In-Line K9 - Professional Dog training & Behaviour

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In-Line K9 - Professional Dog training & Behaviour Dog trainer and behaviourist working in and around the south Yorkshire areas. Dog Trainer in South Yorkshire


Monty decided that today was finally the day he behaved like a distinguished, polite little gentleman 🥹

Loose leash walking has never really been his strong suit, because everything must be done at 200mph.

And adolescents is a trying time for all of us 🥲
So usually, he's quite a little s**t to put it nicely.
But today? Complete opposite.
His lil brain cogs finally got it and we're so proud of him.


We finally have some availability to take on new clients!

We at In-Line K9 - Professional Dog training & Behaviour can help you with everything from
- Advanced obedience
- Dog reactivity
- Fear reactivity
- Aggression
- Puppy socialisation
- Foundation skills
- Leash pulling
- Recall
- Basic obedience
- And so much more 🫶🏻

All of our sessions are conducted on a 1-2-1 basis so each dog is treated as an individual and you get a custom training plan that best suits you and your dogs needs.

If you have any questions, please feel free to comment or message any time 😊

And if you would be so kind, I may or may not be in Facebook jail, so please feel free to share ❤️❤️


You heard it folks. A muzzled dog is an untrained dog, and a liability, and it makes you a s**t trainer 🫶🏻So, thanks Har...

You heard it folks.
A muzzled dog is an untrained dog, and a liability, and it makes you a s**t trainer 🫶🏻

So, thanks Harold.
But I can confirm that anyone with two cents, understands that muzzled dogs are not bad dogs.

Here are just SOME of the reasons dogs may wear a muzzle or be muzzle conditioned -

- Medical necessity - some dogs are already stressed as it is going to the vets, but what if your dog is now in extreme pain with a broken bone or open wound, and won't let anyone examine them, and now they have to be muzzled to get treatment?
They WILL forcefully muzzle your dog. So why not make it a little easier by making the muzzle something positive, and not add extra stress to an already stressed situation?

- Medical conditions such as PICA - PICA is a physiological and compulsive desire to eat non-food items. You can't just "train it out" and "teach them to stop"
Muzzling your dog can allow them to be safely off leash and NOT eat a stick, rocks, broken glass, or anything else you can find while out and about.
Much better to have them comfortable in a muzzle, than uncomfortable in a vets office fighting for their life because they have an obstruction or perforated bowel

- Coprophagia - the desire to eat f***l matter. Super common in developing puppies, and can stem from a huge variety of reasons.
Would you like your dog to catch a disease or parasites from eating contaminated p**p?

- Legal requirements -
Dogs who are already on the dangerous dogs list (previous bite histories) or are on the dangerous dogs exemption register (XL bullies) are required by law to wear a muzzle in public.
And an overwhelming amount of those dogs have never put a foot wrong, and do not have a history.
And while that legislation was uncalled for, and frustrating, it highlighted how critically important muzzle conditioning, training, and education was needed around muzzles.
These dogs did not deserve to have to scrape their faces across the pavement, your legs, walls and their own paws to try and get it off because it was so uncomfortable and they hated it. Because they had never been exposed to it.


Muzzled dogs are not bad dogs.

So thankyou Harold for motivating this post 🫶🏻 but its unlikely you will learn from it.

Unfortunately, people like this are blind to education, and ignorant to facts that they see pretty much every day.
People like this will try so hard to make you feel like s**t for doing the best for your dog, so, take it with a grain of salt.

Don't take criticism from someone you wouldn't take advice from.


Is your dog a bit of a puff?
Anxious, nervous, generally UN-confident? (Is that a word?)

Well, maybe start making your dog do some weird s**t.
Works a charm. Put your dog in a tree.

Sometimes you just gotta put your clients dogs in trees. Y'know?

Sometimes you just gotta put your clients dogs in trees. Y'know?




Does your dog actually know what "heel" means?

I will always preach to teach stationary before static - after all, how does your dog know WHERE they should be?

Admittedly, this is something I always teach puppies, don't often don't actually implement while moving until MUCH later on.
I actually don't *want* pups to be in a focused or contact heel at all while they are actively exploring, socializing and learning to be neutral within their environment.

