Wiltshire Hunt Saboteurs

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Wiltshire Hunt Saboteurs We are non-violent animal rights activists - we take direct action to save wildlife from hunt scum.

Great article on the entitled fox hunting fraternity and their ludicrous attempts to be recognised as an ethnic minority...

Great article on the entitled fox hunting fraternity and their ludicrous attempts to be recognised as an ethnic minority. Could they be anymore loathsome if they tried.

Following her recent demolition of Hunting Kind’s Ed Swales on Good Morning Britain, the HSA is delighted to feature a guest piece by writer, presenter and activist Chantelle Lunt.


Following on from Monday’s highly successful sabotage of the Wemmergill Estate’s first grouse shoot of the season, sabs were once again out taking action.

You couldn’t even make it up - a notorious hunter is to hold a demonstration of how they lay a smokescreen in a ‘Nationa...

You couldn’t even make it up - a notorious hunter is to hold a demonstration of how they lay a smokescreen in a ‘National Trail Hunting Day’

As predicted, the Labour Party won the General Election by quite a landslide. Within Labour’s manifesto was a promise to close the loopholes which have allowed hunts to continue to hunt live quarry ever since the passing of the Hunting Act nearly twenty years ago.

Absolutely howling at the audacity of these privileged, yet self-proclaimed “victims”.  Imagine demanding protected stat...

Absolutely howling at the audacity of these privileged, yet self-proclaimed “victims”. Imagine demanding protected status as an ethnic minority as you think it will allow you to continue to abuse animals, well imagine no more, oh woe is them, the poor deluded chumps really believe they are special!

No this isn’t satire, or April fools day either😂

Chair of Hunting Kind says he has built legal case to obtain same protection as Roma and LGBTQ+ people

𝗦𝗮𝗯𝘀 𝗧𝘂𝗿𝗻 𝗨𝗽 𝗘𝗻 𝗠𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗲 𝗧𝗼 𝗦𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗚𝗿𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗙𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀In a longstanding tradition, sabs turned up en masse yesterday to the ...

𝗦𝗮𝗯𝘀 𝗧𝘂𝗿𝗻 𝗨𝗽 𝗘𝗻 𝗠𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗲 𝗧𝗼 𝗦𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗚𝗿𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗙𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀

In a longstanding tradition, sabs turned up en masse yesterday to the grouse moors of the north to take action against cruel grouse shooting. Coming from all over the country, sabs came together with one purpose in mind - to stop the brutal killing of hundreds of grouse, who were doomed to be shot by mindless environmental vandals.

Scouts were out early in the morning to watch out for shoots. It’s been a ‘bad year for grouse’ due to the wet weather, so the shoots were going to be limited and hard to spot - but nothing gets past these expert spotters and sabs descended on the Wemmergill Estate, close to Middleton in Teesdale in County Durham, where a big shoot was about to take place. This shooting estate has often been at the center of police investigations following the discovery of numerous dead owls and missing tagged hen harriers documented over several years.

Just in time, sabs positioned themselves to stop the shoot. The shoot’s personal security, aka Durham Police, tried various tactics to get sabs to move but sabs held firm - for around 5 hours! They even tried to claim sabs were trespassing, once again, sabs had to coach police in what open access land means.

Shooters occupied the time by playing a game of cricket - maybe they will take this up as a new hobby instead of abusing animals? The estate manager (probably wishing he had a no refunds policy) was escorted by police to ask sabs nicely to move but sabs were going nowhere whilst innocent birds could still be shot.

Later in the day sabs offered to slow walk the shooters’ vehicles away from the shoot and off the moor but surprisingly the police declined this generous offer. It was soon clear why when 3 vans full of police turned up! Sabs decided it was probably time to stretch their legs on the moor. The police initially tried to follow but the hungry sabs were thinking of the snacks awaiting them in their vehicles, and there was no way the cops had an appetite for getting their boots muddy only to be humiliated and outrun by sabs.

When sabs reached the road there were more police vehicles there with pieces of paper in the front saying "DRAX" so presumably they had come from harassing Reclaim The Power in York - solidarity to these brilliant protesters - Read more here https://freedomnews.org.uk/2024/08/08/climate-camp-cancelled-after-police-raid-seizes-infrastructure-22-arrested/.

