Snuffl is a 'secret' sensory garden for dogs.


I had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know Rebecca of Rebecca Norris Designs and her dog, Heidi, last year- if I wasn’t 5000+ miles away, I would be running to take a class! Go ahead! Do it for me! What a wonderful place. Congratulations 🥳 ☕️ 🥣 🐕



From my friend and AMBASSADOG with the Slow Dog Movement®C.I.C. -

From my friend and AMBASSADOG with the Slow Dog Movement®C.I.C. -

I am a DOG
I don’t need to make art and attend story-time.

I want to sniff the world and roll in the grass. I want the opportunity to watch the world.

I am a DOG
I am not a human baby. You can love me with all your heart but to make me a human is to deny what makes me so incredibly marvelous.

I am a DOG
If you love me so much let me be the dog. I like to chew , I speak to you in my Native Language. It’s called the Canine Ethogram. Please learn about me and I will tell you so much.

I am a Dog
I needn’t learn all of your words. If you learn my canine communication we can meet in the middle. I don’t need buttons to push and gadgets to name. My ears and tail constantly share my feelings as do my eyes.

I am a Dog
You laugh when I’m in clothing with ears slicked back and wide fearful eyes. I’m saying I don’t like it and I’m scared. You keep laughing at me.

I am a DOG
I love to walk , hike , sleep, eat , and be with my people. I love digging and swimming. I want some choices and understanding. Let me choose where we walk and never rush me or yank me.

I am a DOG
I need companionship. Please don’t leave me alone so long. Don’t lock me away for hours. I have to potty more than you think.

I am a DOG
I don’t need to attend the pet store ice cream social or meet Santa if I’m scared. Listen to me please. You and I could drive to the country and have ice cream just us. You could get my Christmas photo done in the woods by a real winter tree.

I am a DOG
If you love me learn to listen to me. We dogs are all unique. Learn who I really am and what makes me happy.

I am a DOG
Many consider me the world’s most amazing animal. Don’t take that away from me by making me more human like.

I am a DOG
You could save a fortune on dog training if you learned to speak my language and learn what brings ME joy. Many trainers want me to be a robot. I’m not just a baby or a robot.

I am a DOG
Enter my world and be amazed. See your finances free up , see your stress reduced , see our relationship blossom. I invite you to come to the land of open space , lazy days , long naps, belly rubs , bird watching , prances through creeks and brooks.

I am a DOG
I make pawprints in Mud and steal pizza crust. I am a natural scavenger. Create games for me to meet my needs. I like finding treats. Let me sometimes sniff the stinky stuff. Your perfume is disgusting to me. Did you consider the candles and oils ?? I live my life in your chosen scents. When it’s safe to do so let me sniff the stinks. What’s a whiff of the neighbors recycling bin going to hurt on my walk ?

A good girl or boy. A loyal friend. My deepest desires often unknown. Please be my best friend. Please please LET ME BE A DOG

~ Stacey Ann

Purple Pup you are SO spot on with this post!

Purple Pup you are SO spot on with this post!

🛇 Use your Manners! 🛇
The Sniff test - Stop doing that!
The sniff test - a badly engrained habit that society has been taught, without a clear understanding of what they're actually doing.

🚩When you reach out towards a dog, you are using body pressure AT them, giving them no time to assess whether you are safe & whether they require further investigation to pick up your information. You are forcing an interaction of a relationship that hasn't had time to develop. To some dogs, this is quite rude & the reason a lot of dogs snap at or bite people. This can cause alot of behavioral issues because of layered stress due to forced interactions.

🚩If they are on lead, they have no where to go if they are sensitive to spacial pressure, so can end up shutting down, shying away or snapping at your hand so you back off. This is an example of how a dog is now using pressure to turn off pressure & make you back off so they aren't so stressed.

🚩People think by offering your hand it can give the dog time to sniff to know you're friendly... they can sniff without being forced to sniff your hand.Their noses are far more superior than ours & they don't need close contact forced upon them to smell you.

🚩Some dogs might not want to know you. You have no relationship with them and that's perfectly fine. They aren't your dog so you don't need to touch them or steal pats for your own satisfaction.

