroom for your individual dog.
🐾 Help your dog to effortlessly and easily discard their anxieties and grow into a calm and confident canine companion.

An Introduction to ACE is a 3 part blended zoom and in-person programme:
➡️ 20th May at 7pm : initial zoom meeting
➡️ 25th May from 10am-4pm : practical workshop in Ormskirk
➡️ 3rd June at 7pm : follow up zoom Q&A

This is an intimate experience with only 4 handler places and 4 observer places. This means that there will be lots of individual time and attention for each attending dog.

Join here:

This Introduction to ACE workshop is an in-person event in Ormskirk near Liverpool, Englad.

Mickle and I have had a WONDERFUL day at Tilley Farm today. Seven fabulous hours of shared learning and laughter with my...

Mickle and I have had a WONDERFUL day at Tilley Farm today. Seven fabulous hours of shared learning and laughter with my amazing ACE friends. This is where I belong ❤️

Mickle is definitely ready for bed now and I'm not far behind him 💤

💚 NEW IN-PERSON WORKSHOP 25th MAY 💚This Introduction to ACE In-Person Workshop is being facilitated by me, ACE Associate...


This Introduction to ACE In-Person Workshop is being facilitated by me, ACE Associate Tutor Stephie Guy, near Liverpool, UK.

The workshop is made up of
➡️ one 6-hour in-person workshop on 25th May PLUS
➡️ learning is supported by online zoom classes on 20th May and 3rd June. The online classes are recorded.

There are a maximum of 4 handler places and 4 observer places.

Book on here:

This Introduction to ACE workshop is an in-person event in Ormskirk near Liverpool, Englad.


Over the last few weeks I've been hearing from so many of you that are overwhelmed, confused, and haven't got a scooby what's going on.

You're desperate to help your beautiful dogs. You just don't know how. And that makes me sad 🥺

🐾 I know that I can help each and every one of you - but I'm getting so many cries for help that I just don't have enough hours in the day to support you all individually.

➡️So I'm hatching a plan to run a series of super cheap webinars. Each one will help you to move forward with your anxious dog.

If you've ever been along to any of my webinars you'll know that
💚 they're interactive
💚 highly engaging
💚 and there's always time for your individual questions about your individual dogs.

I want these to be super affordable so the first one will be £7.50 (under $10), and you'll get a recording afterwards.

➡️ Before I put the time and effort in to set these up, is this something you'd be interested in joining?

AN INTRODUCTION TO ACE : an in-person workshop near Liverpool UKACE (Animal Centred Education) is a beautifully calm and...

AN INTRODUCTION TO ACE : an in-person workshop near Liverpool UK

ACE (Animal Centred Education) is a beautifully calm and gentle relationship-based approach to educating both ourselves and our dogs so that we can live together peacefully without anxiety or fear.

ACE is suited to dogs of all ages, breeds and temperaments. Everyone is welcome, no-one is excluded.

Run by ACE Associate Tutor Stephie Guy in Ormskirk near Liverpool UK on 25th May, with two supporting online zoom classes.

Places are very limited with just 4 handler places and 4 observer places, so if you want to come I recommend following the link now!

Details are in the first comment.

Happy Easter everypawdy! I wish you all a beautiful day doing nothing together with someone you love ❣️

Happy Easter everypawdy! I wish you all a beautiful day doing nothing together with someone you love ❣️


Opening Hours

Monday 07:30 - 21:00
Tuesday 07:30 - 21:00
Wednesday 07:30 - 21:00
Thursday 07:30 - 21:00
Friday 07:30 - 21:00
Saturday 07:30 - 21:00
Sunday 07:30 - 21:00


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One to one fusion training

Get your dog to be the dog you always wanted! Results focused, KIND training methods for You and Your Dog, based in science and proven to work, with multiple contact points each week to keep you and your pooch on track.

  • Weekly one to one training sessions delivered WORLDWIDE via Zoom or FaceTime

  • Detailed follow up notes written for you and your dog, together with videos of key training points for you to rewatch and share with anyone involved in the care of your dog, so that you can concentrate on training and don’t have to take notes.

  • A family Facebook or WhatsApp group with me, so that you can easily ask questions and post your videos for feedback and help when you need it