Better Nature Dog Training

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Better Nature Dog Training Separation anxiety and reactivity specialist. Multi-certified, welfare-driven training đŸŸ

I’m very excited to announce that we now have a full range of the sizes currently offered by The Muzzle Movement! This i...

I’m very excited to announce that we now have a full range of the sizes currently offered by The Muzzle Movement! This is going to be a huge help in providing immediate safety for our in-person reactivity and aggression clients, and help people get an idea of what size they might need before they buy too.

We’ve been able to get these muzzles thanks to those of you who used our affilliate code. If you continue to use our code, we can get extra muzzles to donate to rescues and families in need! So please check out the Muzzle Movement, and if you decide to buy use code BETTERNATURE at checkout to get 10% off your order.

And comment below if you would be interested in a workshop or drop-in session to come try some of these fabulous muzzles on and see if they might be right for your dog!

A great option for safe and supervised play for friendly dogs!

A great option for safe and supervised play for friendly dogs!

Sharing our medium / large breed Stay & Play again for this Saturday at 10am!

Dogs don't have to be of a certain size/ weight as long as you're putting your dogs safety first around the larger breeds (e.g. a miniature sausage dog is likely to be stood on or knocked over!!)

I had so many requests and enquiries for the bigger dogs, yet only 3 dogs are booked on!

Please share so I don't have to cancel 🙏💙

When it comes to punishment or 'corrections' in dog training, there is a never-ending stream of misinformation, un-sound...

When it comes to punishment or 'corrections' in dog training, there is a never-ending stream of misinformation, un-sound arguments, and even straight up lies. I will never judge anyone who is not a professional for using aversive tools or methods; I firmly believe that most people who share their lives with dogs are doing the best they can and love them dearly. And with that belief in mind, I'm strongly of the opinion that you deserve accurate information on how and why these things work, and you and your dog are done a disservice when you are not told the truth.

So let's unpack some common misleading claims; are there any others you've heard that you would like me to address? Let me know in the comments!


I will often use my own dogs in sessions with my private training clients. I think it can be valuable for the humans in particular, to practice the skills they need with another dog present so that they can see the techniques working but still be in a setting that is controlled and safe.

But one thing that you will never, ever find me doing is having my dogs off lead around a dog that has been reported to me as displaying reactive, fearful, or aggressive behaviour.

It doesn’t matter how well-trained my dogs are, how well socialized they might be, or how appropriate their communication is. You can never 100% guarantee any behaviour, and these are sentient animals. Training fails or humans have bad days and misread things, and I am not willing to compromise the safety of my clients and their beloved family members because it makes me feel like a big strong trainer to have my dogs off lead.

And it’s true, there is something to be said for the benefit of freedom of movement and natural communication, which is undoubtedly restricted when leads are introduced. But ultimately that comes second to the health and safety of the dogs I have been entrusted with.

Besides, we’re training for the real world! It isn’t like everyone you encounter on the street is going to be happy to just let the dogs off so they can mingle, so that scenario isn’t even particularly helpful in your daily life - and it also won’t make much of a difference in the long run if your dog learns to feel safe around my specific dogs. Learning in dogs is extremely context-specific!

Books are open for new clients for the first time this year!After closing my books for the past few months so that I cou...

Books are open for new clients for the first time this year!

After closing my books for the past few months so that I could focus on my existing clients and re-structure my protocols to ensure that I am delivering the highest possible level of support for those of you who are trusting me with your dogs, I am finally ready to accept new private training clients.

I have very limited spaces available, so don't miss out! All new clients must first book an initial consultation, where I can learn more about you and your dog, give you a few actionable steps to get started toward your goals, and give you more information about what working with me looks like.

Just visit the website or follow the link below to get started!


Do you know what Cooperative Care is?

It’s a way of training husbandry (grooming, nail care, even blood draws) that is extremely powerful because it enables the dog to have control over the process - we teach them a behaviour that they can use to “opt in” to the procedure. Think of it like going to the dentist, where they wait until you are ready to begin and you can tap for a break at any time.

This is Maisie’s FIRST ever cooperative care training session, and she does NOT like having her paws handled. But she has just had surgery on her back knee, and so physically fighting her to get her nails done is simply not an option - she has to be a relaxed and willing participant.

