Wolf Moon Therapies

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  • Wolf Moon Therapies

Wolf Moon Therapies Intuitive communication services and tuition, herbal self-medication and reiki for dogs.

Finally scientists are learning what animals have known about for millennia… plants can heal the mind and body. 🌱🌼🌿🌸☘️🌹T...

Finally scientists are learning what animals have known about for millennia… plants can heal the mind and body. 🌱🌼🌿🌸☘️🌹

This is exactly how the herbal self-medication sessions that I offer work. Give animals access to the plants they need and they can heal themselves!

It is the first time a creature in the wild has been seen using a medicinal plant to treat a wound.

I've got a stall to display my dowsing pendulums at the Avebury Spiritual & Psychic Fayre held in the Sports and Social ...

I've got a stall to display my dowsing pendulums at the Avebury Spiritual & Psychic Fayre held in the Sports and Social club on Sunday.

If you fancy a nice day out, a little retail therapy, and a wander around the largest neolithic stone circle in the world, why not pop along and say Hi!!

I often use a dowsing pendulum as part of my therapy practice and five years ago, I started making my own wooden pendulu...

I often use a dowsing pendulum as part of my therapy practice and five years ago, I started making my own wooden pendulums because I couldn't find one to buy!

Since then I've supplied energy workers with bespoke pendulums all over the globe, including USA, Germany and Japan!

Now you get the chance to come and see my work in person as I'm exhibiting at the Mind Body Spirit Wellbeing Show in Aylesbury (Bucks) on Sunday 4 June.

I'll have a wide selection of dowsing pendulums available to buy on the day, plus the opportunity to discuss (and dowse for) pendulum designs in your highest interests.

I hope you're able to come along and say hello!

Treat yourself to a holisitc therapy or 1-1 reading. Gifts with a difference. Relax with friends & family. Enjoy the positive vibe of a Deer Spirit Mind Body Spirit Wellbeing Show!

Tonight's full moon, the first of the new year, is called the Wolf Moon - and the one my business is named after.  This ...

Tonight's full moon, the first of the new year, is called the Wolf Moon - and the one my business is named after. This full moon is one of introspection, and a deeper connection to the intuitive sense that lives within all of us.

Just as wolves were often found howling at this time of year, shadowed against the snowy backdrop and moonlight sky, spending time connecting with their pack, so we also have the opportunity to re-connect with our community, family and mostly ourselves and our dogs.

We all carry within us an innate knowing, a core sense of what is true. The Wolf Moon brings an opportunity to deepen that connection, or for some, to reawaken it. There is so much happening in the world that is distracting, and the opinions, directives, and conflicting advice of others can easily take you off course, so you might like to use this time to turn off those outer messages and to return to your own inner knowledge.

Here's a lovely little meditation to help us reconnect...

Sit in a comfortable position, eyes closed with your spine tall and your body relaxed. Settle into your breath, allowing the inhale and exhale to flow naturally. Bring your attention to the centre of your forehead, your seat of intuition, and imagine that you are able to see in all directions.

Feel the floor or chair beneath you and sense your connection with the earth which may feel like roots going down into the ground. As a tree draws up water through its roots, so we draw up the energy of the earth up through your legs and into your hips and belly and into your heart space. Allow it to swirl there and then release it back down into the earth, grounding you.

As you settle into this sense of connection to the earth, allow any thoughts or ideas that come into your mind to be released. Bring your awareness back to your forehead, the seat of your inner knowing. Notice how the messages you receive from there are very different from the thoughts that come into your mind. As you practice deepening your connection with the powerful energy of the earth, you will begin to return to your own wisdom.


NEW DATES RELEASED!Learn to 'speak dog' in this three week course!During this interactive, mentor-led course on Animal C...

Learn to 'speak dog' in this three week course!

During this interactive, mentor-led course on Animal Communication for Beginners you will learn the processes of telepathic animal communication, identify any intuitive blocks that might hold you back and enjoy your first intuitive connection with your dog.

Find out more >>>
(link in comments)

"Show me or teach me.  Help me understand and succeed."Wise words there from Mr Wilson! I held space for him today to sh...

"Show me or teach me. Help me understand and succeed."

Wise words there from Mr Wilson!
I held space for him today to share how his people can best support him to ensure he is happy and relaxed as he gets quite shouty in the car, or in a pub or café and struggles to relax.

