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All Creatures Rescue Independent Rescue & Rehoming Service

23.9 22Yesterday I took on 4 stray kittens that a lady had brought into work. She said she had found them in her garden ...

23.9 22
Yesterday I took on 4 stray kittens that a lady had brought into work. She said she had found them in her garden 2 weeks prior and had been feeding them, but no mother had returned. Initially they got lots of cuddles from staff but once I worked more closely with them they really are extremely nervous and not fond of people.

I brought them home early hours of this morning and have contained them in just one room as usual. Luckily they’re at an age where they can eat kitten food, but they are always hungry and occasionally hiss and fight each other for food despite there being plenty. They still are extremely wary of humans including me and won’t let me touch them or get very close unless I’m stationary. It’s going to take a while for me to be able to get them comfortable enough to be rehomed which initially I didn’t think would be a problem! Today, after more research, I’m going to make their space a lot smaller for them to trust me more before I allow open space. I guess food will be enough to tempt them!

Whoever takes these beautiful but fierce babies will need plenty of time to show them a lot of love, and ideally they’d need to be indoor cats, spayed and vaccinated at earliest possibility. Due to their nature I’d be interested in them going in pairs.

One male tabby is extremely scared of everything including water and has not been drinking due to this (basically anything that moves). Hopefully they will all get to learn most humans are nice! 🤍

8.9.22Minnie🤍Minnie was left at the vets overnight with a colleague, but this morning she started to open mouth breath w...


Minnie was left at the vets overnight with a colleague, but this morning she started to open mouth breath which is very serious in cats. She was placed in oxygen from 8am, her temperature dropped and she was hypoglycaemic. She was given glucoboost and the vets were trying to warm her up but she also had stopped eating.

She passed on her own today at 11am 💔 She had starting foaming at the mouth and had a lot of diarrhea.

I wouldn’t normally post something this detailed but it’s the reality of what these poor babies go through and these were not even 2 days old. It’s so frustrating when it can be stopped simply by either neutering cats if they are mainly outdoor, or being responsible. As well as the kittens the mum was also likely stray as the member of public had said she was very dirty and skinny. Thankfully she caught her and we advised on where to send her for help.

All 4 babies are now together and not in any pain 🤍

8.9.22* DISCLAIMER - tough read *Henry 🤍Last night the most perfect boy had to be put to sleep. His leg had started to t...

* DISCLAIMER - tough read *
Henry 🤍
Last night the most perfect boy had to be put to sleep. His leg had started to turn purple/black like his siblings and he was fussier with food. I didn’t feel like he was doing okay so had him checked and within 20 minutes he was silently crying in pain and likely started to lose feeling in his legs. He started struggling with breathing and was put to sleep around 9:20pm with me there the whole time.

Unfortunately this is the harsh but constant reality for stray female cats. PLEASE neuter your babies and prevent this from happening.

8.9.22The story of Henry & Minnie 🖤🤍 These little angels were brought in as a walk in last night at the vets after a mem...

The story of Henry & Minnie 🖤🤍

These little angels were brought in as a walk in last night at the vets after a member of public found the stray mum and her 4 kittens in her garden. The mum ran off and the lady brought the kittens straight to a vet as they were all tangled in umbilical cord. Henry’s cord was tightly wrapped around the legs of 2 of the other kittens not pictured here who unfortunately had to be put to sleep as they were dying, and their circulation had been cut from their legs which had turned purple/black and they were struggling for breath. Henry’s back leg also suffered but he seemed okay so I offered to foster both remaining babies to give them a chance at life 🤍

Having babies not even 12hours old comes with many risks and low survival rate. It also means feeding every 2 hours, stimulating to poo/wee after nearly every feed. They’re at high risk of hypoglycaemia, low temperature and aspiration due to being hand reared.

I took them home last night and woke every 1.5-2 hours to feed and toilet, and all seemed well. Please see next post 💟


Shouting from the rooftops 💛

27.08.22Who can put these little faces to sleep 🥺 I completely understand in the farming world it’s difficult to have mu...

