Training Tools …. What do you use?
I was sent this from a client who tracks her rides. After our last session she sent me the screen shot and we made a few observations….this is a follow up practice (without me there) and when she shared this with me her message read:
“Someone in the school tonight so dodging directions and horse spooking (not mine) but straight lines nearly straight 😊”
Now that’s what I call bringing great focus to training for feedback / feed forward progress 💪💪 when a rider can adapt using the training tools more effectively within the space of 2 sessions, you know there are really working hard on the right things and deserve full credit.
#equivie #mindset #coaching #equestriansport #wintermotivation #mindsetmatters #thisgirlcan
Lovely boy Hugo 😍 looking forward to getting our groove as we get to know each other. Second ride on him today.
Also a BEAUTIFUL arena - hoping to host a clinic here for anyone interested??
lovely Percy schooling in the sunshine today - No music necessary when you have the birds singing the sun shining and the universe singing joyfully
The lovely Percy, schooling really nicely in the sunshine today 🥰 Percy has been coming to have 1 or 2 schooling sessions per week for the past 6 weeks or so, certainly not intensive with great work being done at home by his mum Donna Provan with inhand and ground work.
Percy is super willing but a real internal worrier and this was especially noticeable in his right canter transition where he would get very worried about how many legs he has and what order to use them in! Speaking with Donna, this has always been a challenge for them and one of the main reasons we started this little schooling programme .
He is growing in confidence and strength each week and look at him in today session 😍 consistency, patience and a good system / process work well for humans and horses alike 😘😘 we plan to keep working through Feb like this and then we will transition him and Donna and her daughter back into the saddle with a clear plan to keep the consistency make sure they continue to move forward successfully 💖
No cover music necessary over the video when you have the birds singing, the lovely sunshine and the universe providing the joyful spirit 💕
Rider Position and Posture can be the difference that makes the difference!
With the success of this month’s on and off horse clinics we have more dates for February for those that missed out.
The biggest gains I see in riders is when they focus on their own balance - interested to learn more about yourself? Get in touch
Team Chasing (Part 2) Nov 2022
Peach had her debut Team Chasing in the most awful conditions. This was one of the last outings I had with her before she went to her lovely new home where she had absolutely thrived under the love and stewardship of Ellie Harrington
By contrast to Rafa and his 'extra' approach, Peach was very measured and elegant and responsive. Surpassing my expectation of her.
I did manage to lose her on the field whilst untacking and she tool a trip back to the warm up all on her own. Fortunately finding Abbi Lawrence before she, anything or anyone came to any harm.......
Rebecca Alcock one for both of us to remember fondly x
Team Chasing (Part 1) Nov 2022 - Rafa
Back when I had 2... (or 3?) horses.
(Part 2 on a separate post of Peach's first Team Chase to follow - spoiler alert, Peach's round was a lot more relaxing hahaha)
As is January and cold and winter..... I thought it would be a good time to share the videos of me and the horses team chasing - feels like yesterday watching these back!
I also have the Gopro footage so will share these soon as they are soooo interesting to watch back from a rider perspective. Plus if you have never team chased you can get the thrill from the safety of your couch 😂😅
Deperately miss this boy 💔but he taught me so much and gave his absolute all to everything. Although I seem to remember he was ready to go round without me and it was a bit of a task just getting on that day Abbi Lawrence !
Also a shout out to @rachel nicholson who was our speed demon leading the way :)
On Saturday I headed over to the @harlingwoodstud open day to see their fabulous new arena and take in the wonderful yard, facilities and location.
It was great to see the team there all so welcoming and full of experience ready to support riders with their training. It was also fab to see @carol_street_equine_images too - an unexpected bonus 😊
We are planning to host some camos and clinics here in the near future so keep an eye on our page for details. #equivie #mindset #equestrian #coaching #equestriansport #wintermotivation
Today, I’ve come away from a great session with a rider and wanted to share why I’m so passionate about the approach I take. I absolutely love working with riders who lean into the process, however hard that is and trust that slowing things down will give so much feedback on how to move forward #mindset #equivie #coaching #equestriansport #posture #wintermotivation #thrive #mindsetmatters
January Clinics and Workshops
Part 2: Rhythm
And again no music - surely the sound of a horse relaxed in their work is the ultimate music for an equestrian to hear 🥰
Here we went to the left rein and worked a little on the canter , as you can see she does drift a little here too but is easier to ride on this rein, before changing back to the right and riding a 12 m circle far more balanced that previously which I was thrilled with so that where we left the session today 💖
Hope you enjoy these snippets of what I get up to in my own time when I’m horsing around 😊🥰. #equivie #mindset #equestrian #equestriansport #posture #wintermotivation #coaching #thrive #joy
A reel without music … WHAT?!
I talk a lot about rhythm when coaching riders. This is a little video of a super mare I am lucky enough to have a ride on every so often for my own pleasure since the loss of my horse.
I was going to put music over this but then when watching it I loved hearing her breathing and footfall, both offering great ways of tuning into your horses way of going and finding rhythm.
This tends to be her weaker rein and she can drift to the left so you can see here on the circle that’s happening.
See the next video for the improvement a few minutes later.
#rhythm #equivie #equestrian #mindset #breathwork