Popping this on the grid just to show appreciation to my oldest and dearest pain in the backside 😊 11yrs old and still putting the youngsters to shame with keenness to work 👵💪
When our normal solitary walk is extremely busy, we wait, a lot 😆
Sunday strolls with the pack 😊 #dogtraining ##dogtrainer
Una almost completed the task 🙌 #dogtraining
A long drawn out video but have to give 16week old Una her doos….usually my dogs eat one at a time on command but this situation was too intense to ask that so don’t mind the mayhem at the end 😆 #dogtraining #dogtrainer #impulsecontrol #pack
Bonnie doing well in a high distraction area 🙌 #dogtraining #dogtrainer #obediencetraining #behaviouraladjustment #harryshounds #happydogs #hound #beagle
Very proud of these two! Smashing focus work 🙌🙌 #dogtraining #dogtrainer
Training session with lovely Bonnie the beagle #dogtraining #beagle
Strolling with the extended pack 😊 #dogtraining #dogtrainer #obediencetraining #behaviouraladjustment #behaviourist #residentialdogtraining #harryshounds #happydogs #springerspaniel #vizsla #nzhuntaway #englishpointer #collie
The pack doing well with high distractions today 🙌 full family with dogs wandering past 😊 #dogtraining #dogtrainer #obediencetraining #behaviouraladjustment #behaviourist #harryshounds #happydogs #labrador
#springerspaniel #vizsla #huntaway #kelpie
Forcing my lovely assistant aka Avah, to film me with the boy 😊 #childlabour #dogtraining #obediencetraining #huntaway
Reggie…in for nearly two weeks residential training to sharpen up obedience and to put him through certain situations where issues have arisen. What a bloody lovely pup he is ❤️ #dogtraining #dogtrainer #obediencetraining #behaviouraladjustment #residentialtraining #harryshounds #happydogs #rhodesianridgeback #ridgeback
Jac….#dogtraining #dogtrainer #onediencetraining #behaviouraladjustment #residentialtraining #harryshounds #happydogs #springerspaniel
Doing some gundog exercises with the girls for the first time in a while 😊
Working through Tors basics to level him out through the troublesome times of adolescence 😬😆 always a hard period with any dog but worth just slowing everything down and building the foundation work. #dogtrainer #dogtraining #obediencetraining #behaviouraladjustment #behaviourism #harryshounds #happydogs #huntaway