At the end of the day, bizarrely when sabs were already in the process of leaving the county, about 6 or 7 police vehicles including three prison van loads full of officers forced a road block so they could gather everyone’s details, a complete abuse of power, normally only a driver would be required to hand over their details, but police threatened arrest and issued ‘dispersal notices’ to other occupants of vehicles, smarmy power-drunk officers abusing the powers they already have. Video to follow.

Thanks to all the groups who took part yesterday. Grouse shooting is disgustingly cruel - not only for the grouse but for all the animals killed in the preservation of these unnatural barren landscapes. We hope the new government sees sense and takes action to stop them.

Today we joined sabs from around the country to sab the (in)glorious twelfth at the Wemmergill Estate in Teesdale.  Sabs...

Today we joined sabs from around the country to sab the (in)glorious twelfth at the Wemmergill Estate in Teesdale. Sabs stayed on the moors most of the day till they packed up, and ensuring not a shot was fired, this was despite the tweeded tw@ts’ private security firm aka Durham Constabulary and their attempts to harrass sabs as they tried and failed to allow the posh boys free reign to blast innocent birds from the sky.

Well done to all those sabs who made the journey today and held firm to the end. Many lives saved today. Hit report to follow.

Please do consider donating to our fuel fund, we couldn’t do what we do without your help. Thank you.


Solidarity with all those opposing racism on the streets of our country today and in the coming days.  If you’re going t...

Solidarity with all those opposing racism on the streets of our country today and in the coming days. If you’re going to a counter demo, don’t go or leave alone, be safe and look after one another.

Remember the Blue bibs aren’t your friends either.


The Hunt Saboteurs Association has a long history of supporting Anti Fascist Action, and are well practised in standing up to bullies.

Solidarity with anyone out in the streets today standing up to the bullies and fascists that aim to spread hate and division in our communities.

Stay safe, & look after each other.

Love & Respect. ✊

For more information see this detailed article by HOPE not hate 🤝



Despite being banned 20 years ago, hunts up and down the country are still chasing and killing wild animals for fun.

Every Thursday we will be sharing quotes from members of the public who have witnessed this cruelty first hand.

If you agree that it's time to end hunting for good, then let our politicians know by clicking the link below, include your own personal experiences if you can. 👇🏼


*PLEASE SHARE*The amazing Chris Packham and the Hunt Saboteurs Association destroy the lie of “trail hunting” in a damni...


The amazing Chris Packham and the Hunt Saboteurs Association destroy the lie of “trail hunting” in a damning 2 minute video.

It’s not graphic so please do watch and give it a share

The HSA is today urging our supporters to share the first of our hard-hitting election videos. Narrated by Chris Packham, the video attempts the impossible task of distilling the cruelty, criminality and chaos of hunting into just two minutes!

Watch this space! 👀

Watch this space! 👀


We're calling on the new Labour government to strengthen the Hunting Act in their first 100 days.

On Monday at 8am we'll be releasing our new campaign video voiced by Chris Packham - and we NEED you to share it widely.

It's time for the Labour Government to make good on it's manifesto promise to put an end to the smokescreen of trail hunting.

Solidarity with Captain Paul Watson. A lifetime spent putting himself in harms way to save our precious marine life. We ...

Solidarity with Captain Paul Watson.

A lifetime spent putting himself in harms way to save our precious marine life. We call on the Danish government to release him immediately

The HSA is today urging its thousands of supporters to get behind the campaign to free legendary anti-whaling activist Captain Paul Watson, who has been arrested by Danish police in Nuuk, Greenland.

Via Hunt Saboteurs Association𝗦𝗠𝗢𝗞𝗘𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗘𝗘𝗡 𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗨𝗥𝗗𝗔𝗬: 𝗛𝗨𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗦 𝗧𝗢 𝗛𝗢𝗟𝗗 ‘𝗡𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗔𝗟 𝗧𝗥𝗔𝗜𝗟 𝗛𝗨𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗗𝗔𝗬’Pro-bloodsports group th...

Via Hunt Saboteurs Association


Pro-bloodsports group the British Hound Sports Association (BHSA) claims it will hold a ‘National Trail Hunting Day’ on Saturday 14th September 2024.

The coordinated series of events – dubbed ‘Smokescreen Saturday’ by the HSA – will see fox, hare, stag and mink hunters gather in around 30 locations across the country.