When I communicated with him about this he shared that when he gets all excited his head gets 'too fizzy' and it's like people are talking in a different language so he's not able to understand what they want from him, so he can't respond appropriately.

We discussed how we can help him regain a little composure and focus in these situations and how have a plan of attack for helping support and nurture his learning in these environments by showing him the path and then letting him take the initiative by himself. His people will guide him to the junction, show him the way and let him work it out - he's part poodle after all, so highly intelligent!

At the start of this session I asked Mr Wilson about his character - he said he's a happy-go-lucky chap and is playful. He showed me an image of a puppy biting peoples' toes to 'make them dance'. I thought this was merely a representation of playfulness, but apparently he has a foot fe**sh and does exactly this, to the point where anyone who visits the house has to wear slippers!

Love it when we get a really clear confirmation of our connection.

Thank you Mr Wilson for your forthright and candid help to bring calm and relaxation to all your lives!

Yesterday I visited Willow for a Reiki session.  She's been to the vet recently for elbow/shoulder pain and her mum aske...

Yesterday I visited Willow for a Reiki session. She's been to the vet recently for elbow/shoulder pain and her mum asked me to offer her some Reiki to help her healing process along.

I took my thermal imaging camera along and you can see the left elbow showing as hotter than the other side (having a white centre), which may suggest inflammation.

Although she's very loving, Willow is not what you'd call a 'snuggler' and she's not one for much physical contact. Normally she'll just walk away if you try to have any sustained contact with her but during the session she was very happy to lay back and enjoy the energies on offer. I was able to place my hands on her chest and side, then chest and base of tail, and then either side of her elbow for a total of around 20 minutes, which is not 'normal' for her!

I think it's safe to say that she enjoyed the healing energy and we hope that she's now on a fast-track to full recovery xx

Our deepest condolences to the royal family on the death of our Queen.  We thank her for 7 decades of dedicated service ...

Our deepest condolences to the royal family on the death of our Queen. We thank her for 7 decades of dedicated service and hope she is at peace, reunited with her beloved Phillip.

Rest in peace Ma’am.

Reiki Healing completed.Today I've sent Reiki healing energy to the animals who it was requested for in my previous post...

Reiki Healing completed.

Today I've sent Reiki healing energy to the animals who it was requested for in my previous post.

Today I used the traditional Reiki symbols for mental/emotional healing, and also to heal issues in the past or worries about the future. In addition I added some Karuna Reiki energies to help release any trauma around the anxieties they hold.

Each dog shared with me where they hold their anxiety and stress, and we worked together to help release it.

Where do you think your dog holds their tension and stress?

Free Reiki Healing Session - Thursday 4 August, 11am, STRESS & ANXIETYPlease SHARE with your friends!This month's healin...

Free Reiki Healing Session - Thursday 4 August, 11am, STRESS & ANXIETY
Please SHARE with your friends!

This month's healing session will be focused on stress and anxiety, so if your dog gets easily worried, or picks up on your stress easily then please pop their photo along with their name below and I'll include them in this free healing session.

Humums and dads of stress puppies - do you feel that your dog's stress is a mirror of your own? I may do a healing session for stressy humans if there is sufficient demand! Please comment below.

Much love
Tigs xx

CARD READINGS - THURS 14 JULYI'll be doing card readings tomorrow on the topic of *relationships*.If you'd like a messag...


I'll be doing card readings tomorrow on the topic of *relationships*.

If you'd like a message from your dog about their relationship with you, other members of the family or pets, then please post their name, photo and the details of the person you are asking about (dog/human etc, and name).

Post your pics and details today and I'll share the card tomorrow.
Please ensure you Like👍 and follow this page to see your responses, as I can't tag you in them if you don't!

Please tag a friend below who might like this too!

REIKI HEALING SESSION COMPLETEDThanks to everyone who requested that Reiki healing energy be sent to their dog to help t...


Thanks to everyone who requested that Reiki healing energy be sent to their dog to help them heal and recover from a past trauma.

They were sent gentle healing energies which help them to feel that they can lower the walls they have put in place to protect themselves, and to slowly start the journey to release the trauma and associated responses that are part of their current lives; things they no longer need or wish to carry with them. The Reiki energies used today help them to process this trauma without having to re-live the emotions around it, which makes healing less painful.