🤔 If you are meeting a dog, what should you do?
⚠Ask the owner if you can interact with their dog. Not all people want strangers touching their dogs. Especially strangers who you are unlikely to see again.
⚠Stand up straight & relaxed, with your hands at your side.
⚠Ignore the dog & talk to the owner.
⚠Don't stare at the dog & don't try to force an interaction by going in for a pat. If the dog wants to know you, it will come up to you & sniff around. Usually they will move away & then come back for a second sniffathon. Some dogs will bunt your hands & wag their tails, which are good signs that you're likely an accepted new friend. Give them a few slow pats down their back (NOT THEIR HEAD) & then stop. Is the dog happy? Has it accepted your interaction? This will determine whether you can give it more pats.

🐶This is a more stress free option for dogs & a reason why in consultations we can develop a good level of trust, especially with fearful dogs & aggressive dogs, without a bunch of negative side effects from forced interactions.

Whoa! This is a brilliant and powerful short film…

Whoa! This is a brilliant and powerful short film…

Nobody should suffer in silence. 80% of dogs over 8 years old have arthritis, which is a major cause of elective euthanasia.


Thinking of all the humans and dogs who brought joy to my life at 💚🐾

This time last year, we were so busy working after our day jobs, to start All the Facebook reminders are get...

This time last year, we were so busy working after our day jobs, to start All the Facebook reminders are getting to me. I have so many good memories from this place and so much grief over its loss…Thank you to all the people, my husband Brett, Dianne from Purple Pup, and my landlords, Dave and Jackie, especially, who helped me so much!

Highly recommend this…

Highly recommend this…

Rabat early bird do 18 marca! English Instructions on how to buy a webinar can be found at the bottom of the page, as a PDF file for download.

‼️‼️‼️💯Thanks to Natxo García Legaria for sharing this original post!


Thanks to Natxo García Legaria for sharing this original post!


Questa sterilizzazione giovanile dimostra, nel 31% dei casi, il PEGGIORAMENTO delle PAURE in entrambi i sessi.

In particolare i cani diventano MENO TOLLERANTI alle MANIPOLAZIONI (toccati, trattenuti, spinti, spazzolati, ecc.) nel 33%


Si RIDUCONO effettivamente le marcature ordinarie -68%,
ossia si riduce di 2/3 nel maschio (NON è un buon motivo per sterilizzare a meno di casi particolari)
In generale c'è una AGGRESSIVITA' decisamente maggiore sia nei maschi che nelle femmine che va da un MINIMO di 20% ad un MASSIMO del 100%, a seconda del tipo di aggressività.
(LAVORO fatto su quasi 16.000 individui, quindi TANTI!)

Nei maschi l'ETA' di sterilizzazione NON è una variabile che influisce sul peggioramento, cioè a tutte le età POSSONO PEGGIORARE, poichè il TESTOSTERONE influisce sui maschi ad ogni età, nel maschio c'è un tracollo e molti dei suoi comportamenti ne saranno influenzati... la "personalità mascolina sicura di se" è fondata sul testosterone

Mentre nelle femmine invece l'età precoce (< 12 mesi) si accompagna a un effetto più imponente rispetto alla sterilizzazione tardiva, rischiamo che non ci sia stata proprio la sperimentazione degli ormoni sessuali nel cervello

Nei cani maschi CASTRATI nelle interazioni intraspecifiche libere, sono stati studiati si nota una EVIDENTE RIDUZIONE dei comportamenti "sicuri di sè" e un AUMENTO dei segnali di STRESS.
Inoltre sono PERSEGUITATI e STRESSATI dai maschi integri e, a volte AGGREDITI dalle femmine.
Sono più inclini a SOTTRARSI all'esplorazione olfattiva, non la tollerano tanto.
Sono MENO INTERESSATI agli altri, in generale.

I cani di entrambi i sessi, privati delle gonadi, hanno dimostrato di essere PIU' AGGRESSIVI, PIU' PAUROSI e PIU' ECCITABILI di quelli integri e, in generale, sono MENO ADDESTRABILI.

