Bekka and joy are stranded here , they live right over the other side of the Dam so they are stuck sharing a small space with a pack they don't belong to ,Jess,Emma and stalker won't let them feed ,I have to guard them so they can have a meal in peace.
Henry is coming home 🐾
Henry is finally coming home to his pack .he's had a long journey of chemo for tvt and he's been neuterd
Thank you WVS care for dogs for your continued support .🐾🐾🐾
The puppies are getting very active and vocal now .
The teeth are coming ouch 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
It’s been a hellish couple of days ,Thurs I went as usual to check on the puppies and to feed Aunty .I was totally stressed to find they were fading fast all the puppies were floppy,lethargic and dehydrated , I was convinced they were dying .BUT WAIT READ ON ITS ALL GOOD. The main problem is hypothermia and dehydration which they were all suffering from ,they also have respiratory problems from the horrid damp dark dirty place under the house it was killing them .Aunty made it perfectly clear she didn’t want them moved .So I got to work I picked their little limp bodies up and wrapped them in a blanket and warmed them up ,they have to be warm before they can digest and take milk ,then one by one they took milk ,I rotated this until they all had several turns . I made the decision to move the puppies out of the dreary cold place under the house wether Aunty liked it or not ,if they stayed under the house they were not going to make it for sure . I gave them milk and water throughout the day and kept them warm placing them in indirect sun .
By the end of the day they had recovered remarkably except for one 😥 today is Sunday ,Joe ,viktoria and myself have been keeping check on them every day and they are all doing well .I do not want another week like this 😳the video and pictures are from fri and sat .THERES MORE TO COME.🐾🐾🐾
#NMPP #nomorepuppiesthailand #savingpuppies #spayandneutersaveslives
Can you Help us ? They will need worming,tick and flea treatment,vaccinations ,vet checks and food ,and soon foster homes and adoption .
What a day we had yesterday ! We caught Mouse yay not an easy task 😳 And Honey and Trudy ,They will have their spay op Thursday and will be back in their home by Friday evening .
Joe,viktoria and myself had a little system going on, I was washing and weighing ,viktoria was drying and covering the pups in iodine for their skin, and joe was cuddling and warming the puppies up after their bath and listing their weight ,What a team 🤣. Aunty was watching on and was glad of the rest .if you would like to contribute to these 10 babies meds we would be so grateful .🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾
#nmppthailand #dontshopadopt🐾 #puppiesforadoptionthailand #puppylove