SouthCoast K9’s

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SouthCoast K9’s SouthCoast K9’s is here to cater to a wide range of dog services. Including; Dog training/behaviour, dog walking & dog raw food meal preps.

Coming; Dog fitness, dog photography & dog boarding. Feel free to message us with any enquiries and questions!

🎉Exciting times ahead‼️🎉 Afternoon guys! We hope everyone’s all well & good. We have been extremely busy lately & have b...

🎉Exciting times ahead‼️🎉

Afternoon guys! We hope everyone’s all well & good.
We have been extremely busy lately & have been over at our training grounds doing alot of DIY. We are currently aiming at making the grounds suitable and compliant so we can accommodate every person & their dogs specific needs🤩

Due to our work load being very busy, we are infact still fully booked & our books are currently closed. Of course, please do message us and get in contact if you feel we can be of help or give advice as we are looking at having all this complete by the end of July🔥 from then, our books will open back up, where we will be able to start offering our 1-1 training sessions, and also start up our group training sessions that will be held by our Level 4 fully qualified dog handler‼️

We want to hold group sessions in a secure, safe environment where you can have access to equipment, and also fully working water supplies so that dogs can be catered with drinking water throughout💯
We will also have training equipment available within our more advanced training sessions, as well as having a secure locked away field where we can cater to reactive dogs without any influencing factors around🔥

Once again, Thankyou so much to each and everyone of our clients & our followers for continuing support and love throughout. Without you guys, this dream wouldn’t be possible💯

Watch this space‼️🔥




Male/ Staff?


Meet Brutus, the Cane Corso🔥This beautiful boy is with our team for walking & some specific training💯 His owners have ac...

Meet Brutus, the Cane Corso🔥

This beautiful boy is with our team for walking & some specific training💯
His owners have accomplished a lot within their own training & have done wonders with this boy already. He has a lovely temperament and is an absolute pleasure to take for enjoyable walks🔥

Along side walking Brutus, we have been doing sessions with the main focus of heel work whilst focusing on the handler💯
This is a perfect command to have set between you & your dog, and can be very useful in many situations. Whether that be to purely have their attention whilst walking, to distract them and have their focus from situations that may occur, or simply walking through a busy environment ensuring you have your dogs focus fully on the handler no matter what distractions are about‼️

Keep updated- follow to watch more of Brutus & the rest of SouthCoast K9’s team🔥

Say hi to new member, Loki 🐾🔥 As you can tell, he’s a very fluffy German Shepherd with LOTS and LOTS of energy‼️ Beautif...

Say hi to new member, Loki 🐾🔥

As you can tell, he’s a very fluffy German Shepherd with LOTS and LOTS of energy‼️
Beautiful temperament, very playful and bouncy- with the most luxurious coat you’ll see😍
He’s currently been with us for walking whilst his humans are on a sunny holiday! 🌞
His owners have done amazing with this boy, and of course know just how much exercise these dogs need to get them energy levels down, so they made a responsible decision for SouthCoast K9’s to help in these times!💯

We’re here to help any breed, and any human with whatever they’re needs may be. Whether it just be walking or training- short or long periods of times‼️🔥

We understand people want holidays/ trips to family members, or maybe working away from home- but please don’t hesitate to contact us for help with your dogs when you feel like we may be of hand💯 Plus; they’ll be missing out on our fun adventures😉 - look how happy he is‼️

It just goes to show, the level of trust our clients also have and the faith they have knowing their dogs will be looked after, well exercised and attended to whilst you’re not here. So Thankyou❤️


JAX the BOY🔥 ⁣

3 year old mali- taking his basic training & concentrating on his advanced training of ‘side/heel/centre/‘ etc and upping the pace of each command💯⁣
his attention and willingness to train and work hard for that reward is second to none🔥 ⁣

These dogs are a full time job in themselves and require a lot of attention and training- these dogs like to ‘work’, to have a purpose & if you can fulfil their needs, they will thrive and become the best friend you’ve never had. They will protect you & be loyal to you until you die💯 ⁣
If you fail these dogs, you’re in for it!! They are loaded weapons, which need to be under control‼️ ⁣
Our boy, Jax, is a fine example of this breed & dedicates his life for us🔥⁣
Follow to watch more of his training💯 ⁣

🏆Good luck to all that have entered already‼️Don’t miss your chance to win; one free company hoodie, a goodie bag worth ...

