Check out our brand new blood machine! We can now test certain bloods while on the road 🥳🐾
This wriggly little creature is a mite called otodectes cynotis, more commonly known as an ear mite.
Ears mites can affect dogs, cats, rabbits and ferrets, and cause itchy, smelly, red and swollen ears, often with a brownish ear wax that looks like coffee grounds.
Don't panic though! Ear mites can be easily treated with a variety of safe and effective topical treatments.
Zak’s owners brought him to us as he was struggling with lameness. Last week we performed MMP cruciate ligament surgery which we are so happy to say was a great success and this is Zak only a week later! 😊
MMP surgery is an alternative surgery to TPLO, however it is much more affordable and a lot less invasive.
If you have any questions about the procedure then please get in touch.