Dott.ssa Barbara Gallicchio
Webinar ThinkDog 12/12/23

I am ‘old’ to Gabriola. and to living with dogs! Both are old companions and yet, I am always learning something new abo...

I am ‘old’ to Gabriola. and to living with dogs! Both are old companions and yet, I am always learning something new about this island and from my own dogs.

I ran two ‘sensory dog gardens’ in the U.K. One in Cornwall and one in North Yorkshire. I have learnt a lot from those glorious days! You know what they say, ‘third time lucky!’

I am happy to help you create your own dream enrichment space at home, in your yard/garden, or dog friendly business. I welcome your enquiries! (links in bio).

It’s good to be back on Gabriola!

Hello Gabriola Island, BC and past  lovers in Scarborough!Izzy wants you to know that enrichment is EVERYWHERE for dogs ...

Hello Gabriola Island, BC and past lovers in Scarborough!

Izzy wants you to know that enrichment is EVERYWHERE for dogs (cats, humans, rabbits, horses etc) AND she particularly likes doing egg carton treat puzzles!

Our family is back on Gabriola after 14 years in the U.K. is hibernating as a destination garden right now but I am planning something amazing! In the meantime, and always, I am available to help you build your own personal sensory dog garden at home, in your garden, or dog friendly business. Contact info in bio. ❤️🐕 🌿

I am 'old' to Gabriola. and to living with dogs! Both are old companions and yet, I am always learning something new abo...

I am 'old' to Gabriola. and to living with dogs! Both are old companions and yet, I am always learning something new about this island and from my own dogs.

I ran two 'sensory dog gardens' in the U.K. One in Cornwall and one in North Yorkshire. I have learnt a lot from those glorious days! You know what they say, 'third time lucky!'

I am happy to help you create your own dream enrichment space at home, in your yard/garden, or dog friendly business. I welcome your enquiries! (links in bio).

It's good to be back on Gabriola!

Excellent food for thought…

Excellent food for thought…


I’m a pretty calm person, I don’t lose my temper easily (don’t ask my husband to verify that 😂) and I’m generally easy going. If you’d met me on a walk 20 years ago and you’d let your dog run within 5m of my Lurcher you’d have seen a different side to me. Luka was a rescued Lurcher and he was extremely reactive to dogs (and people). I used to get cross and shout at people regularly if they let their offlead dogs come anywhere near him. My walks were generally pretty stressful if there were offlead dogs around as other dogs seemed to be magnetised to him and they didn’t just come and sniff him, they often attacked him too. I used to become apoplectic at people and shout at them to get their dogs back- I could actually feel my blood pressure going through the roof and I think it stressed me out as much as it did Luka. I could see on my Fitbit just how high my heart rate went and it wasn’t great.

I saw a clip recently of a dog trainer recently walking a reactive dog onlead and two other dogs did a fly past, causing their dog to react and they got really angry shouting and swearing at the owner (who was miles away). I understand how stressful that is and it’s awful when it happens but getting really angry isn’t helping the reactive dog feel any better in an already difficult situation. I could actually see the reactive dog become more stressed every time they screamed at the other owner 😢

I have had dogs since Luka that have needed space at various times and for various reasons but I don’t shout at people now though and I’m sure we all feel better because of it.

I stopped getting cross at people and screaming at them to call their dogs as I saw how much my reaction impacted on my dogs. None of my dogs have ever had any anxiety issues around me and aren’t in the slightest bit scared of me but they were worried by my reactions. My Inuits in particular have both been really sensitive to people’s emotions and if I ever shouted, it made them see much more risk in the situation than there actually was. It made them much more worried by the situation due to my reaction.

Most of the time dogs ran up to us they were annoying but they weren’t presenting much of a threat to my dogs and most could be discouraged by me standing in the way of them or by me turning and moving my dogs away. I also found heading for the exit or car park or gate does tend to make people hurry up and come and get their dogs!

If I have dogs who need space I absolutely still call to people and ask them to call their dogs if I don’t want my dogs to interact with them but I make sure I’m conscious of how I do this and I try and do it without it seeming to my dogs like it’s a huge big deal as I really don’t want to make them more stressed. I also don’t think me being cross made any difference in how quickly people come and get their dogs or recall them so it’s pointless in most cases! Absolutely people still really irritate me but I try not to let it show as above all I care about my dogs emotional experience and I want them to feel safe in the world.