🏆Good luck to all that have entered already‼️
Don’t miss your chance to win; one free company hoodie, a goodie bag worth OVER £50🔥 AND one hour free training session with our top trainer‼️🏆

‼️goodie bag will include the minimum of a brand new collar for your dog, a brand new lead, toys and treats💯‼️

**click on original post to follow rules and enter**


Want to win yourself a free company hoodie- along with a goodie bag worth over £50‼️
AND one free hour training session with our top trainer🔥‼️
Of course you do💯
To enter you must complete 3 things;
🏆Like our page
🏆 Share this post
🏆 Tag 3 friends in the comments!

Our one hour training session will be one on one, and can be any training your dog may need. If they don’t need training, an hour walk will be an option 🐾
Thankyou for your continued support!!❤️

You have one week- Sunday we will draw the winner🏆‼️

🏆 COMPETITION TIME‼️🏆 Want to win yourself a free company hoodie- along with a goodie bag worth over £50‼️AND one free h...


Want to win yourself a free company hoodie- along with a goodie bag worth over £50‼️
AND one free hour training session with our top trainer🔥‼️
Of course you do💯
To enter you must complete 3 things;
🏆Like our page
🏆 Share this post
🏆 Tag 3 friends in the comments!

Our one hour training session will be one on one, and can be any training your dog may need. If they don’t need training, an hour walk will be an option 🐾
Thankyou for your continued support!!❤️

You have one week- Sunday we will draw the winner🏆‼️


Remember Nugget?!💯
This is the last session for this type of training, but yet the beginning of another for this girl!

Here she is having a relaxed, enjoyable, loose lead walk with our Terry🔥 As stated, this is her last session on getting her perfect with her walking. Nugget is always walking nicely now, and has that focus and attention towards her handler. Distractions may occur but she doesn’t let herself loose that control and easily corrects herself💯

The next sessions we have planned for this girl, is to perfect the command ‘heel’. We want to work with Nugget for her to be able to perform a solid walk with her by your side completely.
We have the upmost faith in this girl to do us well‼️ She works so hard to constantly improve and learn.
Also, a huge well done to her owners. These guys have been putting in the work at home!
Continuing your training at home will allow you to keep educating your dog on what we have been teaching her, and will also allow the bond between you and your dog to become more stronger and happier whilst they keep improving🔥


End of Buddy’s first session ‼️
Finishing this off with a fun game, as you can see his recall has really improved with just spending an hour with us already🔥
You can see Buddy isn’t on his own! The lovely Luna joined in throughout- unbeknown to Buddy, this was to cause purpose distraction so we can begin to work on his recall, no matter what may seem more ‘fun’ and ‘high drive’ at the time💯

Having a solid recall with your dog is SO important. Although your dog may be friendly with people or other animals, they may not receive the same emotion vice versa. Some other dogs may be on lead for a reason, and some humans may have a fear of dogs.
You will have much more control and boundaries established between yourself and your dog & potentially save situations arising and occurring when you’re out and about‼️💯

Meet the beautiful Mitzy!🔥 She is a Belgian Malinois x GSD💯 Due to her being a Mali breed, she isn’t comfortable around ...

Meet the beautiful Mitzy!🔥
She is a Belgian Malinois x GSD💯
Due to her being a Mali breed, she isn’t comfortable around many people and also other dogs that aren’t in her pack. She does have reactive responses if unfortunately, she doesn’t like you😂
Again, we specialise in these types of breeds and this is by all means, no issue for our team.
Our trainer Chris, has become great friends with Mitzy, and corrects her when she does react & mainly, thoroughly enjoys getting this girl out for some exercise🔥


Say Hi to Buddy! One year old Jack Russell x Shih Tzu 🐾 🔥
He is currently in for some focus training & mainly, getting his recall faultless 💯
This was our first session with him and he was really working hard to stay focused, and not let distractions take over.
This was halfway through the session, at first we were practicing with buddy on a long line. This allows me to initially see what he is like when given some more space other than a short lead, and also allows me to put in boundaries from the beginning & teaching him to stay relevantly close without worry of him just running into the distance 💯
Then we progress onto letting him have a lot of freedom without the long line, still gaining that focus back as well as having control and more faith in the fact he will respond and act to his recall command when needed🔥
Well done Buddy, the first start of the progressive sessions 🙌🏼

One of our newest members Luna, a 3 year old Belgian malinois🔥 Due to us at SouthCoast K9’s being confident, knowledgeab...

