Crufts 2025
The Jenny Gould Dog Training Obedience Demo is back at Crufts 2025!!!
It was our last rehearsal today and all I can say is that these guys rock!
This video is just a small part of our display...this is the 'Super Six' doing what they do best......
#crufts2025 #obediencedemo #jennygouldsportsdogtraining #supersix
🐾When working with my litters in their individual sessions I always bear in mind what type of home the puppy is going to. For example if it is a sports home I will interact/play/train in a way that would be beneficial and not conflict in their future lifestyle.
🐕With my own puppies I never undertake early formal sports training. I prefer to get a real "feel" for my puppy before attempting to teach formal exercises. However, there are many foundations skills which are hugely advantageous when it comes to teaching those future exerices.
🐒Here is my own little Tove (Zakanja Funky Monkey)learning to take food without disengaging from my hand. A vital skill required for any form of heelwork training and one I see consistently lacking in any new student.
#dogsports #sportsdog #dogtraining #dogsports #dogs #proudbreeder #responsiblebreeding #individual #121training
Why do the basics take so long??
They actually don' least not compared to undoing poor basics, letting go of the wrong muscle memories and building the right habits.
Learning anything new is a process. During that process we will make errors. Not knowing what is required is the biggest stumbling block.
The more experienced we become, the more we understand the value of basic foundations.
Trust the process, trust your trainer and do not be in a hurry to get into that ring to compete.
Remember the right basics take time to teach but the poor basics take a hell of a lot longer to unpick.
Take your time to ultimately take the fastest route!
#basics #buildingblocks #takeyourtime #dogsports #dogsportslife #sportsdog #sportsdogs #competitionobedience #DogTraining #dogs
Hell yeah !!! Never set in stone🏆. #success #goal #keepgoing #sportsdog #dogsports #dogsportslife #dogsport
❓Dog Sports are all about fun and 'sexy' behaviours right?
Social media encourages eye candy. It lures prospective customers in with flashy content. For sure our training should always be fun and motivating for both dog and handler.
🐶However there is a 'boring' exercise that really needs to be taught also.....a settle! I am not talking about a down stay. I am talking about a bog standard basic settle behaviour.
This behaviour is where the dog can get up and change position, check out their surroundings and wait patiently until their competing 'slot' arrives.
🕣In most sports there will be a waiting period at various times throughout the competition. It will not always be appropriate to be working your dog during this waiting period and it is not always conducive to a good performance to be constantly working the dog during this time interval.
🧰Dogs are individuals. Ensure you have a variety of skill sets in your tool box to be able to utilise depending on your dog and what works for them best.
💙This is a tiny part of a video I filmed for my GSD Club showing how to begin a social settle. Isn't little Mo so cute???
#toolbox #multiskills #dogtraining #sportsdog #dogsportslife #sportsdogs #dogsports #competitionprep
⛓️Baby Chains
Chaining is a huge, but vital, subject in dog sports!
🐶 Reward based trainers often want to reinforce EVERYTHING! In order to be able compete however our dogs must be taught about chaining in training first.
Top tips
✔️ Plan!
✔️ Keep them simple
✔️ Know your 'release' cue
✔️ Ensure the behaviours included are well taught
✔️ Ensure the behaviours included have a strong reinforcement history
✔️ Keep it lighthearted and FUN!
💚 Here is young Chitta having fun with baby chains!
#chaining #dogtraining #sportsdog #dogsports #dogsportslife
👀Looking to improve a sports exercise?
🗃️Then take it out of it's box.....
All too often we attempt to fix an exercise whilst training the exercise itself. The risk here, of course, is that we could 'poison' that exercise whilst fiddling.
Whenever possible find an informal way. A fun game that does not involve clicking or is simply set up in a way to help the dog begin to solve the puzzle. No criteria and no pressure.
⚽️This little session with Chitta today was merely her learning to place the ball in my open palms on my lap when thrown in any direction.
💚What better way to help with angled presents and she had a great time doing it!
#naturallearning #ThinkOutsideBox #dogsports #sportsdog #dogsportslife #dogsports #dogsport
Sports heelwork?
Starting point.....statics!
Training for an event such as the Crufts Obedience Championships means going back to basics...including at the beach!
#thegsdhubclub #atthebeach #heelworktraining #sportsdog #dogsports #gsdlifestyle #gsdofinstagram #gsdlove #obediencechampion #obediencechampionships #foundations #basics
The Heelwork Conundrum!Sports heelwork is subjective and some sports are most definitely more subjective than others!Competition Obedience is probably the most subjective sport and this is why I always recommend my handlers teach heelwork to THEIR preference (dependent upon the dog's conformation of course). For me, I am strive for...🐾 balance 🐾 expression🐾 attitude 🐾 drive...all wrapped up in the most technically accurate bundle!Pictures can deceive. Videos often show a truer picture. However when multiple pictures showcase the same attributes you know you are on the right track.Here is Queenie from her winning Class B round last week.Balance ✅Expression ✅Technical accuracy ✅Thank you so much to Daren Cantrell for these absolutely super piccies.#competitionobedience #sportsdog #dogsports #heelwork #heelworktraining #dogsportslife #technicalaccuracy #expression #drive
❓ Can You Handle Your Sports Dog???
I do not mean in their sports training..... I mean in every day life.
I take a fully holistic approach to life with my sports dogs. My relationship with my dogs in every part of their lives will spill over into their sports training.
First and foremost they are my pets and not simply a tool for boosting my ego with their accolades.
If my dogs do not trust me to handle them anywhere any time then I have work to do.
I start early and maintain this part of our relationship throughout our lives together.
Here is one of my Christmas Krakas, Mr Sprout, first learning about handling and grooming at around 6 weeks old.
❤️❤️❤️ Isn't he just so damn cute???
🏠 Happy Homecomings!
🐾 Do you have a new puppy joining you soon?
🐾 Are you concerned about getting it right?
🐾 Making plans for that first 24 hours?
🐾 Excited but nervous?
Whether you are an experienced owner or a first timer. Whether this is going to be a pet or a sports dog. If you have a new puppy arriving.....then this live is for you!
❤️❤️❤️ This was filmed live from The Christmas Krakas den...enjoy
#newpuppy #puppy #homecoming #first24hours #newfamilymember #puppiesofinstagram #puppies
What is a win
❓ What is a win?
🏵️Is it a red rosette? 🏆 Is it a trophy?
Well yes of course but it is also something more BEFORE you gain those accolades. A win is when you can see your training process beginning to peep through into the competition ring.
It is when your dog begins to strengthen attitude and increase effort during a chain....or when your dog can puzzle solve in the ring just as they do in training.
Succeeding in competition is a process and it is a process that is revisited time and time again each time you progress to the next level.
❤️❤️❤️ Believe in the process. Invest in the process. Be patient with the process and learn to embrace the process!
...and those rosettes when they come are the stepping stones to your dream.
#thesportsedition #sportsdog #dogsports #trusttheprocess #embracethejourney