This is the brilliant Lauren from @hmk9academy teaching her dog Dot to use the steps for her sofa. I recommend steps and ramps alot for my patients and it takes practice as most won’t just use can see Lauren is marking the action with “yes”and treating..great work🙌🏻
❤️🐾Natures one massive snuffle mat..I regularly scatter feed my dogs’s is brilliant for their mental wellbeing and more natural than feeding from their bowl. They take ages and are really tired after from using their amazing sense of smell to find the food. It’s a great thing to do for dogs recovering from surgery or injury as it’s very low impact. It is also great from weight shifting: as you can see they move around in all directions to find the food..#happydog #goldenretriever #rescuedogsofinstagram #dogsmentalhealthmatters #dogsenrichment #feedingdogs #rspcarescuedog #lovedogs
❤️🐾I met this gorgeous boy tonight..poor little Bowie had a 17 stone man fall and land on him whilst out on a walk 3wks ago and it left him with multiple fractures to his tibia. Fortunately you can see he is doing well and enjoying a puzzle whilst at the same time weight bearing on his affected limb..he is so intelligent..look at him move the sliders across to get the treats! His owner is very dedicated and doing really well with managing him during his his story here #caninerehabilitationtherapist #lasertherapyfordogs #pemf4pets #physiofordogs
🐾❤️How I roll on a Saturday night..🤣Laser and massage for my gorgeous boy..look at his face 🥰 him so much! #goldenretrieversofinstagram #goldenretriever #caninearthritismanagement #lasertherapyfordogs #massagefordogs #physiotherapyfordogs
❤️🐾 Love it when I get videos from owners of them doing their therapeutic exercises with their pets that I have given them to do in between treatment sessions. You don’t need expensive equipment either..luckily Rosie’s owner had some trees trimmed last week so when I saw these sticks in the garden, I suggested they were perfect for cavaletti poles. Rosie has Wobblers disease and so I am working on increasing her stability, proprioception and strength in her limbs. Well done Rosie and Sandra! 🥰👏🏻#dalmationsofinstagram #dogswithwobblers #rehabfordogs #physiotherapyfordogs #canineneurology #lasertherapyfordogs #pemf4pets #therapeuticexercisefordogs
🐾❤️Tehya’s owner sent me this video of her doing her exercises on the toe mat which help massage, stretch and align her toes. By getting her to rock and stretch in different directions, Tehya is working all the muscles and tendons in her forelimbs. Well done 👏🏻 excellent work! #chocolatelabsofinstagram #chocolatelabrador #toemat #caninerehab #caninephysio #caninearthritismanagement
🐾❤️Pumba is doing amazingly at cavaletti poles which help joint range of motion, proprioception, weight bearing on all limbs and improvement of gait patterns. Some dogs need guiding with a treat but this takes the focus off the activity and they can kick the poles everywhere and not get the most out of the therapeutic exercise. As you can see here, Pumba is going over with his owner guiding him slowly and then he gets a treat at the end..brilliant example of how to do them 👏🏻well done Julie and Pumba! #bernesemountaindog #bernesemountaindogsofinstagram #therapeuticexercise #cavalettipoles #rehabfordogs #caninephysiotherapist
🐾❤️Winston enjoyed a lickimat whilst having his treatment this week..he loves loves a bit of peanut butter while having his laser therapy, massage and PEMF therapy. At the end I let him finish off the mat while I made the next appointment with his owner. #goldenretriever #goldenretrieversofinstagram #lickimat #lasertherapyfordogs #physiotherapyfordogs #rehabfordogs #caninearthritismanagement #pemf4pets
Natures own cavaletti poles..great for weight shifting, proprioception(the body's ability to sense movement, action, and location) and joint flexion! Isn’t nature brilliant!😍
❤️🐾Remember Lola..her owners are so dedicated to her rehabilitation and recovery..look at this ramp! Often small adaptions can make such a difference to managing every day life and comfort for our pets. For example..if every day your dog slips on the laminate floor when the door rings..then everyday he/she may be getting micro trauma to a particular joint/spine etc and eventually it’s enough to cause a significant issue..answer in this scenario…put a rug down on floor to prevent slipping in the 1st place! #dogrehabilitation #caninearthritismanagement #occupationaltherapyfordogs #physiotherapyfordogs