Me and Molly had some playtime today in the garden, Star watched on from the top of the stairs after some snuggles. These two are so lovely it's an absolute pleasure to spend time with them at the beginning of each week ❤️ #greyhoundlove #greyhoundpetcare #doggyplaytime #clackmannanshirepetcare #doggyenrichment #gardenfun #sighthoundsofinstagram
Gus is all plum tuckered after our 10 days together, here he is getting a power nap in before his daddy gets home this evening! #miniatureschnauzersofinstagram #sleepydogs #snoringdog #cutiepatootie #petsitterlife
Hahah sometimes it takes a minute for one to notice the difference, am I right Bracken? Haha Just been sent this by James! #labradorretriever #labsofinstagram #dogsonadventures #woodlanddogwalk #doggyplaytime #sillydog #labradorable
Harper cannot help himself when he reaches any blade of grass he immediately jumps Keela! Poor girl lol All play and no brain engaged bless him. Pups are funny! #colliecuddles #colliechaos #colliesofinstagram #colliewalker #dogfriendly #dogwalksscotland #dogwalkerlife #doggyplaytime
@coleo_the_lab and I had a fun morning walk, we played a game where he had to fetch an item I threw or hid instead of blind chasing a throw object he was required to sit and wait and once it was his or thrown go find it and bring it back. Low impact fun for a boy with poorly hips! #labradorlove #dogwalkerdiary #doggyplaytime #doggybraingames #canineenrichment #gundogwalker #dogwalksscotland
I'm pet sitting with Lottie and Lainey and what a difference our relationship is from the first time I did a pet sit with them. Laney is the same snuggly, smoochy girlie, but Lottie is trusting now, we cuddle, I get kisses, waggy bums and she even plays with me. The constant downpour today has not been favourable walking weather but we have braved it a couple of times. #doggyplaytime #doggames #smalldogcare #petcareservices #dogsitter #clackmannashirepetcare #petsitterlife #doggolove #dogcare
Rainy day kinda dog walk for @coleo_the_lab but we had a nice time regardless. We met a lovely gentleman and his collie and had a chat whilst the dogs had their greetings. #dogwalksscotland #rainydogwalk #soggydoggies #dogwalkerlife #petcareservices
It's been a whole months since I saw this wee man as his family have had time off work for summer, but we were reunited today and here is how Rupert and I got reacquainted! #lovepuppy #doggygreetings #doggypals #dogwalkerlife #doggolove #clackmannashirepets
I've got this lad for a few days! It's been a wee while but looking forward to a few days of snuggles and fun together 🥰 Gio is always such a snuggly, good boy! #dogfriendly #cockapoo #petsitter #petsittingservices #clackmannashirepetsitting #petcareservices
Lazlo is 4 today, and I happen to be staying overnight with him, and his mum left him cake! Happy birthday, Buddy! #birthdaydoggo #birthday boy #doggosdoingstuff #happy birthday #song #dogsnacks #doggycake #petsittingscotland #petsitterstirling #petcareservices
Rory, on the other hand, seems to prefer to have late night snacks under the cover of darkness 🫣 #sneakycats #catcarescotland #catsatnight #nightvisioncatcam #kittycare #catsitter #catsittingscotland
A wee quick video of Poppy enjoying and early dinner 🥰 #kittycatsofinstagram #catcarescotland #catsitter #catcareclackmannanshire #felinefriends #catsinscotland