Happy valentines day
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Good morning all an update on gray 🥰
Her breathing has improved but not quite 100% and her xrays show no breaks but she is still all over the place with her balance we were concerned in reference to internal damage but fingers crossed 🤞
She's very battered and bruised bless her soul and we are hoping she can come out today and recover with us 🙏
Get well soon beautiful ❤️
#CatRescueLife #catrescue #fundraisingevent #catrescuing #fundraiser #rescuecats #catrescueuk #rescuecat #rescuecatlife #rescuecatsrule
Happy new year from all the team here at CATW Cat Assist Team Whitchurch
We hope 2025 brings you a prosperous one !
#CatRescueLife #fundraiser #rescuecatlife #catsarenotjustforchristmas #christmas2024 #catrescue #catrescueuk #petsarenotpresents #fundraisingevent #rescuecat
Forever in our hearts Kaylah 💔
No more words are needed 😢😢😢
It is with the heaviest heart to let you all know kaylah has come home on palliative care 💔
Kaylahs kidneys are both not viable. We can't even attempt a kidney transplant as she is just to sick 😔
This weekend will be spent spoiling and cuddling our little fighter who has battled so hard and we will then help her cross rainbow bridge 🌈🌈🌈
This so wasn't the outcome we had hoped for 💔
3 more tamed and ready to start there vaccinations for there hunt for new homes 🏡
Hazel sorrin and Zachary were found in malpas after there momma was sadly hit by a car and killed. These 3 wild born babies are blooming amazing they came to us in September after the owner of the land and linda had worked very hard to start a feeding regime and trap them.
They are extremely lovable ❤️
(Commebt from jodie "please excuse the homeless looking person in the video she's had a rough week" 🤣🤣)
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Our beautiful chloe ❤️
#rescuekittensoftik #Rescuekittensrock #fundraiser #rescuecatlife #whitchurchshropshire #catrescue #rescuecatsofinstagram #rescuekittenoftiktok #shrewsbury #malpas #CatRescueLife #catrescuers #CatRescueMission
Good morning from chloe 🥰
She is doing very well but not out of the woods by far. Subcutaneous fluids through out the night and anti inflammatorys on board she is looking perkier and enjoying her food.
We are praying she continues this way its a positive sign 🙌❤️🙏
Thank you for everyone's prayers donations and shares we are so so grateful.
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We need your prayers tonight 🙏 🙌
This is baby chloe ❤️
Chloe is approximately 7 weeks and she has head trauma 😔
Chloe was unfortunately attacked by her mom who had become stressed and lashed out flinging chloe causing her to hit her head 😢
Chloe was rushed straight to the vets to receive emergency treatment, tonight will tell us weather this is trauma we can heal or a potential bleed on her brain.
If you can help support baby chloe please do she is a special little dot 💗
If you can't donate we understand but please do share her post for others out there to see 🙏
Come on chloe you've got this princess 💪💪
Thankyou to louby who without hesitation rushed chloe off when needed 🥰
Barclays Bank
Sort code 205108
Account 73582930
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