You can tell she’s still a little uneasy, but she’s still allowing me to do the care I need to do without any force, punishment, or physical restraint. And any time she tells me she needs a break by pulling away, I listen!

Do you need help getting your dog to accept basic husbandry tasks? Let me know in the comments!


Three cheers for our Reactive Dogs Class that graduated today! 🎉 We took a “field trip” to Central Park for their final class, so that they could apply all the skills they’ve learned in a “real world” environment with other dogs, LOTS of people, and lots of noises - and they all smashed it!! Two of these dogs are not just dog reactive but can also be fearful of people - can you even tell who?

Special shoutout to Wilbur the frenchie who was unfortunately unable to join us today - we know you would have been a pro too!

Each of these dogs is still in the middle of their journey, and will continue to have good days and bad days - that’s how it goes with fear. But I’m SO proud of each of these hardworking teams who have shown up, done the work, and seen some absolutely stunning progress. Well done all!!!

You did not cause your dog’s separation anxiety. Behavior is complex and multi-faceted; there are multiple things which ...

You did not cause your dog’s separation anxiety. Behavior is complex and multi-faceted; there are multiple things which could have contributed to your dog’s anxieties and fears that you have no control over; genetics, very early life experiences, health concerns, and even experiences of the mother during gestation. There is no way to unilaterally determine a single cause for an issue like separation anxiety; furthermore, there is no evidence in scientific literature that actions like giving affection, “spoiling” activities, letting your dog on the furniture, or comforting your dog when they’re upset contribute to the development of separation related problems. So if you’ve been carrying guilt, please release yourself from it - your dog’s struggles are not your fault! For more information on how to overcome it with humane, effective, data-driven methods, follow the link in my profile to book a free 30 minute call to learn how I can help.


If you need a muzzle for your dog that is spacious, high quality, and comes in a range of beautiful bright colours, I can’t recommend a company more than I recommend The Muzzle Movement! I am always careful to only promote brands that I really believe in; you can use our code BETTERNATURE to get 10% off any order.

Fallout from aversive training methods is a tricky subject. Sometimes it can be painfully obvious - a dog who is 'well b...

Fallout from aversive training methods is a tricky subject. Sometimes it can be painfully obvious - a dog who is 'well behaved' for months and then snaps out of nowhere; a dog who begins refusing food because that food has become associated with uncomfortable situations, pain, or frustration; or a dog who begins lashing out at things that never used to worry them.

But fallout can be a lot more subtle, too. It can be a dog who is constantly praised for being 'good', when in truth they are simply doing less because they don't want to take the risk that a behaviour will result in pain or discomfort. It can be a dog who complies to avoid punishment, but is dealing with pain due to health issues that have gone unnoticed. It can be a dog who is experiencing chronic stress due to the combination of constant exposure to triggers and the aversive methods, which snowballs into serious health concerns later in life.

Whether we recognise it or not, fallout occurs in every single dog who experiences these methods or tools. Sometimes that fallout is lifelong, even after we move away from those techniques. There is always a detriment to the animal's welfare, and we know this thanks to decades of research on the impact of aversive stimuli and punishment across a multitude of species.

It's always important to remember that we are responsible for all aspects of our dogs' wellbeing. Their behaviours may be inconvenient, annoying, frustrating, or even dangerous - but there are always ways to navigate life with your dog safely without the use of forceful, painful, or uncomfortable methods. If you're not sure how, then seek out a qualified force free trainer who can help you!


This is what we love to see in a reactive dogs class - relaxed people and dogs, just learning to exist in the same space thanks to the skills we’ve been building plus biological fulfillment through enrichment. Reactivity training doesn’t have to be complicated or flashy!

We really loved using the sensory garden at Paddock in the Pines for this; the planted herbs and digging pits gave the dogs lots to explore and things to focus on besides each other, and even Winston who tends to freeze up when he’s unsure did some exploring!


We’ve just become affiliates for The Muzzle Movement! The Muzzle Movement are a company that create beautiful, sturdy muzzles in a range of colours and sizes - including a few sizes designed specifically for large bully breeds. Even though our Maisie doesn’t fully fit the banned type, we have one for her - muzzle training is a skill that every dog can benefit from! I love this company because not only are their muzzles excellent, but they stand for kind, ethical training practices.

