Confident Canines Dog Training - Leyland
Do you have a new puppy or a dog that is in need of some training?
Find out about the comprehensive range of services we offer here...
Awesome distance handling skills with team Gracie during their hoopers 1:1 session! ๐๐ฅณ๐พ
We are upping the difficulty level for their course running as she is now at novice level in the competitions. ๐
#springerspaniel #springerspanielsofinstagram #springerspaniellovers #cleverdog #caninehoopers #caninehoopersuk #ukhoopers #dogsports #havefunwithyourdog #moderndogtraining #positivedogtraining #forcefreedogtraining #leyland #chorley #buckshawvillage #euxton #whittlelewoods #preston #southribble #lancashire
Training for future situations is important. When Amber was young, I spent time training her to be calm in the presence of ducks and birds, rather than letting her chase them. I knew that I wanted to take her hiking when she was older, so wanted to get good habits in place early. ๐พ๐
Now, you can see she is interested but checks in with me for rewards instead of going closer and potentially chasing, and we can walk past wildfowl in close proximity without it being a big deal.
Start training for the future before bad habits creep in - develop skills so that you and your dog can both enjoy life together. ๐๐
#australianlabradoodle #doodlesofinstagram #whosagoodgirl #gooddog #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogtrainingtips #puppytraining #puppytraining101 #puppytrainer #rewardbasedtraining #moderndogtraining #forcefreedogtraining #leylanddogtrainer #confident_canines #leyland #buckshawvillage #chorley #penwortham #lostockhall #bamberbridge #preston #southribble #lancashire
Brilliant Bryson is picking up his hoopers skills very quickly! ๐๐๐ฅณ๐พ
A fab technical handling sequence with handler stationary outside the circle of hoops. ๐
#borderterrierpuppy #borderterriersofinstagram #borderterrier #cutedog #cleverdog #caninehoopers #caninehoopersuk #ukhoopers #dogsports #havefunwithyourdog #moderndogtraining #positivedogtraining #forcefreedogtraining #leyland #chorley #buckshawvillage #euxton #whittlelewoods #preston #southribble #lancashire
Beans the speedy collie is progressing very well with his distance handling in hoopers. ๐๐๐พ
He even went round me to finish the course off, ha ha! ๐
#herdingdog #bordercollie #bordercolliesofinstagram #cutedog #cleverdog #caninehoopers #caninehoopersuk #ukhoopers #dogsports #havefunwithyourdog #dogtrainer #dogtraining #moderndogtraining #positivedogtraining #forcefreedogtraining #leyland #chorley #buckshawvillage #euxton #whittlelewoods #penwortham #preston #southribble #lancashire
Super boy Jinx showing off some great work during our Life Skills classes... ๐๐พ
Impulse control work with a wait while his human puts out lots of tempting items, then a great recall through the 'alley of temptation' ! ๐ He even ignored me standing by filming! ๐๐
#workingcocker #workingcockerspaniel #spanielsofinstagram #dogtraining #whosagooddog #puppyschool #puppytraining #puppylife #doglifeskills #puppylove #cutepuppy #newpuppyowners #puppytrainer #positivedogtraining #rewardbasedtraining #forcefreedogtraining #moderndogtraining #leylanddogtrainer #confident_canines #leyland #chorley #buckshawvillage #euxton #penwortham #lostockhall #bamberbridge #preston #southribble #lancashire
Small but mighty! ๐๐พ
Little chihuahua puppy King is halfway through our puppy course. He has been a little anxious so far, not being confident enough to even move off his mat during classes. It sure is a big world when you are this small, and that can be scary.
We've been spending some extra time before/after classes to build his confidence. I'd say it's working! ๐ฅฐ๐๐
Look at him flying with his speedy recall there! Huge progress. You can see him slow down a little during his second one when he spotted me filming close by, but he recovered and completed another great recall!
What a super little pup! ๐
#chihuahua #chihuahualove #chihuahuasofinstagram #chihuahuapuppy #puppylove #puppytraining #newpuppy #puppylife #doglifeskills #cutepuppy #dogtraining #puppytrainer #dogtrainer #positivedogtraining #rewardbasedtraining #forcefreedogtraining #moderndogtraining #leylanddogtrainer #confident_canines #leyland #chorley #buckshawvillage #euxton #penwortham #lostockhall #bamberbridge #preston #southribble #lancashire
Confident Canines Dog Training - Leyland
Thinking about joining us for some training? To find out more about the services we offer and how we operate, have a look here:
We had a great Hoopers Foundation Workshop on the weekend with all dogs doing brilliantly! ๐ฅณ
Here is Maggie showing off her new-found skills! ๐พ
#oldenglishsheepdog #oldenglishsheepdogsofinstagram #cutedog #cleverdog #caninehoopers #caninehoopersuk #ukhoopers #dogsports #havefunwithyourdog #moderndogtraining #positivedogtraining #forcefreedogtraining #leyland #chorley #buckshawvillage #euxton #whittlelewoods #preston #southribble #lancashire
Gracie was flying round the hoopers courses last week!
Excellent distance handling skills from her Mum too! ๐๐
Hoopers isn't always about having the fastest dog: you can get points for distance handling which can put you ahead of the fast dogs that have their humans running with them! #fastisntalwaysfirst
#springerspaniel #springerspanielsofinstagram #springerspaniellovers #cleverdog #caninehoopers #caninehoopersuk #ukhoopers #dogsports #havefunwithyourdog #moderndogtraining #positivedogtraining #forcefreedogtraining #leyland #chorley #buckshawvillage #euxton #whittlelewoods #preston #southribble #lancashire
#bordercollie #bordercollielovers #bordercolliesofinstagram #bordercolliepuppy #puppylove #whosagoodboy #puppytraining #puppytrainer #dogtraining #dogtrainer #rewardbasedtraining #forcefreedogtraining #moderndogtraining #leadwalking #leylanddogtrainer #confident_canines #leyland #buckshawvillage #chorley #euxton #penwortham #lostockhall #bamberbridge #croston #longton #fulwood #preston #southribble #lancashire
A great hoopers run from Charlie during his 1:1 with some lovely technical skills and distance handling! ๐๐๐พ
#sheepadoodle #sheepadoodlesofinstagram #cleverdog #caninehoopers #caninehoopersuk #ukhoopers #dogsports #havefunwithyourdog #moderndogtraining #positivedogtraining #forcefreedogtraining #leyland #chorley #buckshawvillage #euxton #whittlelewoods #preston #southribble #lancashire