Pawsitive Connections Accredited Dog Behaviourist and Trainer

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Pawsitive Connections Accredited Dog Behaviourist and Trainer Dog training and behaviour consultations. Vet approved. range of classes also available.

Some chill time for Betty and I. Betty, baby Reiff, Marin and Aven practicing some steadiness at the wind farm. Reiff wa...

Some chill time for Betty and I.

Betty, baby Reiff, Marin and Aven practicing some steadiness at the wind farm.
Reiff was practicing going round the turbine, wish I'd videoed. 🤣

"I got a dog to de-stress me"But research has shown dogs are affected by OUR mood. How can they tell how we are feeling?...

"I got a dog to de-stress me"

But research has shown dogs are affected by OUR mood.

How can they tell how we are feeling? It's not just due to our body language or how vocal we are. We also emit pheromones, which dogs, due to their sense of smell can detect.

So instead of using your dog to de-stress, flip it around and channel calm vibes from within you before a walk in order to help relax your dog.

Some may do yoga or meditation. I grab a cuppa and read, tending my indoor plants helps too. But I'm actively making a point of finding 15 mins for chilling first.

What would you do?

Ben and Betty in my happy places.

Getting your pup out and about is vital as is being calm and confident around people, noises, children, dogs, the list i...

Getting your pup out and about is vital as is being calm and confident around people, noises, children, dogs, the list is endless.

Well done to the pups on their little park training session.

Proud moments all round.

Does your dog lunge and bark? There is huge value in teaching your dog to be in the driving seat...but can you release y...

Does your dog lunge and bark?

There is huge value in teaching your dog to be in the driving seat...but can you release your handbrake?

Bailey finds regulating his emotions and his reactions to something exciting or worrying hard.

His body's physiological reactions can be intense. He is hugely frustrated, laced with a little fear when he sees people or dogs, especially dogs! We can see a lot of barking and lunging which makes walks stressful for his folks and for Bailey.

He just doesn't know how to self regulate his big feelings. He needs help as much as his guardians.

For babies, toddlers, teens and beyond, having a reliable person to help you make the right choice can make a huge difference to who you become as an adult.

We are teaching Bailey how to self regulate so that his handlers don't have to spend their entire life trying to get him to calm down...that is not a pleasure!

Remarkably, after one session, Bailey was starting to be in the driving seat, taking the lead in his own self regulation. This was way more enjoyable for all! Ultimately, of course we have control, but our intense handbrake, clutching at the leash was relaxed 😎

Once I got to know the real Bailey, I was a tad won over by his sweetness and enthusiasm.


It was a recall kind of day for Pet Gun Dog and puppies.

Recall takes time, effort and proofing the behaviour in a variety of locations. It simply does not happen or remain like magic.

And this should start from the moment you get your dog, whatever could just save their life.


Puppy Luna building her recall skills

Working on a skill in different environments and contexts is vital to proof learning. So being able to do it at home is important, but the long term effort is when competing with the environment.

Puppy Luna's family sent me this video of starting to teach her in the outside world. It really made me smile as did their comment about doing it with distractions will be the next big step, which class will help with. Wise words.

Pre puppy class private sessions can help your pup get off to a flying start.

These are discounted for anyone coming to class. My next puppy class starts on the 21st August 😊

Yesterday I saw a young Labrador in Hamilton town centre. He/she was about 8 months old, submissive, subdued and not how...

Yesterday I saw a young Labrador in Hamilton town centre.
He/she was about 8 months old, submissive, subdued and not how a Labrador or any dog should be. Why?

Poor pup was in a prong collar, the joy corrected out of him. Adding a treat at the end does not negate the damage being done.

What a sad world when this is considered acceptable AND you pay someone to do this to your "best friend".

There are many other ways to train, but those take time and knowledge. Please get yourself a properly qualified trainer and stop f***ing with your dogs body and brain. #:~:text=The%20repeated%20pressure%20of%20collars,cause%20the%20windpipe%20to%20collapse.

Prong collars are a painful and unethical training collar some owners put on their dogs in an attempt to stop them from pulling on the lead.

Puppy home visit....oh my 😍Teddy was ready to learn 🐾His folks have made an excellent start in this young man's learning...

Puppy home visit....oh my 😍Teddy was ready to learn 🐾

His folks have made an excellent start in this young man's learning.

If you feel some qualified tuition might help, seek help, that's more than ok. It's better to get it right and develop a confident, happy dog who thinks you're the bee's knees!

TOP TIP....Instead of focusing on what they don't understand, focus on how YOU can help them to learn.