Each of these carefully stage-managed events will involve laying a scent trail in front of an invited audience of journalists, police and politicians. Of course, such activity bears no resemblance to what hunts get up to in the hunting field nor does it bear any relation to ‘trail hunting’ as described on the BHSA’s own website!

Read all about it 👇🏼

Pro-bloodsports group the British Hound Sports Association (BHSA) claims it will hold a ‘National Trail Hunting Day’ on Saturday 14th September 2024.


CCTV showed a pack of hounds getting into the garden and killing the fox - now two men have been fined over hunting offences. | ITV News Anglia

What are your experiences of hunts? Over the years we’ve had so many reports from local people of hunt trespass and inti...

What are your experiences of hunts? Over the years we’ve had so many reports from local people of hunt trespass and intimidation. People literally scared to walk their dogs not knowing if the hunt are in the area.

Let your MP know your thoughts and experiences…


From the Hunt Saboteurs Association: We’re calling on new Defence Secretary, John Healey, to do the right thing and end ...

From the Hunt Saboteurs Association: We’re calling on new Defence Secretary, John Healey, to do the right thing and end the Ministry of Defence facilitation of illegal fox and hare hunting!

Hunts are killing animals on publicly owned land after being licenced by the MOD, showing disregard to other land users & MOD staff in the process, and some hunts are even being housed on military bases at the expense of the taxpayer.

📧 Please email [email protected] and ask him to stop giving hunts a licence to kill on public land! (John Healey)

Keep correspondence polite and related to the issue at hand, and tailor the email to include anything else you feel is relevant, including any personal experience

𝗕𝗨𝗥𝗧𝗢𝗡 𝗛𝗨𝗡𝗧𝗦𝗠𝗔𝗡 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗚𝗘𝗗 𝗪𝗜𝗧𝗛 𝗜𝗟𝗟𝗘𝗚𝗔𝗟 𝗙𝗢𝗫 𝗛𝗨𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚Great work by Lincoln Hunt Saboteurs“As most of our followers are now aw...


Great work by Lincoln Hunt Saboteurs

“As most of our followers are now aware, Neil Burton – huntsman for the Burton Hunt – has been charged under Section One of the Hunting Act 2004 which prohibits a person from hunting a wild mammal with dogs."

More here

As most of our followers are now aware, Neil Burton - huntsman for the Burton Hunt - has been charged under Section One of the Hunting Act 2004 which prohibits a person from hunting a wild mammal with dogs.

Wiltshire has two Labour MP’s - one in Swindon North and one in Swindon South, please make contact with them and ask the...

Wiltshire has two Labour MP’s - one in Swindon North and one in Swindon South, please make contact with them and ask them to stick to their decade long promise to stop the unscientific badger cull.

For a decade the labour party have promised to end the badger culls if they came to power.
Please contact your nearest labour MP and demand an end to the cull.
Not next year, not next month, not even next week,

Ex-Avon Vale Huntmaster and Beaufort Hunt supporter James Gray loses the (new) South Cots seat to the Lib Dems , and Men...

Ex-Avon Vale Huntmaster and Beaufort Hunt supporter James Gray loses the (new) South Cots seat to the Lib Dems , and Mendip Farmers host Rees-Mogg are both gone in last nights Tory annihilation. In Melksham and Devizes we also see the back of Michelle Donelan whose election agent was none other than disgraced defrauder, the disbarred ex-Avon Vale Huntsman Jonathan Seed, and Chippenham constituency also ensured pro-hunt Tory hopeful Nic Puntis was firmly told where to go. Great night and and even greater day. But the work now really begins.

A new Labour government has promised to ban the farce that is hunting - we will hold them to this. Watch us. Even better - join us. Get in touch.

Cry Moggy cry.

Today we have an opportunity to vote for a party who promise to end fox hunting, snares, animal testing, vivisection and...

Today we have an opportunity to vote for a party who promise to end fox hunting, snares, animal testing, vivisection and trophy hunting imports for good. If elected we will hold them to their promises. Please use your vote wisely and do what you need to do in your area to make that happen. For the sake of our wildlife please please vote for them.

If you are registered to vote, but have lost your ID or have a medical reason why you can’t get to your polling station you maybe able to still apply for an emergency proxy vote. https://www.gov.uk/how-to-vote/voting-by-proxy?