Who can put these little faces to sleep 🥺 I completely understand in the farming world it’s difficult to have multiple males for many reasons. I would have kept them myself but my mum would probably have me move out & wouldn’t appreciate the early morning living alarm clock 😆

I contacted a few contacts including farms which again couldn’t take due to them being male. Finally a friend helped me contact a guy named Ben who works in a pet shop I occasionally do business with, and he’s already got one quail and was looking to get more. Kindly he offered to take them on & I’m very grateful these guys get the perfect home 🖤 (video in next post)

27.08.22Well this was a first yesterday 😆A lady came into one of the vets practises and asked for x3 of her 15 week old ...

Well this was a first yesterday 😆
A lady came into one of the vets practises and asked for x3 of her 15 week old silkie roosters to be put to sleep, presumably as they are male. The team there couldn’t let that happen so posted if anybody would be able to rehome. Unfortunately only one lady could take one, so I of course offered to take the other two with full intentions of finding them the perfect home 🤍🖤 (see next post)

27.08.22Ricky came to us for boarding several weeks ago while his family were away, but unfortunately now his previous o...

Ricky came to us for boarding several weeks ago while his family were away, but unfortunately now his previous owner needs to work away so he decided to rehome Ricky as he doesn’t have as much time for him now. He’s a lovely leucistic axolotl. He should fit right in with our bunch here, but if not he may be rehomed in the future 🖤

27.08.22I can’t believe how big these guys are!! Meadow was the name I gave but they changed Ror’s name initially to Mou...

I can’t believe how big these guys are!! Meadow was the name I gave but they changed Ror’s name initially to Mouse, but recently he’s officially been named Dudley which apparently means ‘dry field’ in old English, so matches meadow a little more ❤️ I get updated from their owner all the time and it’s so lovely to see how loving they have turned out 🥰

27.08 22My beautiful baby in his new home. He’s gotten so big now 🥰🖤 Angus was actually one I was going to keep but deci...

27.08 22
My beautiful baby in his new home. He’s gotten so big now 🥰🖤 Angus was actually one I was going to keep but decided to rehome so he had a friend he could grow up with & this cutie has helped him settle in so well ❤️

30.06.22The beautiful Tilly in her new home 💕 So grateful I was able to get her out of a kennel a little faster 🥰

The beautiful Tilly in her new home 💕 So grateful I was able to get her out of a kennel a little faster 🥰

27.06.2022Brought her new mum to meet ‘Tilly’ to see if she thought she’d be the perfect fit. She’d been in temporary fo...

Brought her new mum to meet ‘Tilly’ to see if she thought she’d be the perfect fit. She’d been in temporary foster for 5 days with a colleague and her younger dog & although she was doing really well she just wanted cuddles and Charlie the pup just wanted to play! 😄 She’s gone to her new home with two young girls who adore animals and their parents, and she’ll be given all the attention she deserves 💕


27.06 22
This happy girl was brought in as a stray & after a certain length of days she would be going to the dog warden & the rehoming centre. I knew I’d have someone perfect for her so all being well I could get her the perfect home to stop her going all through the rehoming process🤍🤍

14.07.2022Meadow 🧡 My beautiful and only girl! She’s the smallest out of this batch of fosters but she definitely does n...

Meadow 🧡 My beautiful and only girl! She’s the smallest out of this batch of fosters but she definitely does not have the smallest meow 😆 She’s super loud and has even howled (yes, howled) several times for food or attention. She loves to play fight with her brothers but also does love affection off us too. I’ll be sad to see her go but glad she’s going with R 🥰

14.07.2022Angus 💚 The trouble maker 🙄 Always wants a fight but he’s the most affectionate baby. He loves kissing your fa...

Angus 💚 The trouble maker 🙄 Always wants a fight but he’s the most affectionate baby. He loves kissing your face & is a little obsessed with sitting with us 😄 He loves to fight with his siblings and wind them up constantly. At the moment he’s staying with me but may be rehomed at a later date 🥰

14.07.2022Rorschach 💙 Sad that he’ll be going on Friday but he’s going with his sister which makes me feel a little bett...

Rorschach 💙 Sad that he’ll be going on Friday but he’s going with his sister which makes me feel a little better. He used to be the most troublesome but I think Angus has taken his place, although they still fight constantly & Meadow is always there for snuggles afterwards🥰

23.05.2022UPDATE: We lost George on Tuesday. I had to go to the hospital and he had passed away when I got home. I miss ...