Cockerpoos, what's in a breed?A cross between a poodle and a cocker spaniel created an intelligent,high energy dog bred ...

Cockerpoos, what's in a breed?

A cross between a poodle and a cocker spaniel created an intelligent,high energy dog bred for hunting and retrieving. However, there is more to this cross which people should be aware of.

I see a lot of cockerpoos for a range of issues, from separation, general anxiety ,reactivity and the most common one, resource guarding.

There can be many underlying causes for such behaviours, BUT incorporating what the poodle and the spaniel were bred for into their life can make a significant difference to their all round contentment.

I started seeing this lovely gentle cockerpoo for pulling, but more has come to light and we are now incorporating work on resource guarding and inability to settle.

To help with this lad's pulling on the leash, we have incorporated exercises traditionally used in gun dog training BUT all kind - working on including how the dog naturally searches.

Meeting his breed needs will feature heavily in my approach.

If you have or are thinking about getting a cockerpoo, please ensure the breeder conducts genetic health checks on the parents AND can provide the relevant paperwork. A vet check is not health testing for ethical breeding. Genetic screening of parents for the following should be shown:-

✅Familial nephropathy
✅Acral mutilation syndrome
✅ Progressive retinal atrophy
✅Von willebrands disease
✅Hip dysplasia
✅Luxating patella
✅Legg Calve Perthes disease

Training and behavioral modifications are part of the answer - but, without medical intervention, they are unlikely to override any of the above☝️.

There are many lovely dogs who tell the story of "no Genetic screening" and may well be fine- but there are many more who tell a different story.

Farrell, L.L., Schoenebeck, J.J., Wiener, P. et al. The challenges of pedigree dog health: approaches to combating inherited disease. Canine Genet Epidemiol 2, 3 (2015).

Behaviour is dynamic in nature.Dogs are dynamic. We are dynamic. Dogs, like us, can respond differently in different con...

Behaviour is dynamic in nature.
Dogs are dynamic. We are dynamic.

Dogs, like us, can respond differently in different contexts so we need to be dynamic in how we respond to meet their needs and help them regulate their responses and emotion. Rely on a single approach or protocol and we stop responding to the dynamic environment.

Whilst our approach should be dynamic, we should be consistent in presenting as a safe, positive and reliable handler. No one feels safe when people you trusted suddenly change who they are.

Little Annie can show some inappropriate behaviors around children. Why? We may jump to the conclusion she is fearful, but in the context we worked in, this wasn't apparent. That may change as we change the context of our sessions.

One thing is certain, she's not trying to dominate children.
"Dominance is not a motivation." (Bradshaw et al., 2009).

And the weekend is over. I'm  tired as are some of the dogs, especially puppy Lennie. His brain gym caused him to fall a...

And the weekend is over. I'm tired as are some of the dogs, especially puppy Lennie. His brain gym caused him to fall asleep inside the coffee table!

A marathon Which Hunt, two GSD's needing some help, an emergency rescue zoom, then Gun dog classes and puppy class.

your eye on the prize they say...and for me, that's building confidence and enthusiasm in our dogs...always.


Puppy training for Raffi, a cute and clever Bernie doodle.

It's easy to focus on what your dog is doing which displeases you. A much more productive way to think about it is what would like them to do and train that!

Raffi learned that when his humans sit at the dining table, he settles. This will take ongoing work from his humans, but it's waaay better than pushing him down every two minutes or reminding him to stay constantly...that's just a drag and confuses a pup and frustrates you.

Well done Raffi's human and Raffi.

"I want it all yesterday" said a client to me. This is a problem faced by trainers in modern times. It's unrealistic, le...

"I want it all yesterday" said a client to me. This is a problem faced by trainers in modern times. It's unrealistic, leads to human and dog frustration and often, nasty tools being put on in a bid for a quick fix. Fortunately, my client saw the flaw in his expectation.

BUT can you train too much?🤔

👉Yes. It's called overtraining. In an effort to do better we do more. And it rarely ends well.

🧠 Research indicates "the brain needs downtime for optimal learning" and it's just the same for dogs.

For example, if you are training leash walking and expect that of your dog for the entire 1 hour walk, they may become soured or frustrated. But you, as a human, are driven to "fix" the situation, keep going. I've certainly been guilty in the past! Can YOU identify? If so, read on👉

"Quit while you're ahead" is valid advice 👌

Instead of overtraining, do a few minutes then let your dog have a sniffy walk or play a game, then do another few minutes and so on 👌

Don't compare your dog to other dogs 👌

Break up your walk with short spells throughout for your dog to do a few minutes of targeted training will be way more fun for you and your dog 👌

Try this approach and you'll keep your dog coming back for more! 🎉


Car chasing 😥
Dog reactive 😥
Snapped at a visitor 😥

A few months ago I posted about this beardie collie cross. She could have been written off as a typical car chasing collie. Some people or trainers would even have put a gadget on her to stop her.

