Jaeger found my forever home

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Jaeger found my forever home Jaeger has found his forever home in Aberdeenshire and is living his absolute best life!

Ok frens....I think there's something you all need to know.... My mum.... well she's not "right" (if you know what I mea...

Ok frens....I think there's something you all need to know.... My mum.... well she's not "right" (if you know what I mean 😜) ...can yoos all member a week or three ago I did climb a "Munro" hill? Well! Last week I climbed anuther one....great, well done me, all that stuff....today I climbed the same one again!! I don't know who this Munro fella is but he sure does like big hills 😂. Don't get me wrong it's great fun, last week my big bro came, this week some noo hooman frens came......oh and just so you know...we mostly did running.....I AM TIRED! I did get a hooge pupperchino (if you know what one of them is) and an ice cream today...shhh don't tell ma bro..... So it's worth it. I really hope I have the day off from work tomorrow but I doubt it.... Thanks Mum 🙄

Hello frens!! So last weekend I did a super cool thing....I climbed a actual proper mountain!!! It was called a Munro......

Hello frens!! So last weekend I did a super cool thing....I climbed a actual proper mountain!!! It was called a Munro.... Whatever that is? Mum was like so proud of me she kept saying... Yeah mum ok I get it I'm ossum 😁....pulled her ass most of the way too... She's a lazy one that one. My wee/big bro came too... He said he's been up lots of mountains and this one was easy ....yeah ok bro you didn't pull mum all the way 🙄. Anyway I'm proud of myself and really enjoyed it.... Mum says we're doing more soon 🫣 oh also I got some samich at the top so I'll happily do another if there's samich to be had 😋


Hi folks, Jaegers mum here, I know he normally posts on here himself but I just wanted to jump on this time, to say how immensely proud of my big boy I am. I honestly feel so lucky that he came into our lives.
I know he's been telling you all about how he's been pulling me along in all these big races, well last weekend was the final weekend of our racing season and the boy was an absolute legend. We raced hard Saturday, Sunday in 5ks and Monday in 10k and he gave me everything! He worked so hard and we had three of the best days of racing so far. On Monday, despite us both being knackered and the course being twice as long as on the two previous days, we gave everything we had left and came in 3rd in our group!! Over the moon doesn't cover it.
I cannot explain how much I love this very special boy, he has taken to his new life like it's just meant to be. He really is just living his best life and I am so thankful to everyone involved in his rescue, fostering and rehoming that he's living it with us 💙.
I'm sure he'll be on here again soon to fill you in on what he's getting up to, he's been having a wee rest this weekend and enjoying the sunshine (yes sunshine in Scotland!)

Here's me!!! We're on a trip again but this time I've brot my dad and my brother 💙💙. We started with not so long a time ...

Here's me!!! We're on a trip again but this time I've brot my dad and my brother 💙💙.
We started with not so long a time in the van this time and went to England for the next big race....mum always says these ones are the best fun and we get to run with our frens from all over the country. I don't really care I just get to do my favorit and run super fast (mum slows me down 🤫) One of the days was even better cos my fluffy brother ran with me, we were very excited at the start and made Mum fall 🙈 but she got up and was ok....we took off soooo fast mums feet dint touch the ground.... Then half way round she dropped us off with dad and ran off without us 🤷🏻‍♀️... Sometimes I wonder about her (she said it was too hot and for our own good).
Anyway now we are on holiday .... Which I Thot meant lots of sleeps and extra foods.... WRONG it actually means lots of hikes...they're fun but cmon mum I'm tired 😂....we are definitely getting more treatos tho so can't complain.
Here are some pics of me looking handsome as always....byeee 🐾🐾


Hulloooo frens!! Sorry I've not been here for a while I'm such a busy lad these days and I'm just luvving life. This weekend I think was the most crazy fun so far!!
I knew we were going on a trip when Mum got me up so early one day and I got in the van then some of my friends came in the van too. Everytime the van stopped we were somewhere new and we would just get out for a wee wee and some treats. It was fun tho cos I did a tonne of snoozing (my fav). Then we got to a lovely house in Whales (confused about that cus I thot they were big fish?) We had a sleep and then back in the van and went to this massive park and then I knew........ It was RACE DAY!!!! There's was a lot of other dogs so I was sooooo excited.... There were a lot of puddles on our run but I was the goodest boy and ran thru then all and mum seemed very pleased. Then I got sosages and cuddles from everybody I think. A bit later after a sleep I got to run around on a big beach..... Best day ever!! The next day we basically did exactly the same again except I'm pretty sure I had more cuddles. I was running for Scotland mum said so I did my best to do my new Scottish voice...aye.
Then the next day OH MY DAWG......we went to the beach but I was in my harness so I knew we were racing.... This was different tho... There were like 1 million dogs and we all ran together!!! I pulled my very tired Mum all the way and tried my best to win.... I'm pretty sure I was first Jaeger over the finish line....job done.
I'm absolutely loving my life and everyone keeps saying what a good boy I am and how handsome I am like I don't already know this 🤷🏻‍♀️....I just smile and do chomps 🤣