After all, are you truly exploring when you're not diving in head first? 😂



It's probably one of the easiest things to train and one of my favorites.
Similar to "tuck" that we posted previously,
"Middle" also helps keep your dog safe and away from a variety of things -

We use it for -
-Keeping the dog safe while there is an off leash dog with no recall

-Waiting at bus stops or in queues on shops

-Recall into the position to make re-leashing your dog quicker and easier.

Show me dogs. Please and thank you

Show me dogs.
Please and thank you


It is an awesome skill to have to keep your dog neatly tucked away in busy areas or tight spaces.
Preventing them from being harassed, stepped on or rushed by others, while also giving them a safe space to relax if they get overwhelmed or overstimulated.

Monty has NEVER been shown "Tuck"
But after luring him into position twice - you can see he got the idea very quickly. And even correcting himself if he scoots a little too far or sits instead of laying.
He's so eager to please, he's a Wonderful example as to what training from day 1 can get you.
There's no such thing as too early, or too late.

He's only 7 months old. But God does time fly 🥺


⚠️Viewer discretion advised⚠️
⚠️Content warning ⚠️
⚠️This is a HARD watch ⚠️

Please, please, please. Research your trainers.
ESPECIALLY the ones who you decide to trust to take your dog in for residential training.
Ask questions, pry, advocate for you and your dog.
If something makes you uncomfortable SPEAK UP.

People like this are within our industry.
They walk among us, seem unsuspecting, kind, and behind closed doors?

This is extra prevalent when it comes to Sport dogs and Personal protection dogs.
MULTIPLE people have purchased dogs from trainers like this because "their dogs win titles, their methods work"

Now, I don't know about you, but I don't think having a dog being pulled my one woman on a slip leash, and then being pulled in another direction on a prong collar, with all their strength, and then to repeatedly WHIP a dog in the head and sides, is a "good and effective training method"

This is quite frankly fu***ng disgusting.
And it fills me with shame to share the same industry as these pieces of s**t.

Please, research your trainers.
Look into your behaviourists, your vets, your walkers, your pet sitters...
There is NO room for this.
There is no rhyme, reason, explanation or justification for this.

✨Akuma✨ Is now looking for her forever home. An unfortunate start for her coming from a backyard breeder in awful condit...


Is now looking for her forever home.

An unfortunate start for her coming from a backyard breeder in awful conditions, competing for food that was thrown into a mud and dirt filled yard amongst her 15 siblings -
But, she landed safely in foster with Georgia Biddulph and new big brothers Barley the Poodle and Hex the Malinois.

Akuma is now 5/6 months old, vaccinated, microchipped and will be adopted out on a contract.

She has learned some amazing skills she can't wait to show off to her new forever owners.

She is;
Crate trained
Human and dog friendly
She can; Sit, Down, Heel, loose leash walk, and "park" (middle)

She is VERY food and affection motivated.

As per the breed, she is highly intelligent, high energy and has a mid to high prey drive.

She has some good foundations for someone to continue to build on.

Relevant experience is an absolute must.

If you can offer Akuma with a new loving home, please reach out and contact us or Georgia.

As the weather gets warmer, we need to keep in mind that our dogs may not enjoy your usual midday walk around the block....

As the weather gets warmer, we need to keep in mind that our dogs may not enjoy your usual midday walk around the block.

Please keep your pets safe, with access to shade, and fresh water at all times.

Your dog won't die from missing a walk, or walking later in the evening.
But they can die from taking that walk when it is far too warm.

Heatstroke is no joke.

⚠️ Pistachio has gone missing ⚠️ I know, I know, this is a snake, not a dog. But -Can all of my brinsworth/Rotherham cli...

⚠️ Pistachio has gone missing ⚠️
I know, I know, this is a snake, not a dog. But -

Can all of my brinsworth/Rotherham clients please please please keep a look out for him!
He's around 30cm long, and he is FRIENDLY.

He somehow escaped his enclosure AND managed to escape the house.
He was last seen at midnight last night (May 17th) at the bottom of Duncan Street, brinsworth, near the bungalows.

He will likely be at the bottom of bushes, in long grass, under bins, at the bottom of lampposts, or anywhere warm.

He may very well be scared, he is captive bred, so has never been in such open space before.
So he may look threatening.
Please try to contain him or pick him up if you see him.

He is not known to bite.
He holds no value to anyone but me. He's not worth a lot, he's only a baby.
I need him back ❤️

If you spot him, please call or message any time.
Please ❤️

Isn't it kinda wild what some people will grasp at to try and get a rise? Laura Jones. Personally trying to attack me be...

