What can we do to protect our horses hooves in the cold weather? 🐎
Winter can be tough on horse hooves. Wet conditions, ice and snow can lead to frozen or cracked hooves if not properly cared for. Make sure to have a farrier check your horse’s hooves regularly throughout the winter months!
🐎 Prevent Ice Build-up: After turning your horse out, check for ice or snow packed into the hooves.
🐎Hoof Care: Apply a protective hoof oil or balm to help keep hooves moisturized.
🐎Diet: Ensure your horse has a balanced diet that supports hoof health.
🐎Supplements: You can also consider adding hoof health supplements to their diet to promote strong, healthy hooves. These include biotin, magnesium and pea protein.
Browse our hoof supporting supplements here and see how they can help your horse this winter - https://www.horseherbs.co.uk/collections/skin-coat-hoof