Hey there frens!! Not been here for a while, it's just been soo busy. I have been working hard and running and working a...

Hey there frens!! Not been here for a while, it's just been soo busy. I have been working hard and running and working and sleeping and cuddles and playing and there was all this freezing cold white stuff came out the sky which was not fun when it was blowing in my face but was lots of fun once it was on the ground. Bein the boss of Will's Walkies (I pormoted myself shhh) I decided a trip to the dog park was a good plan and took some of my friends for a treat the other day. We had theeeee best time mostly just zooomin.....then for some strange reason my mum hung about for the next hours and hours and hours in the car park till someone came and took our van away on the back of a bigger van....i don't know but mum was pretty sad so i kept givin her kisses and some nose cronches wif my teefs that cheered her up.....then she had a special juice when she got home.
I am just a happy boy whatever and i really love my brother a lot now even tho his floof is gets in the way.

Merry Cwistmas my frens!I must've been such a goodest boy cos, I'm not even kidding, I got sooooo many presents today!!I...

Merry Cwistmas my frens!
I must've been such a goodest boy cos, I'm not even kidding, I got sooooo many presents today!!
I've got so much news to share but I've been so busy.... Last weekend I was racing in ENGLAND!! It was a massive roadtrip... Mum says she'll help me with my socials soon. I'm not getting a big holiday (🙄) but that's ok...

Here's me, it has to be said I am extremely handsome 😜

Here's me, it has to be said I am extremely handsome 😜

Gots the day off work so practisin ma selfies 😜

Gots the day off work so practisin ma selfies 😜

So! Here it is frens, this is how I gots my big shiny medal ☺️Mum had been taking me out running quite a lot and she kep...

So! Here it is frens, this is how I gots my big shiny medal ☺️
Mum had been taking me out running quite a lot and she kept saying I was a goodest boy cos I was training hard for my first race. I had no idea wot she was on about but I loves runnin so. Anyway one morning she got me and my brother Jambo up really early (no long lie 😔) and, after a wee walk in the dark (Jambo said we had to p**p before we go) we hopped in the van and went for quite a long drive. When we got out we were at the beach!! There were like a million (70) other dogs there and they were all very excited. I wasn't sure what to make of it all but Mum and Jambo said it would be fine and I would love it. Then we got ready to run! Jambo had to go back in the van to wait, he was ragin and Mum was crying (she always races with him but he has a wee sore elbow) He told me to looks after Mum cos racing is THE BEST FUN EVER and he said if Mum makes noises like she needs an ambulans then I have to run faster (I guess to get her to the ambulans)
He wasn't lying (for a change 😉) it was sooo exciting...I just had to run as fast as I could chasing after faster dogs along the beach and back again...I tried my absolute hardest and then I heard Jambo and Dad shouting for me so I tried even harder! When I got to them Mum was making loads of weird noises and said she might die so I must've done well (she was ok)
After a while and once I had a wee rest a lady was shouting names and people were cheering, THEN SHE SHOUTED MINE!! Mum was crying again...we were 3rd! Everyone said I was a very good boy and very clever blah blah blah... All I wanted to do was take my pocket money to the sweet shop 😋😋

Just gonna leave this here for now 😊🩵I will be back to tell you all about how I got my medal very soon .. Right now Mum ...

Just gonna leave this here for now 😊🩵
I will be back to tell you all about how I got my medal very soon .. Right now Mum says I need to get off my socials and get to work 🐕

Hello frens.... Sorry I've not been on here for a while I've just been so busy. My assistant manager role at Wills Walki...