Today each dog was happy to receive the healing, and also to start the healing journey. They all shared with me a word to describe their past trauma, and a word or to to pass on to their person after the session. These are shared in the comments below.

PLEASE let me know how your dog has been over the last hour, and if you notice any changes in their 'normal' behaviours in the coming days.

PS - If you haven't yet liked this page, I can't tag you in the feedback so you are notified!

If you'd like your dog to be included in our next session which will focus on anxiety and stress release, then please LIKE 👍this page, and comment below 👇to be tagged in future healing sessions.

FREE REIKI HEALING - group session, Sunday 3 July, 9.00am (UK)This session will be focusing on releasing past trauma whi...

FREE REIKI HEALING - group session, Sunday 3 July, 9.00am (UK)

This session will be focusing on releasing past trauma which is having an impact on their lives today. This trauma could be caused by:
* separation from mum as a young puppy
* separation from puppies (breeding bitch)
* past physical abuse
* shock from fireworks
* dog attack
* rehoming
* death of a family member or pet
* illness or injury
* trauma from a disaster (fire, flood...)

If your dog is reactive as a survival mechanism, then now is the time to help them start to release the trauma around these memories.

Join us for this free Reiki session and please SHARE with or TAG any friends who might benefit from this too.

It's LGBTQ+ Pride month in June and Wolf Moon Therapies are proud to be a part of this community, welcoming everyone reg...

It's LGBTQ+ Pride month in June and Wolf Moon Therapies are proud to be a part of this community, welcoming everyone regardless of orientation, colour, age and chosen dog breed!

Love is love! 🌈🌈🌈


Coriander - Not just for your curry!

Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) essential oil is chemically similar to lavender essential oil, sharing several of the same chemical constituents, so it has many of the same soothing benefits. It has a pleasant, spicy aroma that can help boost your mood and energize your day, or that of your dog!
Coriander seed oil has been shown to:
* Lift feelings of apathy and ease anxiety
* Promote feelings of happiness, comfort, and self-confidence
* Stimulate and aids digestion
* Relieve abdominal cramps, gas, and hiccups
* Acts as a gentle stimulant when tired
* Promote relaxation
* Stimulate circulation
* Relieve stiffness and pain in muscles and joints
If you think you or your dog might benefit from Coriander seed essential oil, bear in mind that you should NEVER force a scent on your dog, so just offer them the bottle to sniff, rather than diffusing it in the room where they can't escape from it. Their noses are very sensitive and a little goes a long way. Less is more!

Today I was back with Fizzgig to hold her follow up Herbal Self-Medication session and see how her choices had changed s...

Today I was back with Fizzgig to hold her follow up Herbal Self-Medication session and see how her choices had changed since I was last with her two weeks ago.

During her first sessions her selections were mostly about de-stressing, and she selected oils to help her feel more relaxed. She's worked with these oils for the past two weeks and today she was ready to move on, after pulling funny faces with a tongue full of brewer's yeast (which is also anti-anxiety)!!

After a selecting of lovely calming oils including h**p, angelica root and valerian she moved on to a heady combination of sandalwood and Pink Lotus oils which she may have selected to work a bit deeper on her anxieties:

🌳 Sandalwood can be deeply comforting, helping to ease deep feelings of fear and promote a sense of peacefulness.

🌸 Pink Lotus oil can help an animal to focus and is often selected in cases where a dog is run down from anxiety, helping to boost their immune and nervous systems.

These oils were then supported by more lovely soothing oils including St John's Wort and Yarrow, and the next key oil:

🌼Linden Blossom is frequently selected by rescued animals with an unknown history (like Fizzgig), especially where there has been trauma or mental/physical abuse. It helps to lift tough emotions and fear-based reactions and gives a sense of peaceful calm.

Her last selections were a lovely combination of Manuka and Coriander which can help to fortify the body and mind and promote feelings of self-love and security and help to create space for healing to occur.

As with all essential oils, there a many physical and emotional benefits to each oil, and so we are only guessing as to why Fizzgig is selecting each one, but based on her history and reactions to her environment, we can make these educated guesses as to the benefits she is seeking from them.

She has been left with 'sniffy sticks' of the oils she selected so her mum can offer these to her in the coming weeks and help her on her journey back to balance.