Most of my clients have struggled with offlead dogs approaching their reactive dogs and we talk through what’s the best way to deal with this and also how we can try to stay as calm as possible even in potentially difficult situations. Our reactions as people haven’t caused the dogs to be reactive but our reactions in difficult situations could add to their stress rather than decrease it. It’s also important that we know what to do after a stressful event to help our dogs recover as quickly as possible as we practise this lots in classes and 121s to make sure people know what to do.

How do you deal with unwanted approaches from offlead dogs? Have you changed how you deal with it. One of my friends tells people their dog is contagious to get them to come and collect their offlead dogs and that works pretty well I’ve heard 😂

Please share from the original post and don’t copy and paste my text or save my images as the original source is lost then

Laura McAuliffe 2024

U.K. friends….

U.K. friends….

With the expected storm hitting most of the UK overnight, here’s a few things to consider.
Make sure your glass recycling boxes are well secured and weighed down tonight, no one needs to play dodge the broken glass on tomorrow morning’s walk.
Before letting the dogs out for morning pees, have a quick check to make sure your fences have survived the night intact.
Avoid wooded areas even after the winds have started to drop, sometimes it takes a little time for the damaged branches to fall
Flooded areas and waterways can be deep/fast for a few days so if you have a water baby dog it might be safer to use a long line if they go swimming

Goodnight 😴 everyone 🐾♥️ (when there are 3 dog beds and many surfaces in the house, Ted still climbs in with Izzy!)

Goodnight 😴 everyone 🐾♥️ (when there are 3 dog beds and many surfaces in the house, Ted still climbs in with Izzy!)

👏 👏 👏

👏 👏 👏

Escena del capítulo 3x10 de Doctor en Alaska sobre la Nochebuena-

For Christmas 🎅 🐾 and for all days of the year…

For Christmas 🎅 🐾 and for all days of the year…

Make sure you shop for your pups at Purple Pup this Christmas! 🐾♥️🎄🎅

Make sure you shop for your pups at Purple Pup this Christmas! 🐾♥️🎄🎅

When Father Christmas gets home on Christmas morning and needs to put his feet up with a cup of tea (Yorkshire Tea, of course) and a good book! 😁

Wishing a Very Waggy Christmas to One and All! 🥰🐾💜

Fill your new 2024 diary up with these dates…

Fill your new 2024 diary up with these dates…

Let Your Animal Lead - Starting Your Canine Journey 2024

Early bird booking fee now available as a Christmas Special!

CHOICES the importance of giving your dog choices!

Importantly it is also about trust, creating a bond and deepening
your relationship with your dog.❤️

Thank you to Clara Bear our gorgeous poster girl!

This is an on line (zoom) interactive introductory workshop of 8 elements in total.

Your dog does not have to have an issue or an ailment - the therapy is importantly about maintaining health & wellness by working preventatively.

Age is no barrier to choices and self-selection. Age does not play a part. Your dog is never too young or too old!

On line (zoom) interactive workshop of 8 elements in total to give you knowledge and understanding of self-selection & offering choices to your own dog(s) from natures pharmacy (Canine-pharmacognosy).

Element 1 Sunday 21st January
Element 2 Sunday 3rd February
Element 3 Sunday 18th February
Element 4 Sunday 3rd March
Element 5 Sunday 17th March
Element 6 Sunday 14th April
Element 7 Sunday 28th April
Element 8 Sunday 12th May

Each element will be at 9am GMT. Approx. 3 -4 hours in duration (which includes discussion, question & answer session).

Places are limited.

If you would like to know more or have any questions or would like to attend a further workshop in 2024 please do contact me!

For full information or to book your place :
email: [email protected] or send a FB message.

By learning more about the therapy, the importance of a safe approach, understanding the remedies you are offering, including how to offer them safely to your dog and understand their responses enables you as your dogs carer to help maintain a healthy, well balanced & happy dog. 💜





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