One of our newest members Luna, a 3 year old Belgian malinois🔥
Due to us at SouthCoast K9’s being confident, knowledgeable and highly trained within working dog lines, we have had a lovely opportunity to take this beautiful girl out for 5 days, every week💯
As much as these dogs look cuddly, loving and super friendly… (which by all means they are) they have very high driven natural instincts. Luna is very alert, cautious and a fine judge of character. So being this, as the handler, you also have to be very alert and cautious.
As I mentioned, these dogs are very loyal and loving, in which they want to protect. Again, a natural instinct.
But, nevertheless, SouthCoast K9’s are your team‼️ We know these working line breeds/ dogs inside, out! So of course, Luna is an absolute pleasure- and we look forward to more fun, enjoyable walks💯🔥


Good afternoon!
SouthCoast K9’s are extremely in demand right now, and we are seeing your enquiries and messages etc.
We do aim to reply within 24/48hrs, and we will try our upmost to accommodate, help & advise each and every one of you & your beautiful dogs!
I do apologise if you receive a reply a bit late in the evening, we are currently working from 9am- 10pm (give and take)
We appreciate you taking your time to message and get in contact with us, but don’t panic if we don’t reply instantly! You’re of course on the forefront of our minds!
Without you guys, we wouldn’t be able to do the job we love the most- so a HUGE Thankyou to each and every one of our loyal clients and customers! You guys have been the backbone to helping us build our business and you’re all appreciated more than you know!

Many thanks, SouthCoast K9’s ❤️


Bruce the Cane Corso🔥
After a very productive week, one of the main commands, ‘heel’ has been progressively moved on & used in a busy precinct‼️
Considering the amount of distractions going on, different smells, sounds & people, Bruce’s focus was very well under control and will soon be perfect💯
No matter what situation, environment, or atmosphere you put this dog in, he will 110% give it his upmost to impress and be rewarded.
This is all due to constant time, hard work and dedication‼️
Consistency is key 🔑


Part 2, of Nuggets new command‼️

After a great session of teaching Nugget ‘side’ and progressing that into ‘heel’ we upped our game this training session and moved onto another new & also busy environment💯
Nugget’s attention, and her response to commands is on point and you can’t fault this dog for the effort she puts in🔥

A BIG distraction does knock the attention and training, when a dachshund puppy runs over to Nugget. (Who behaved very well and actually quite calm) - Which again, why recall is SO important when you’re training‼️
If your dog doesn’t have recall then please, don’t allow your dog off in an area that isn’t secluded.
Nugget, luckily, is well behaved around other dogs- but some may not, and can be reactive.
It’s not just your dog you have to worry about, but please have consideration for other dogs & owners.
I will say, Nugget done extremely well to return back to focus, so we can carry on enjoying our session🔥
Good girl💯


Part 1 of 2, teaching Nugget a new command‼️

In this video, we are teaching Nugget ‘side’. Whilst also working on her attention to handler & recall 💯
This will eventually be useful when teaching her how to ‘heel’, and always having her attention.
Always being able to call your dog back & them being assertive to you, whilst waiting on that next command is one HUGE step in progress & will allow you to have full control of your dog, when put in any situation‼️🔥


Nugget is back‼️
For all those following nuggets journey, we gained the attention and control in a ground that was slightly less distractive & now, we have been out and about in different environments🔥
Working on some engagement & focus training, as well as continuing her usual basic training with walking, Nugget is improving and more so, wanting to please!
She is now learning to appreciate what a ‘clicker’ is, and what that means in benefit to her. As we teach dogs commands first and foremost, you always need to pair that with a well recognised reward‼️🔥


One of our very loyal clients, Crystal❤️
Putting our new employee Terry through his paces with some lead training💯
Usually with Chris, Crystal makes it look so easy- but we can’t all have it easy 😉🔥


Bruce the Cane Corso🔥
His owners have done alot of training with him, but one main thing they wanted to correct was his reactivity to dogs whilst he’s on a lead, as well as working on ‘heel’ whilst being in busy, distracting places💯
This was the first session in a public environment and as expected, he was interested in what was going on around him but remains calm & towards the end, an off lead dog becomes close & he smashed it‼️
Well done Bruce🔥

Meet Rosie 🌹 a Romanian rescue💯 As you can see, Rosie is very timid and anxious & she’s booked in with us to help build ...