UPDATE: We lost George on Tuesday. I had to go to the hospital and he had passed away when I got home. I miss him already x

My little Georgie 🤍 I feel like I’ve not posted much good news recently 🥹 George was doing really well & was the strongest one when I first took them in, but over the last 3 days he decline really quickly. I noticed him beginning to shake quite badly on Friday night but that morning he’d done off his milk and was fighting me a lot to not take it. He then couldn’t lift his head much so I took him straight to the vets. They partially diagnosed him with cerebellar hypoplasia - a neurological condition which causes him to be unbalanced. YouTube has quite a lot of videos if anybody was interested & they’re quite short. I’m hoping he has it very mild but if severe even though he won’t be in any pain or require treatment/meds, he will struggle to get around and couldn’t be left for too long. As he’s still not eating much I’ve increased the amount of times I feed him again and today he’s been taking 6ml each time very reluctantly! I’m hoping we can get him strong again, but as you can see from the last video even him sitting down cause him to shake & fall. Georgie will need a very special home when ready where he can be an indoor cat only 🤍

23.05.20222-3 weeks old 🥰❤️

2-3 weeks old 🥰❤️

22/05/22 I lost my beautiful Toulousse 💔 The kittens had all been taken to the vets as they were not defecting, which ca...

I lost my beautiful Toulousse 💔 The kittens had all been taken to the vets as they were not defecting, which can be very common in kittens being hand-reared. They were on shirt with me till 11:30pm, all doing amazing but just not p**ping💩! All babies were given an e***a, which is warm water up their bum to try to flush the p**p out. All then pooed after 2.5h (which is an exceptionally long time), but Toulousse hadn’t still. I took him home and the morning after he was open mouth breathing, taken to intensive care and unfortunately declined rapidly within 2 hours. Me & Morgan stayed with him until the end & he was pts peacefully. I’m glad he’s no longer suffering but it definitely hit me hard as he was so well before this. It’s always a risk with hand-rearing that not all will make it, and they’re so high risk for so many problems. Rip my beautiful boy 🤍😇

13.05.2022It still breaks my heart to write this but unfortunately I lost my beautiful girl this week. She had made a ho...

It still breaks my heart to write this but unfortunately I lost my beautiful girl this week. She had made a hole in her cage during the night and escaped into the garden. We actually have a fully detached house and have a garden all around it, so she was free to her hearts content. The downside to this is we live facing a park and every now and then we get fox visitors. I don’t need to explain in detail, but Maeve was taken from our front garden and found deceased by neighbours. I blamed myself for a long time, but in reality foxes have a long history of doing this, it’s just a shame she didn’t want to be caged and preferred to be fully outdoors, which is how she was found. I’m glad she’s at peace now although I’d have done anything to save her if I could🖤 RIP beautiful girl🤍

13.05 2022Beautiful Maeve the day of adoption 🖤 I actually decided on adopting her myself as she had such a strong perso...

13.05 2022
Beautiful Maeve the day of adoption 🖤 I actually decided on adopting her myself as she had such a strong personality and was so lovely. Unfortunately we had some bad news about her but I’ll post on the next image🖤

08.05.2022Meet Maeve 🥰 Fostered on 04/05/22, found on a green full of flowers with another bun who was taken by somebody...

Meet Maeve 🥰 Fostered on 04/05/22, found on a green full of flowers with another bun who was taken by somebody else (hopefully to a vets!). Maeve was brought in as a stray and was unfortunately not microchipped (yes you can chip rabbits). She’s an English lop possibly crossed with giant due to her size, currently here she’s in a large dog crate and there’s not much room length wise🫣 She was very feisty at the vets and didn’t seem to like anyone but one PCA, but she’s been absolutely fine with me.

Originally I didn’t want to take Maeve on as my cage isn’t adequate for a full time bun of her size, but as no rescues were free I took her temporarily. After 7 days if nobody comes forward I think I will adopt her myself as she’s settled in amazingly! I look for specific personality in buns and have never found this since Kingston but she’s just perfect & a very independent lady 💕

08.05.2022Having a sleepover tonight at a colleagues so I can get some uni work done tomorrow & get some rest! I’ve love...