She was trying to communicate how she was feeling and her amazing human LISTENED 👌

The power of a positive only multi modal approach is truly astounding! She can now be around moderate traffic flow and other dogs and make good choices. Here's our journey 👉

Her owner listened to me and took vital next steps 👌
Vet listened and actioned appropriate steps👌
I applied my skill set by identifying the "why" of the behaviour and applied strategies to suit owner and dog 👌

I'm honestly on top of the world with this case 😁

Behaviour is only a dog's way of talking. Don't punish your best friend with gadgets designed to instantly stop them, get to the door of the problem and learn how to train.

The video is rubbish as we were too in the moment training, then I thought about it at the end!🙄

For me, the theme this weekend was overwhelmingly big but not brave dogs.  Between this handsome rottie, a gsd and a hug...

For me, the theme this weekend was overwhelmingly big but not brave dogs. Between this handsome rottie, a gsd and a huge Cane Corso they all had one thing in common... Worry.

It's important to understand that behaviours such as lunging, barking and growling can have different motivations and underlying causes.

I would say the number one thing people suggest to me is that their dog is "guarding them or their home". Indeed, this can happen, especially with those genetically predisposed to guard, BUT this should not be assumed and often, when we peel back the layers, there is no guarding or at most, guarding brought about by having their safety compromised.

The one thing all mammals, human or canine deserve, is to be heard, understood and to feel safe. When we feel safe, we can learn.

This big lad showed zero reactions on his first session as I set him up as best as possible to feel safe. This, in turn helped his owners to feel safe, causing everyone involved to take on new learning, especially for this big lad.

No corrections, just training with knowledge and understanding.


It's better to train for the event than in the event.

Miss Betty generally has a good retrieve, drop, wait, leave it and recall. All can help when they have something you feel they shouldn't have.
She chose to drop this one into my hands 🤮

Chasing our dog or yanking from their mouth when they have something you don't want them to is a human knee jerk reaction, but it generally isn't helpful in the long term and can cause problems.

And for Norman Cat fans, he just had to get in the video didn't he?

💡Today I had a lengthy discussion with someone. I asked, has the prong collar improved the situation?After some reflecti...

💡Today I had a lengthy discussion with someone. I asked, has the prong collar improved the situation?

After some reflection, the answer was no. I asked, what gadget now?
He said a shock collar, it's just a vibration.

I asked, "Where do you stop?"

He said, "Fair point."

I suggested I teach him how to train and to understand how a dog feels as one gadget leads to another, and another and so on.

He agreed to learn how to train.

Moral of the story...You don't know until you know. You don't need to be no "pack leader" just your dog's advocate.

💡Light bulb moments...


Recall and steadiness at Pet Gun Dog is coming along nicely.

Proofing a behaviour is when you take a component of training like recall and you add challenges such as increased distractions or different locations.

A special well done to Benji. I first met him about a year ago as he can be worried by other dogs. His mum has given him steady safe exposure and learning experiences in controlled environments led by other positive only trainers. Fabulous progression having the confidence to join closer to the group. Laura Scott a big well done to you.

Meet Boleto. She is as beautiful inside as she is outside.Interpreting the outside of our dogs body language is vital to...

Meet Boleto. She is as beautiful inside as she is outside.

Interpreting the outside of our dogs body language is vital to helping them to feel better on the inside.

When do we know our dog is uncomfortable? By waiting until they lunge, bark, rush at another dog?

The signs are often subtle and happen before any noticeable event. It could be a tiny head tilt away or a closing of the mouth. Often we focus on obvious tail signs but there really is so much more.

During our session, we discussed the subtle signs we should spot which indicate Boleto is becoming uncomfortable. It was time well spent as the more we can help her have positive experiences and reduce her negative ones, the less worried she will be.

On a side note, her dad is a fan of someone I hugely admire, Robert Sapolsky -a neuroscientist and primatologist, so we were definitely on the same page...

"The seconds... minutes...hours...days...months...years before" really do matter in our lives and in our dogs.


After a busy day, it was lovely to come home to help little Reiff with his socialisation by increasing confidence and not giving a hoot around the ponies or bouncy Betty.

Great chaperoning from his buddy Marin and even the bouncy one Betty...I think she'd like a puppy of her own 🤣😉

Just a barking schnauzer... Easy to say isn't it?Breed traits are a thing, that's what the DNA part influences, but othe...

