WEDNESDAY WISDOM: posture is key to rehabilitation! It is a chicken and egg type situation where poor posture creates dysfunction (and often, ultimately,lameness) and dysfunction or lameness create poor posture.
I don’t think you can separate the two but pretty much every horse I have in for rehab will need to start with posture work.
This is a gorgeous new rehab client, there is one week between the photos and every day of that week I have focused on postural rehabilitation. Top pic is pic 1, bottom is pic 2.
This includes static exercises- baited stretches and sternum lifts.
Dynamic exercises- pole work, core engagement exercises and encouraging him to stretch his neck forwards and down while lifting his back. No gadgets, just helping him to find a more comfortable, relaxed way of holding himself.
(I will post some pics of him in action in the comments.)
I think you can see that his posture has improved, his shoulders are starting to come up a little and his frame looks better.
In terms of his work he is softer through his back and more active with his hindlimbs. Small changes but it is a start!