Having a sleepover tonight at a colleagues so I can get some uni work done tomorrow & get some rest! I’ve loved having them but it’s tiring in the night 😆 I feel like I’ve imprinted on them now, they seem to know when I’m around and cry a lot more but are easily comforted if I hold them 🥰 Can’t wait to see them tomorrow! 🤍


All super feisty (and very loud)🫣 The babies are not kept in this box it was just while I changed the bedding over ☺️

06.05.2022These guys were on a green outdoors with their mum who was already deceased. Presumed to be around 6 days old ...

These guys were on a green outdoors with their mum who was already deceased. Presumed to be around 6 days old when found, going off their DOB as 28/04/22 due to their conditions. One had both eyes open, one still had it’s umbilical cord attached. Now they’re all doing well, eating and exceptionally greedy (which means I’m exceptionally tired🥱). One more has its eyes open, two have one eye open and the smallest is yet to open any😊 They’ll be available to foster in around 7 weeks 🤩

04.05.2022All nice & fluffy after a small (safe!) puppy pamper. With no mum to clean them they were always covered in pe...

All nice & fluffy after a small (safe!) puppy pamper. With no mum to clean them they were always covered in pee&poo🤧😂 I thought I’d wash them properly & if I’m honest the hair dryer on very low & far away sent them to sleep very easily😆 They’ve currently upgraded to a child’s paddling pool as they’re getting big now!

04.05 2022Poor angel girl passed away last week 💔 She was one of the biggest pups & such a cutie. We’re still unsure wha...

04.05 2022
Poor angel girl passed away last week 💔 She was one of the biggest pups & such a cutie. We’re still unsure what happened as she had been with her other foster owner for several hours before she passed. Unfortunately she started eating less and had passed away by the time the fosterer had returned home from going out 😞 Thankful I got to meet her & give her a nice warm bath & dry before she crossed over the rainbow bridge 🌈 ❤️ Unfortunately with young pups especially hand-reared ones they have less immunity so can pick up on things really easily, sometimes it’s already been a few days before you notice. She had had an issue with bringing her food back up quite a lot so possibly this had something to do with it. All other pups are doing well & 2 have even opened their eyes now! 💙

29.04.2022Foster numbers 2-6 for this week 🥰 I feel so lucky to be able to help animals just through my job & gain what’...

Foster numbers 2-6 for this week 🥰 I feel so lucky to be able to help animals just through my job & gain what’s such rare experience for most people 🤍 I’ve ‘borrowed’ 5 American bulldog pups for the night who (along with their 3 siblings) are being fostered by my colleagues.

Again no mum available, unfortunately she was a little aggressive and the owner could not care for them so they were handed over to the vets. There were 13 altogether but unfortunately some died at the owners home and 2 passed away while in foster. The remaining are super healthy & very eager for food 😆 These guys need feeding every 3-4 hours so I get an extra hour in bed compared to with the kitten😅

28.04.2022The cutest little princess💕 Lilly has now been adopted!🥰 For anybody wondering why she’s gone so soon, I tempo...

The cutest little princess💕 Lilly has now been adopted!🥰 For anybody wondering why she’s gone so soon, I temporarily fostered her from work (vets) as her new mum couldn’t take her until today. Her new mum is a veterinary nurse so she’s had experience with hand rearing & I’m sure she’ll do a great job 🥹

She’s actually starting to open her eyes a little today which makes me sad that shes done it while I’m not there!😃 Thankfully I can keep updated so we get to watch her grow ❤️

25.04.2022Tiger Lilly 💕 She’s now home with me until Thursday. Feeds every 2 hours as she has no mum or siblings to care...

Tiger Lilly 💕 She’s now home with me until Thursday. Feeds every 2 hours as she has no mum or siblings to care for her 🥲 We’ve predicted roughly 5 days old or less.

Backstory we have: Mum is a stray, gave birth to 4 kittens in a lady’s garden and took 3 of them but left little Lilly for 6 hours before the MOP decided it was long enough & took her to the vets. Between our team we are now helping care for her & she’ll be adopted on Thursday by one of the staff members. Hopefully these every 2h feeds won’t be too bad! 😆🤍

27.04 2022
This is definitely tiring but worth it 😅 Lil still isn’t pooing so we’ve had a trip to the vets for some lactulose. She only weights 0.115kg🥺 Just one more night for me then she’ll be going to her new adoptive home tomorrow ☺️







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