You can use the link below or enter the code BETTERNATURE at checkout to get 10% off your order! Your use of our affiliate code will help us have a variety of muzzles on-hand to help keep our clients safe, and any extra muzzles that we acquire can be donated to rescues in need!

Whether you're dealing with separation anxiety, reactivity, or something else, learning is not a linear process.When it ...

Whether you're dealing with separation anxiety, reactivity, or something else, learning is not a linear process.

When it comes to ourselves, we all know how normal it is to have good days and bad days; to be affected by our moods, the weather, how hungry or tired we are, or if we're in physical pain or discomfort. Yet we often discount these factors when it comes to our dogs, and even when we're dealing with issues that are based in extreme fear (like separation anxiety), we expect our dogs to only ever move forward, never backward. That isn't realistic!

One of my separation anxiety clients, Arnold, has been working on his alone time feelings for eleven weeks. He recently climbed all the way to a comfortable duration of almost two hours - yet, two weeks later, he could barely handle ten minutes.

There are a lot of reasons your dog might experience a regression. You might be trying to move forward too quickly, you might not be accounting for all of the contributing factors... or it could be their physical health. In Arnold's case, he was experiencing some significant allergies that just made him too physically uncomfortable to be able to handle stress well. After a consultation with his vet, he's back up to a solid hour of calm alone time, and only getting better!

Make sure that you are staying patient with your dogs, and considering all factors when you face a setback. And remember - this is normal!


We’re again facing a troll who has nothing better to do with their time than try to harm small businesses with negative reviews with no experience of us at all; any positive reviews to help our average would be so appreciated!


Yesterday our Reactive Dogs Class had their second session, where we practiced some skills around management!

Management involves practiced cues and strategies to help your dog avoid reactions, and support them in those real-life scenarios that are just a little too much for them to handle on their own. An active management strategy can make or break the difference in your training!

If you and your dog struggle with reactivity, we have an online version of this course that is always available and you can work through at your own pace - just go to our website! And congratulations to all four of these dog-human teams for doing such a great job yesterday 😍


We had a great first week to kick off the in-person spring Reactive Dogs class!! Four stunning dogs and their lovely owners, just acclimating to the space and each other for now before we start equipping them with the skills they need to navigate their daily lives with confidence and calmness.

And you might think Wilbur the frenchie was posing for the camera here, but he just thought I had some sausage for him đŸ€Ł


How long would it take you to overcome your biggest fear?

I’ve been working with Freya, the people and dog-reactive GSD/Mali mix, for 10 months now to help her feel safe in the world. Many people will try to tell you that that’s much too long to spend on a behavioural issue - yet human beings take months if not years to overcome their fears, even with professional help!

Our time together has consisted of pain assessments with the vet, medication reviews, addressing trauma caused by a previous trainer, building foundational skills, and building positive associations with the things Freya finds scary. Not to mention building confidence in her mum!

It’s a complex issue, and there is no such thing as a magic wand or quick fix - anything that gives the appearance of one will cause harm to your dog in the long run, and may even create a dangerous situation.

But thanks to our hard work and Freya’s incredibly dedicated mum, this was her today - walking past multiple people on the side of the street with easy, relaxed body language, able to engage with her mum and take food. All things that would have been completely impossible before we started work together, and all achieved without any punishment at all!

Overcoming reactivity with kindness is so possible; you just need the right skills, patience, and practice. Go Team Freya!! 🎉


Freya is reaching a point in her training where, although she still needs plenty of support, there are more and more moments where she can see a trigger and move on, completely on her own and without help. This is a dog who would react on a hairline trigger to any sight or sound as soon as she stepped out the front door, so that’s huge!

Not only that, but we didn’t even start at square 1 with Freya; we had to start at -5 and undo a lot of damage caused by her previous trainer’s harsh and punishment-based methods.

Sure, she’s pulling a bit in this clip, but she’s just excited! Dogs don’t need to walk at a perfect heel all the time anyway đŸ„°

3 Things That Dogs Are NotThere's so much misinformation flying about concerning dogs and dog training; let's dispel som...