Just a barking schnauzer... Easy to say isn't it?

Breed traits are a thing, that's what the DNA part influences, but other factors influence behaviour too.

This little girl was, like many dogs caught up, in lockdown. As Schnauzers can be naturally wary of people or dogs, early socialisation and ongoing habituation is vital. With COVID restrictions, particularly people entering the 🏠 quality socialisation was impossible.

Her folks contacted me to help with:-

👉Barking at people and dogs outside
👉Barking at visitors to the 🏠
👉Concerned she was fearful & they didn't want her to feel bad

Her folks were spot on as to how she felt and why. Fear was and is playing a role.

I've yet to hear her bark AND this was not due to being shut down or being overwhelmed! But rather understanding underlying motivation. In just two sessions in and we have good strategies for visitor entry and strangers/dogs in the street. Is she still fearful...YES because this part can take time, often a long time.

This girl could be written off as another barking Schnauzer. Fortunately, her folks reached out and embraced the strategies I suggested. Overtime, I think this wee lady will feel a whole lot better.

Early socialisation to other animals is important BUT that doesn't mean a free for all-letting pup chase cat or letting ...

Early socialisation to other animals is important BUT that doesn't mean a free for all-letting pup chase cat or letting the cat tell the pup off. The cat has to be comfortable too.

My friend Barbara came to visit with her pup Reiff. Initially he was a little timid about meeting his first cat and cooried into her. Then he hid behind her boot and popped himself into the middle position where he felt safe.

By controlling Norman the cat's movement and position, we were able to allow Reiff to gradually gain confidence in exploring what that big hairy thing was (Norman likes dogs and could have left at any time).

As I have ponies, we also let him hear, see and smell them at a distance he was comfortable with.This will be progressed next time.

Building calm behaviours around other animals, including livestock, will pay dividends in the long run.

Early socialisation is a very short window of opportunity, so carry your pup or get a buggy, let them see the world so they take more in their stride as they develop.

P.S Norman cat is one in a million, I'm so lucky to have him in my life ❤️


Lots of elements of Pet Gun Dog coming together. Great work on your blind Laura and Gem.

My little puppy graduates🐾🌟🥰It has been a pleasure folks...your pups are coming along nicely. Well done!Pepper, we misse...

My little puppy graduates🐾🌟🥰

It has been a pleasure folks...your pups are coming along nicely. Well done!

Pepper, we missed you!

Is your dog a fetch-a-holic?Then why not join us for an ANY breed Gun Dog Scurry Workshop?Dogs do not need a reliable re...

Is your dog a fetch-a-holic?

Then why not join us for an ANY breed Gun Dog Scurry Workshop?

Dogs do not need a reliable recall or retrieve, our fun games will help give you ideas to build that.
Places are limited so early booking is required.

If you have a reactive dog, please get in touch to discuss what might be suitable for them.

Pups and small dogs from 6 months welcome, adaptations will be made to accommodate.

Book at


What is the WOW factor?
Dog training in recent years can look flashy. Edited clips, banging tunes, slick skills not to mention suppressed dogs scared to put a paw wrong. Is it really WOW?

My video will be dull to many, but it is my real life 🌟WOW🌟 read why 👇

Many of you have had the pleasure of meeting little Ebony. She's a tiny patterdale with a big fun loving personality. I've been by her mum's side over the last year.

My aim was to get Ebony to a place where she still loved people and dogs BUT was able to disengage. This was vital as pulling her mum would unbalance her and cause a fall. This would be DISASTROUS!

I worked weekly to help Ebony to disengage from exciting things and how to say polite hellos. Overtime, she nailed this. (This was in her harness NOT head collar to reduce potential for negative emotional responses).

Training hasn't been easy as her mum faces various physical challenges which meant many potential pathways were closed to her.

With winter not too far off (has it even left us?) we decided to condition a head collar for Ebony to keep her and her mum safe. Her mum was worried about this as she knew they can cause problems but I assured her, Ebony was in the right place in terms of her learning and emotions, and I'd monitor her closely.

After a month of weekly conditioning, with a little encouragement, her mum began to take the leash. This transition will go on another few weeks, or as long as it takes.

A head collar is not a go to for me, it can easily cause problems BUT in certain situations it can have a place.

This, together with further safety and management being developed, should see them both enjoy safe and happy walks for a long time.

We could have shocked Ebony for bouncing and pulling towards dogs, but she probably wouldn't have retained her inner joy in life. Can you imagine doing that to kids in the classroom?

Keeping the confidence and joy in your dog is simply the only way.



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