Love these two, they really are best friends, live next door to each other, have a connecting gate between their gardens ( May of been for the children 😀) perfection 🥰
The impact of yesterday’s rain meant a puddle in the field today, many towels later the water babies just had loads of fun
Happy Birthday Prince, where have those 8 years gone ! ❤️
The water babies amongst us today enjoyed the paddling pool, Jess was very enthusiastic 😂🥰
🖤🖤 Sometimes it’s just black & white 🖤🖤 The darkness gang back together just for today 🥰
Did Down’s with the dogs today, and one was just lying down 😂 really interesting exercise with them, their sit cues are definitely stronger than their downs !
When the house went up for sale I knew today would happen, after nearly six years I had my last walk with my Nala noodle, one of the original dogs I walked. That was a tough goodbye ❤️❤️
Group walks, usually I post beautiful dogs posing, today I wanted to show you real life of walking a compatible group of dogs.
Videos and photos don’t lie, so if your dog is walked in a group and it’s wild and chaotic or calm and relaxed that is exactly what is happening on your dogs walk.
No one dogs pleasure should be at the detriment of another dog within that group.
For me it’s essential to be able to recall your dog away from the other dogs within the group, other than safety issues it also continues your dogs learnt behaviour regardless if walked by the owner or their dog walker. If dogs are allowed to race around with no management guess what that is what your dog will do and will suddenly find it more exciting than returning to their owner or walker…. boom recall gone ! It can also lead to other issues for your dog as they might of found the experience negative and then other meetings with dogs also become a negative experience and then you have a dog that now doesn’t like meeting other dogs.
Don’t get me wrong most of the dogs I walk are more than capable of running around like a looney, but this is where knowing individuals arousal levels and also a group arousal level is also essential, easy to calm a running situation down by a simple recall back to me, with positive reinforcement as you can see sometimes it’s difficult to get them away from me for a recall, how it should be 🐾🐾
Recall from nothing and recall from distractions. Every walk I always throw in various amounts of recall from nothing, reinforcing the behaviour I want and her being rewarded for it so when there is a distraction she wants to return to me and in this case not chase birds
Today pup had the rarity of mixing with appropriate dogs when I bumped into a friend on our walk, then recalling her away from those same distractions
This handsome one can suffer with stiff joints if he over does it, the field is ideal for him, no pavement pounding, no keeping up with human pace and no incline….. he can just have a happy mooch 🥰🐾