3 Things That Dogs Are Not

There's so much misinformation flying about concerning dogs and dog training; let's dispel some myths today!

1. Dogs are not pack animals

It's true! While dogs are obviously very social animals, the term 'pack' refers to a rigid, hierarchal social structure that dogs simply don't adhere to. Dominance or 'alpha' theory has been debunked for multiple decades at this point, and we know that dogs do not do anything for the sake of achieving status. When dogs do form groups, they are fluid with members coming and going, and there is no strict hierarchy.

2. Dogs are not den animals

This is often used as an explanation for crate training. Crate training is certainly a valuable skill and dogs can be taught to be comfortable in a crate; but most dogs do need to be taught rather than it coming naturally to them. Dogs only exhibit true 'denning' behaviour when they have puppies, rather than making a permanent residence out of a den as we see in den animals like prairie dogs or groundhogs.

It's also important to note that a den is a space that an animal can come and go from freely - so even if dogs were den animals, a crate does not mimic that once you close it!

3. Dogs are not moral

Dogs have no concept of right and wrong. Words like 'acceptable', 'allowed', 'should', or 'appropriate' are all very human concepts that our dogs just don't understand. Dogs use behaviour to meet their needs, to communicate, and to access good things (or avoid unpleasant things). And while you can certainly use unpleasant consequences to decrease behaviours that you dislike, you do run the risk that your dog will also associate you, the environment, or other dogs and people with those unpleasant things, which can cause long-lasting harm. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to change behaviour, live harmoniously with our dogs, and reduce unwanted or unsafe behaviours without needing to use unpleasant consequences!

Did any of these surprise you? Let me know in the comments!

Final call for interest in a second timeslot for our Reactive Dogs Course starting April 13; our 10am slot is full, but ...

Final call for interest in a second timeslot for our Reactive Dogs Course starting April 13; our 10am slot is full, but I can run another session at 11:15 if we have enough who want to join!

The course is six weeks long for ÂŁ225; this is the only in-person course for Reactive Dogs in the area that allows you to first learn the skills in the comfort of your own home, and then have a dedicated and SAFE practise space with trainer feedback and guidance around other dogs. Capped at 4 dogs to ensure lots of individual attention and plenty of space to keep your dog calm!

Drop us a message or comment below if you'd like to join!

I'm so excited to announce that enrolment for the 6-month separation anxiety membership is now open!!This is a low cost ...

I'm so excited to announce that enrolment for the 6-month separation anxiety membership is now open!!

This is a low cost (ÂŁ45/month) option for people who are struggling with separation anxiety but can't afford to work one-on-one with a specialist (Certified Separation Anxiety Trainer). The membership will cover everything from foundational knowledge (understanding separation anxiety, mythbusting, dog body language) to how to assess your dog, establish a threshold, build training plans, deal with setbacks, and other elements of training like data tracking and pre-departure cues.

Whether you're new to separation anxiety or you feel like you've tried everything and nothing sticks, there's something in this course that can help you!

Visit www.betternaturetraining/separationanxietymembership to sign on - enrolment is open until we launch on March 20!

Questions about the membership? Just drop them in the comments!

If you’ve spent any time on dog-centric social media, you’ve probably encountered a lot of advice to steer clear of dog ...

If you’ve spent any time on dog-centric social media, you’ve probably encountered a lot of advice to steer clear of dog daycare. There are a lot of good arguments for this; daycare is not an environment that many dogs thrive in, and poorly run facilities can be a breeding ground for disease, injury, or poor play skills/unwanted behaviour.

Still, that doesn’t negate the fact that daycare can be a crucial management option for dogs with separation anxiety, or that there are plenty of other valid reasons to need a similar option for your dog. But in an industry that is so poorly regulated, how can you tell who will do right by your dog and who won’t?

I’ve worked in four dog daycares in my career. I’ve experienced everything from amazing, to okay, to completely awful - and I can tell you that you would most likely not be able to tell the difference just by perusing each of their social media.

So here are some questions to help you dive into a prospective daycare and start determining if they are qualified and competent enough to be caring for so many dogs at a time.

