It doesn’t matter if you have four legs, or two, a massage feels darn good 😁
Throwback to treating little Harri for his first physio session back in the summer 🧡
Following on from my previous post on the ventral lift, here is a little video demonstration of it on the lovely Dave 🐴
Doris doing excellent work over the cavaletti poles during her physio session!
Doris had TPLO surgery to treat cranial cruciate ligament disease in April and is doing so well with her rehabilitation. Well done Doris and owner Lee for all of your hard work 🤩
Best friend vibes 🥰
Does anyone else’s horse do this to their dog?
Bart showing some flexibility when demonstrating carrot stretches at the end of his physio session.
Bart recieved a well deserved physiotherapy treatment after his Champion win at Windsor show! Go Bart 🎉🎊
Chewing, licking and yawning are all signs of relaxation and tension release when treating horses 🐴 🥱