I'm starting to plan the next Reiki healing session and I'd like it to have a specific purpose, so I'd value your input ...

I'm starting to plan the next Reiki healing session and I'd like it to have a specific purpose, so I'd value your input as to what you'd like it to cover.

Please hit like 👍 / love ❤️ / care 🤗 to vote!

A lovely day for some Reiki attunements at Avebury today. ☀️💜🌾🌼And all very auspicious timings... It's a full (strawberr...

A lovely day for some Reiki attunements at Avebury today. ☀️💜🌾🌼
And all very auspicious timings...

It's a full (strawberry) moon tonight, and it was at 4pm, exactly 4 days and 4 years since I left my full time job to follow my heart and work with animals full time. Apparently the angel number 444 means that I'm on the right path and highly intuitive at this time!

Watch this space for more Reiki news...

Well that was a very interesting bunch of messages!Key themes from this round of messages from the dogs who were asked f...

Well that was a very interesting bunch of messages!

Key themes from this round of messages from the dogs who were asked for messages included 'the worst is over" and 'love yourself'. We should all take note of the last one and make more time for self-care!

If you'd like a message from your dog, I'll be doing animals in spirit next time, or you can contact me directly for a 1:1 communication.

with love,
Tigs xx

Fizzgig is a 7 (ish) year old puggle who has an unknown history, but has fallen on her feet with her forever family who ...

Fizzgig is a 7 (ish) year old puggle who has an unknown history, but has fallen on her feet with her forever family who she joined a few years ago.

I visited Fizzgig today for a herbal self-medication session to help her with anxiety and reactivity around dogs which may be a result of her unknown past.

After some exploratory sniffing she decided on a fab initial combo of to***co, sweet orange and jasmine essential oils.

🌸 To***co oil is warm and comforting, like a gentle hug. It can help a dog relax and eases anxiety, by enabling them to cope more easily if they have been subjected to trauma.

🌼 Orange sweet has a very happy and positive energy, helping to move built-up stress and frustration, encouraging a more easygoing attitude.

🌺 Jasmine is deeply calming and animals who have been neglected or deprived of affection often select it as it can help to rebalance emotions.

It was wonderful to help her spend a full 20 minutes in deep relaxation with these oils. She then moved on to another two combinations to support and aid her body and mind to find its true balance and homeostasis.

I’ll be back with her in 2 weeks for a follow up session.

Does your dog have a message for you?Is there something they need to share with you, or something they want you to know?...

Does your dog have a message for you?

Is there something they need to share with you, or something they want you to know?
Do you feel that they are trying to tell you something and can't get a handle on what it is?

Pop their photo in the original post linked here (not on this post please!) along with their name and I'll ask them to share a card relevant to you on Monday!

Today I was drawn to pull a card for my followers from one of my decks which I use for guidance for simple messages from our pets or from spirit and I generally use them at the end of a reading for an overall vibe or final message.

The card we collectively received was No. 2 - Journey, from the Energy Oracle Cards deck. The card shows a girl with her cases packed, on a bridge with signs in multiple directions ahead of her. She carries a lamp which illuminates her way.

Although your journey may not be mapped out and unknown at present, your path is illuminated with light which guides you. Now is the time to put your trust in YOU as the destinations are endless.

Do you need a change in your life? Maybe traveling and having time for reflection is needed? Is there somewhere you’ve always wanted to move to but never had the courage to go? Is there a pending career choice or project that you’re stuck on? is there a course or some learning that you are ready to make time for now?

Right now you may seem stuck at the crossroads not knowing what path to travel down, but trust in your heart, as you already know what you need to do and now it’s time for ex*****on. The path is brightly lit to guide you on your way.

You may like to repeat this affirmation:
I am attracting wonderful new adventures to me. My life is a blessing, taking me to new places - inside and out.

If you'd like a PERSONALISED MESSAGE with a card from your dog, even if they are now in spirit 🌈, then please post their photo and name below and I'll connect with them and draw a card from this wonderful deck and share this with you on Monday 13 June from 1pm.

Please share for any friends who may want a message from their dog too.

Tigs x

Today I was drawn to pull a card for my followers from one of my decks which I use for guidance for simple messages from...