If you don’t know what sort of answer you should be looking for in response to some of these questions, follow the link in my bio to read about this subject more on my blog - or just ask in the comments!


Our Reactive Dogs class is now FULL! đŸŸ

We may open another slot for another four dogs; if you're interested but haven't booked on yet, comment below or drop us a message so that we can gauge interest!


đŸŸ Spring Reactive Dogs Class Open NowđŸŸ

It’s that time of year again - enrollment is open for our spring Reactive Dogs Class!

This six-week course is the only one like it in the area. Starting April 13 at 10am, learn new, practical skills to support your dog in their reactivity journey through written and video guides from the comfort of your home, then bring those skills to practice under structured supervision every week at Paddock in the Pines.

We’ve taken feedback from previous students and dropped the max class size down to 4 dogs, meaning everyone gets plenty of individual trainer support and lots of space to keep their dogs calm and focused. That said, there IS already only ONE space available!! If we have enough interest, we may open a second timeslot, so message us if it’s already full when you try to book!

Until February 24, you can reserve your place for the early bird price of ÂŁ199. After that, you can still book on at full price which is ÂŁ225. Link below to book!

đŸŸ Our books are full đŸŸPlease note that we are currently unable to take on new clients, to ensure that the people and dog...

đŸŸ Our books are full đŸŸ

Please note that we are currently unable to take on new clients, to ensure that the people and dogs we are already working with are receiving the support and attention they need to succeed.

If you’d like to be notified directly when our books are open again, you can join our email list at

Alternatively, if you need help with reactivity, you can still join our Reactive Dogs Course! This is a self-paced online course that provides multiple avenues for support, including group support and discussion and direct trainer feedback. To sign on, visit

Thank you everyone for your support, it’s an odd feeling having to close my books for the first time!

Local TrainingAre you local to North Lincolnshire in the UK?Check out our in-person training options! Our books are currently closed to new clients We’re careful about the number of clients we are working with at any given time, to ensure that we can provide the best possible support to the people...




So, after weeks of contacting my insurance company and receiving conflicting information, I have finally gotten confirmation that XL's can run freely and safely, off-lead and muzzle free inside Paddock in the Pines! đŸ€—

However, this does come with some rules (please be aware that these are not my rules, and this is not something I ever wanted, nor supported).

All dogs should be on-lead on your walk up to the paddock however, XL's will also need to be muzzled until safely inside.

The lead and muzzle may be removed once you're inside the paddock, but you must padlock yourself in during your visit.

Unfortunately, you may not attend the paddock with any other friends or family dogs 😔 no group sessions are allowed, we are not insured for this. You may bring dogs with you that live in the same household however, it must be one handler to one XL. This means if you have two XL's, you need two handlers. If you have one XL and two other breed dogs in your home, you still need 2 handlers (I hope that makes sense)?

Prior to booking, you must message Paddock in the Pines with your exemption certificate and a copy of your third-party liability insurance. Once I have seen this, I will provide you with a discount code to use for life.

Again, please do not think these are my rules. I think the whole thing is barbaric and ridiculous. However, I am relieved to be able to provide you with a safe space where your gorgeous Bullies can run muzzle free 💛

Wishing everyone a joyful, safe, and relaxing Christmas!

Wishing everyone a joyful, safe, and relaxing Christmas!

Separation anxiety can be a really lonely, isolating process - but that doesn’t mean you have to overcome it alone.It’s ...

Separation anxiety can be a really lonely, isolating process - but that doesn’t mean you have to overcome it alone.

It’s so important to build a support system and community around yourself to help you and your dog - help in suspending absences, addressing underlying medical issues or finding the right anxiety medication for your dog, or tailoring a training plan with all of the right elements to find success.

Not all of the options listed here are viable supports for everyone, but this also isn’t an exhaustive list! If you find that your “village” is really lacking, I’d really love to help you find more ways to find help in your community and get the support you need to start leaving your dog safely at home.

If you’re looking for a Certified Separation Anxiety Trainer to add to your village, I have limited availability for new clients! Just follow the link in my bio to book a free 30-minute call and we can talk about you, your dog, the problems you’re facing, and how I can help you through it.



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