Isn't it kinda wild what some people will grasp at to try and get a rise?

Laura Jones.
Personally trying to attack me because... I didn't lie for her when her boyfriend asked about her while he was working away and she was cheating on him.
I didn't cover her ass when she falsely accused a different man of r@pe
Because I didn't lie to people when she abandoned her dog in someone else's home and was never heard from again.

The same person I busted a door down for because I was concerned for her physical and psychological safety, the same person I gave FREE training to, to a dog she threatened to abandon in the woods, that she hit and sprayed in the face with water, the same person I went to see when she was having a breakdown, the same person I bailed out of s**t over and over again; is the same woman who will make up blatant lies for what? To make me look bad?
I have nothing to hide. I have all the receipts.
My dogs don't have fleas. My dogs are not obese (maybe my old man, but he's arthritic and we're working on it)
Nor does my ferret?

Honestly, comical 💀😂
Also, no, she never worked for me.
She said she wanted to, and gave her a trial, she failed miserably, she never worked for us or anyone, still remains unemployed 💀



You know what really grinds my fu**in gears?
Off leash dogs.
Now I don't mean dogs minding their own business, doing their thing, playing with their owners and coming back when called.

I'm talking about out of control, off leash dogs.
"They just want to say hi"
"They deserve to sniff"
"If your dog isn't friendly they shouldn't be in public"
"My dog has the right to be a dog"
"Don't worry they're friendly"
"They aren't hurting anyone"
"How can they learn to be off leash, without being off leash"
"They're just a puppy, they're learning"

If you have ever said any of the above - absolutely not. No sir. No ma'am, Stop that.

To those people;
You are not entitled to other people's space.
You are not entitled to allow your dog, to rush other people's dogs and strangers.
You do not have a right to invade other people's space because you are too lazy to train your dog or keep them on a leash until they earn the privilege to be off leash.

You do not know if that dog is friendly
That dog may be aggressive to certain dogs
That dog may be terrified of other dogs
That dog may be recovering from surgery
That dog may be in heat
That dog may be contagious
That dog may be in training
You don't know, because it is not your dog.

Allowing your out of control dogs off leash is not only a criminal offense, it's ignorant, rude, and entitled.
And I will advocate for a dog's space. I guarantee your dog would rather catch my boot than a mouth full of teeth.

Being ignorant about your lack of control, is a quick fire way to be left with a nice vet bill, an injured or traumatized dog, or your dog stolen.

Do better.


🚩red flags in dog trainers/Behaviourists/walkers🚩

Now, I don't really want to talk about it. But, we find ourselves in a position to have to.
We see a LOT of bouncing to and from different trainers/walkers/behaviourists and they all have common themes as to why they are getting let down;

- Quick fixes"
There is NO "Quick fix" method. You can not promise every dog will respond to the same method in a set amount of time.
Just like people, all dogs learn differently.
NO trainer/behaviourist/walker can "guarantee" your dog will be "Fixed" in two one hour sessions without meeting your dog or even talking to you over the phone.

- "you have to be the pack leader/alpha"
I am BAFFLED at how many so called professionals are still using outdated and disproven "science" to support compulsion based training methods. The same guy who founded the "pack leader" movement, later came out to say his study was inaccurate, full of flaws, and did not apply to the domestic dog.
Yet people seem to brush over that and completely deny that it is, and always has been, a load of bo****ks.

- "give them a job"
Now. This one, I do agree with.
Dogs do need a job. That's the whole purpose they were bred. BUT - that does NOT mean your Boston needs to be trained like an IGP Belgian.
It means to give your dog purpose.
There is NO use training your PET dog as a working dog.
You can not remedy behavior by masking it with obedience.

And finally, my main complaint - stay in your lanes.
A lot of companies will take on clients they can not help because their ego can't direct them elsewhere, and everyone/everything is seen as competition.
I have seen too many "trainers" who are actually just dog walkers advise customers on complex behavioural issues and in fact make them worse with the advice they give.

If you don't know. Don't advise. Don't comment, and refer them elsewhere to someone who has expertise in that area.
Because your advice, can be and has been, fatal in some cases.


Someone has to 🫡

The concept that you can train a dog without force is just a lie.

The second you put a leash on a dog and restrict their freedom, you’re using force by definition.

There is a humongous difference between positive reinforcement training (which is part of EVERY dog training program out there) and “force free” which is just a catch phrase that’s used to prey on your emotions.