Today I was drawn to pull a card for my followers from one of my decks which I use for guidance for simple messages from our pets or from spirit and I generally use them at the end of a reading for an overall vibe or final message.

The card we collectively received was No. 2 - Journey, from the Energy Oracle Cards deck. The card shows a girl with her cases packed, on a bridge with signs in multiple directions ahead of her. She carries a lamp which illuminates her way.

Although your journey may not be mapped out and unknown at present, your path is illuminated with light which guides you. Now is the time to put your trust in YOU as the destinations are endless.

Do you need a change in your life? Maybe traveling and having time for reflection is needed? Is there somewhere you’ve always wanted to move to but never had the courage to go? Is there a pending career choice or project that you’re stuck on? is there a course or some learning that you are ready to make time for now?

Right now you may seem stuck at the crossroads not knowing what path to travel down, but trust in your heart, as you already know what you need to do and now it’s time for ex*****on. The path is brightly lit to guide you on your way.

You may like to repeat this affirmation:
I am attracting wonderful new adventures to me. My life is a blessing, taking me to new places - inside and out.

If you'd like a PERSONALISED MESSAGE with a card from your dog, even if they are now in spirit 🌈, then please post their photo and name below and I'll connect with them and draw a card from this wonderful deck and share this with you on Monday 13 June from 1pm.

Please share for any friends who may want a message from their dog too.

Tigs x

Reiki healing has been sent to all these lovely dogs tonight. Some focused on physical healing, while others were more i...

Reiki healing has been sent to all these lovely dogs tonight.
Some focused on physical healing, while others were more into the mental/emotional energies, and others wanted to take these back in time to help heal past trauma.

Comments and suggestions they asked me to pass on to you during the healing session are below.

All the dogs were very receptive to the healing energies and two selected sound therapy to support the process in the form of the 'Om' mantra which helps to reduce stress, relax the body and help us feel more connected to ourselves and to our sacred energy.

Monty and Pebbles asked me to share this with you to help them carry on their healing process, and all the other dogs (and their humums and dads) might enjoy it too! Chant along for the best benefits. Link in the comments below. 👇

Same again next month?
Message me if you'd like something personal for your dog.

With love and light,
Tigs x


The Reiki healing session will now take place tomorrow as I’m unavoidably detained this afternoon and I don’t want to rush the session or miss anyone.

Sorry for the delay xx

Last call for  any dogs who might benefit from some physical or emotional reiki healing tonight.Please tag a friend who ...

Last call for any dogs who might benefit from some physical or emotional reiki healing tonight.

Please tag a friend who might need this xx

At the start of each month I'll be offering a free 60 minute Reiki healing session for your dog.

if they are struggling with anxiety, stiffness, pain or would simply enjoy some healing relaxation, then pop their details below and I'll be sure to add them to the group of animals receiving healing energy on Thursday 2 June at 6pm.

If I receive any specific messages from your dog during the session, I'll pass it on to you!

PLEASE SHARE with anyone who has a dog you think may benefit.

Much love,
Tigs xx

At the start of each month I'll be offering a free 60 minute Reiki healing session for your dog.if they are struggling w...

At the start of each month I'll be offering a free 60 minute Reiki healing session for your dog.

if they are struggling with anxiety, stiffness, pain or would simply enjoy some healing relaxation, then pop their details below and I'll be sure to add them to the group of animals receiving healing energy on Thursday 2 June at 6pm.

If I receive any specific messages from your dog during the session, I'll pass it on to you!

PLEASE SHARE with anyone who has a dog you think may benefit.

Much love,
Tigs xx

Welcome to Wolf Moon Therapies!  There might be a new name above the door, but this is the home of herbal self-medicatio...

Welcome to Wolf Moon Therapies!

There might be a new name above the door, but this is the home of herbal self-medication, reiki and animal communication that was previously part of Two Happy Tails!

I hadn't realised how big a part of the business these services would become, and now it's time for them to flourish in their own right with a new company, a new name but the same old muckers behind the scenes (me!) offering an even more expanded range of support and training for you and your furry best friend!

I'm so pleased you're here - Thank you 🙏
Please give the page a like and follow and I'll be providing information on herbs to support your pets, free reiki healing group sessions for both you and your dog, and initiative communication insights in the coming days and weeks.

You'll find more information about our services on the website which I'll pop in the comments below 👇👇



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