Meet Rosie 🌹 a Romanian rescue💯
As you can see, Rosie is very timid and anxious & she’s booked in with us to help build her confidence as well as her basic training🔥
Small steps build big trust, and what you can achieve together after- will be limitless‼️


4 out of 5 basic commands every dog should know and listen to


Dixie's second session with us here at southcoastk9s as you can tell from the video she is coming along great and picking it up very quickly, we are still working on the bonding, engagement and correction stage setting her up for her foundation in basic obedience (sorry for the poor video due to a arm injury I can't record propley 😂 and Terry is currently away this week)


Little snippet of one of our loyal clients Crystal the Rottweiler🔥
Crystal has been with us since day 1! She is a lovely girl & a pleasure to have on our books! We get her out and about for walks whilst her owner is busy! Of course, adding in a little bit of additional training for her, your dog can never know enough!
Follow to see more of Crystal and her adventures‼️


Mabel & Terry🔥
Say Hi to one of our smaller breeds, Mabel!
This girl is as cute as she looks, and yes, she’s an absolute pleasure to walk!
Our handlers fully enjoy walking Mabel and she’s actually teaching our newest member, Terry‼️💯
We will introduce you to Terry very soon, so you can get to know him. For now, he has just been with our qualified handler, learning the ropes ready to do his own qualifications🔥


Winnie’s end of her first session‼️
YES, FIRST!! She has only been with us for one session & this girl has worked and proven wonders today with her training!💯
As you can see, Winnie has released alot of pressure from her handler, and is a lot less tense and more relaxed on the lead. Granted, a couple distractions got the better of her, but you cannot fault her when she starts to correct herself and still not pull so much‼️
She’s now learning that actually, pulling on the lead will in fact not get her to the destination she wants to go nicely, but a more relaxed approach will give her positive results for both herself & her handler🔥


Meet Winnie the American Bulldog💯
Can anyone guess what sort of training this girl is in for?!
Of course, focus work and lead training‼️
This was the first session with Winnie, and to start off nice and calmly, we have just been introducing a bit of lead pressure so she’s starting to learn where she is going wrong & what is, and isn’t wanted from her.
As you can see in the video she is quite tense on the lead, but just within 2 minutes, she gradually relaxes and not getting as distracted🔥
Again, showing you just what we’re working with, follow to see Winnie’s progress‼️


Clicker training with Nugget‼️
At SouthCoast K9’s, training dogs, isn’t always about us showing you all the positives, the dogs behaving for a minute and making us look great 😉
It’s about you guys seeing progress and commitment to each dog and their specific needs! We want you to see the different dogs becoming level 1/ 2 trained and knowing that our services have a huge improvement and impact💯
Nugget today was training with distractions and figuring out where she was going wrong and what she needed to do in order to correct herself & be rewarded whilst off lead‼️


Here’s Bronson the Cane Corso💯
Been with us a little over a month now, and he sure used his size when walking! He used to pull like a horse and have no self control whilst walking.
Now…what a difference. We have conquered the huge step of being able to walk nicely on the lead, and it being a more pleasurable experience🔥
Just waiting for the training grounds to be complete so we can focus on level 1 basic training with him & get that focus on point, and what a boy he’ll be‼️

Welcome to another new member of SouthCoast K9’s Team🔥 This is Alfie the Jack Russell x Dachshund, he will be joining us...

Welcome to another new member of SouthCoast K9’s Team🔥
This is Alfie the Jack Russell x Dachshund, he will be joining us 2 times a week💯
Follow us to see his progress‼️


Bella the Cane Corso!😍
Bella came to us with animal aggression a few weeks ago & only last week she was still reacting and barking at cats.
Such a high level distraction for a dog and especially for Bella! But today, something happened! We met a cat and had eye contact, but Bellas thought process has been changed and she re directed almost instantly without any reaction‼️
Huge improvement for this girl! She’s becoming a lot more calmer and relaxed when out walking, focusing more on her handler and most of all… having fun🙌🏼💯



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