Of course we use positive reinforcement when we train, but we also use punishment. Why? Because no matter how many new commands, skills, tasks you train a dog…

…it will not stop them from practicing unwanted behaviors like barking and charging the front door, jumping on guests, or eating things off the ground that they shouldn’t.

Positive reinforcement is 99% of our dog training program, but the 1% of corrections we use have a time and place, and often are in place the save the dogs life.

But whether you’re training a dog with food (coercion) or handling them with a leash (force) there is always some part of the training that defies the very definition of “force free”.

The most effective dog training programs should not only teach the dog what is wanted from them, but also teaches them right from wrong behaviorally too.


Ladies and gentlemen; ✨Pablo✨

He's booked in with us for training walks and 1-2-1 sessions with his owner Brooke.

Unfortunately, after many failed sessions with another "trainer" pablos excitement based reactivity never truly got addressed.
£500+ later All he learned was how to sit and lay down in a box, and how to be yanked and cranked for every step he took in a slightly less than desired direction 🤯

His owner felt a little deflated, insulted, and spoken down to, and after having a look into it, I don't blame her.

After one initial consultation with Pablos owner, we had already found the gateway to making him less frustrated when unable to meet other dogs, children and people.

We had a chat afterwards about what was missing and what needed to be implemented and it's safe to say Pablos owner is significantly happier, and even told us she had NEVER had *that* much fun before.
She loved it, Pablo loved it, and we love them!

Please don't fall for marketing tactics and how many followers someone has.
Quantity does NOT mean quality.


We have an important message to share with you -

Bleu wishes to share the songs of his people.

Yes. He does this the whole journey. 🥲

Other than this, he's a perfect angel child with a co***ne addiction.


If professional service dog organizations take upwards of 2 years to field a dog…

At a cost of $30,000…

What makes you think your puppy can become one in a month?

If it sounds too good to be true, it’s probably false.

Keep this in mind before you drop $10,000 on the same 1 month training program you’d normally get for less than half that, just because you clicked the “service dog” option.

You’re not only getting ripped off, your puppy is probably getting abused in the process.


Got to see the mother in laws low rider Frankie.

Turns out he'd been having some trouble dragging her for the first leg of every walk.
So we decided to put some reps in and show her how to accomplish that strut and show off what a well mannered boy Frankie can be.

Time taken? About 20 minutes.

Absolute champ 💪🏻


Someone got a new dinosaur

And she seems quite thrilled about it 💅🏻

Okay okay. Well, you all suck and can't keep a secret. So, here she is - Here is baby Akuma. The 13 week old Belgian Mal...

Okay okay.
Well, you all suck and can't keep a secret.
So, here she is -

Here is baby Akuma.
The 13 week old Belgian Malinois that was an unfortunate outcome from a backyard breeding situation.

She will be with us, going through extensive training to get her solid foundations and obedience, to set her up for success in her new, forever home, whenever she is ready for that next chapter.
(I know, it sucks, we aren't keeping her. I am equally as displeased)

At only 13 weeks, she is confident, food motivated, toy motivated and a real people pleaser.

She may not have had the best start, but she will have the best future.

If you know anyone interested in a Belgian Malinois, or are looking for one yourself, feel free to follow along her journey, and message us to see if she would be a good match for you.
Breed knowledge and experience is a MUST with dogs like this.

She isn't going anywhere any time soon though. But she'll be worth the wait 💅🏻

It's about time we shared our dirty little secret... Can you tell what it is? 👀👀

It's about time we shared our dirty little secret...
Can you tell what it is? 👀👀


Most of you should know by now I'm not the type for s**t on other trainers.

But if your dog EVER looks like this - ears pinned, whale eye, tail tucked, no engagement and clearly scared s**tless.
Sack your trainer. Immediately.

This is NOT "trained" this is TERRIFIED.

My heart 😭🥺Thankyou Monty, Becca and family ❤️

My heart 😭🥺

Thankyou Monty, Becca and family ❤️


Monty has been training with us since day dot.
And he's an absolute champ.

We decided to do some off leash obedience 😯

Obviously, he crushed it.

Prevention is easier than the cure. But it's never too late to start 💪🏻


Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 21:00
Thursday 08:00 - 21:00
Friday 08:00 - 21:00
Saturday 09:00 - 20:00
Sunday 09:00 - 20:00




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