Today let’s consign hunting to history.

There’s a march against fox hunting coming up in Dorchester on 13th July, please go along if you can. The Dorset hunts a...

There’s a march against fox hunting coming up in Dorchester on 13th July, please go along if you can. The Dorset hunts are notorious for their violence and cruelty

A number of our sabs were proud to march with well over 60,000 people in London today to demand protection for wildlife ...

A number of our sabs were proud to march with well over 60,000 people in London today to demand protection for wildlife and nature.

For too long both have been at the mercy of a government that at best didn't care and at worst declared outright war on them.

From the next government we demand -

🟢 A strengthened Hunting Act with all exemptions removed
🟢 An end to the cruel, and in Labour's own words, ineffective Badger cull
🟢 Protected habitat for wildlife
🟢 Proper sentencing for wildlife crimes
🟢 An end to sewage being dumped in our rivers and seas
🟢 Real action on climate change
🟢 Right to roam - just 8% of the UK is open access

Please contact your local candidates, or after the election your next MP, and ask for them to push for an immediate ban ...

Please contact your local candidates, or after the election your next MP, and ask for them to push for an immediate ban on terrier work. This horrendous cruelty has been allowed to continue for far too long

Terrier work is where some of the worst animal cruelty takes place on a hunt, with horrendous injuries inflicted on both foxes and terriers.

Contact your next MP and tell them to push for an immediate ban on terrier work!


Mink (Otter) hunts are active during the summer - please keep an eye open for them

Mink (Otter) hunts are active during the summer - please keep an eye open for them

The campaign against the mink and otter hunters continues, as hunt sabs shut down a meet of the Dove Valley Mink Hounds yesterday. The hunt met at Cawarden Springs Farm, Rugeley, Staffs and were hunting along the River Trent in the pouring rain when sabs from the Nottingham, Sheffield, Lincoln and W...

Terrier work is where some of the worst animal cruelty takes place on a hunt.Terriers are forced into underground refuge...

Terrier work is where some of the worst animal cruelty takes place on a hunt.

Terriers are forced into underground refuges (such as a den, a badger sett or a drain) to locate a fox, often resulting in a fight and devastating injuries to both animals.

A fox is then either ‘flushed out’ by the terrier or ‘dug out’ by the terrier men, to be hunted again, killed outright or thrown straight to hounds (pictured).

An exemption in the Hunting Act allows this in some circumstances if guidelines written into the act are followed. But even hunting’s leadership admits this has no place in what they term ‘trail hunting’ and has tried (but failed) to enforce a self-imposed ban.

So at hunts up and down the country, terrier men are still present with their terriers and spades, and animals are still engaged in this horrific practice.

The next Environment Secretary can end terrier work on their first day in office, by removing guidance written into the Hunting Act that allows it.

Steve Reed you can easily ban terrier work - please stop this horrific cruelty


Here are 4 things the next Government MUST do to stop hunt cruelty…

🦊 Ban so-called ‘trail hunting’ which is used as a smokescreen for illegal hunting

🦊 Immediately end the cruel practise of ‘terrier work’

🦊 Close the loopholes and remove exemptions in the current law that hunts routinely exploit to kill animals

🦊 Properly enforce the law, and get tough on those who break the law

Click the link below to tell your next MP…


Some of our group attended the HSA’s AGM yesterday. It’s always such a great day spent with fellow Sabs, hearing about t...

Some of our group attended the HSA’s AGM yesterday. It’s always such a great day spent with fellow Sabs, hearing about the hard work of the HSA committee - and with an amazing lunch! 🍔

Afterwards it was on to the Sheffield Sabs’ fundraiser gig, which had brilliant bands including the very talented - generally awesome - Mobius Loop

A couple of our Sabs even won a CD for their dance moves!

If you haven’t already done so, follow their page and check out their summer tour dates.

Thanks to the HSA for a great day and Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs for an epic gig!

Evidence of blatant hunting - and yet again the case was dropped by the CPS. This is why the Hunting Act needs to be str...

Evidence of blatant hunting - and yet again the case was dropped by the CPS. This is why the Hunting Act needs to be strengthened…

Almost twenty years after the passing of the Hunting Act, the HSA today releases yet more clear-cut footage of illegal hunting. However, in a familiar sequence of events, the CPS failed to get this compelling case to court.



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