Hello frens.... Sorry I've not been on here for a while I've just been so busy. My assistant manager role at Wills Walkies is pretty full on Monday to Friday then just when I think I'll get my feets up for the weekend my Mum is like "c'mon boys let's go for an adventure".... Honestly I'm exhausted but oh boy am I happy. We had a mini holiday to my new Nana and Papas house and they have the best garden I have seen in my WHOLE LIFE! I can also jump right out of it which apparently is NOT allowed... Who knew 🤷🏻‍♀️.
I've been hiking with friends and canicrossing too.
Right I'm away for a nap while my mum is on her phone 🤫😴

OH. MY. DAWG!!! Guys you will never believe what happened today!!! I met up with my actual real life SISTER!!!! She is a...

OH. MY. DAWG!!! Guys you will never believe what happened today!!! I met up with my actual real life SISTER!!!! She is a different colour from me and I'm bigger (of course cos I am the boy 💪). We went for a funnest walk with her hooman and house sister. I was off lead and coming back for shnacks. Our hooman mums talked alot blah blah blah but that's ok 😜. Apparently it's very cool that we came all the way from Cyprus separately and have ended up living 20 minutes apart in the north of Scotland...I dunno but I'm a very happy boy 😄💙

OMD frens..... What a week! I did this thing where I get to run and my Mum just runs along behind me.... it's super easy...

OMD frens..... What a week! I did this thing where I get to run and my Mum just runs along behind me.... it's super easy (for me). Then I did it again and my bro came with me and he is MENTAL..... Mum kept saying steady steeeeeaaaady 🤣.
And today, well I only went and climbed a mountain again!
This morning I was allowed on Mum and Dad's bed for a bit which was awesome 😎.
My job is also going really well....I think we get paid monthly... paws crossed 🐾


Today I climbed a MOUNTAIN!!! (Mum says it was just a hill but I'm sticking with mountain!) I pretty much pulled Mum all the way up too... She's only *wee tho so I managed (*getting a Scottish accent already).
I'm tired now but apparently we're going out for a walk shortly so I'm getting some zzzzz's in.

Well hello there friends. Where do I start..... It's been a hectic couple of weeks but here I am waaaaaaay up North in S...

Well hello there friends. Where do I start..... It's been a hectic couple of weeks but here I am waaaaaaay up North in Scotland!! I've moved into a lovely house with a new big (little) brother, a Mum, a Dad and occasionally a nice young lady who loves me a lot 😍😍.
I've had a very busy few days, started a new job, assistant manager at Wills Walkies, it's hard work but I like it a lot cos basically I get to make new friends and go on heaps of ace walks with them all every day 😁. My new Mum says I'm a very good boy and everyone who meets me says "ooh he's big"....I think that's good 🤔.
Anyway I'm off for a nap on one of the nice sofas. I'll update you all again soon.
Jaeger 🐾🐾

Still Grounded - unfortunately developed Colitis due to an allergy to the Metacam / Loxicom.  Not sure his bestie is hel...

Still Grounded - unfortunately developed Colitis due to an allergy to the Metacam / Loxicom. Not sure his bestie is helping! 😥

So, went back to those people who swapped bits of my anatomy for a plastic cone!Apparently I'm healing well (no thanks t...

So, went back to those people who swapped bits of my anatomy for a plastic cone!

Apparently I'm healing well (no thanks to them)! Allowed longer lead walks, and have another checkup on Friday, where hopefully my freedom will be restored.

Told Foster Daddy that I need to continue with chicken and rice and Actimel Yoghurt (the pain relief upset my tummy) until my freedom is restored, he mumbled something about spolit puppy 🤣.

So hot and mean Ol' Foster Daddy won't let me swim! Day two of what will be a very long week (didn't realise there were ...

So hot and mean Ol' Foster Daddy won't let me swim! Day two of what will be a very long week (didn't realise there were 72 hours in a day).

Going to be a challenging 7 days keeping "Nobby No Balls" quiet and relaxed 🙃

Going to be a challenging 7 days keeping "Nobby No Balls" quiet and relaxed 🙃

A warning to all my canine followers, don't trust the people called VETS!To date they have been lovely boshing liver tre...

A warning to all my canine followers, don't trust the people called VETS!

To date they have been lovely boshing liver treats in my gob and giving lovely cuddles, but today they seem to have swapped bits of my anatomy for a stupid plastic cone.

Not Happy 😕!

Walk, breakfast and bed... It's a dog's life 🥰

Walk, breakfast and bed... It's a dog's life 🥰

Definitely a teenager, called three times for morning walk 🤣

Definitely a teenager, called three times for morning walk 🤣



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