********** FIREWORK ADVICE **********
For anybody that has a missing dog due to the fireworks please follow as below. There is every chance the dog will return when he/she has calmed down. Do not shout their names or whistle for them this will only heighten their anxiety levels.
If the dog has gone missing from home please do the following ASAP. Leave some items of family unwashed clothing and a little bit of food outside in your front garden and if its safe to do also leave a door slightly open so should he/she make it back to the home he/she will have easy access back into the home.
Leave some items of family unwashed clothing or anything with the body scent on of the person the dog, has most bonded with and leave with a little bit of smelly food ie tinned sardines, smoked cheese, chicken, or anything smelly etc, near to where he/she went missing from AS ABOVE. This does work we have had a large number of dogs return by doing this but it needs doing ASAP. Polo/tee shirt, PJ’s, old well worn coat, walking boots with smelly socks inside, even the bottom sheet from the bed works. As much unwashed clothing as possible we need to get your scent airborne ASAP.
9 out of 10 dogs will go back to where they went missing from so please do the above ASAP.