Tibetan Mastiff UK Behaviour and Training Support Services

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  • Tibetan Mastiff UK Behaviour and Training Support Services

Tibetan Mastiff UK Behaviour and Training Support Services We are UK based but offer help and advice remotely via zoom etc outside of this area.

We aim to offer supportive, friendly and professional breed specific advice and assistance for owners and anyone interested in owning authentic Tibetan Mastiffs.

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Phil Griffin, Jose Fernando Ferreira, Phillip Williams, M...

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Phil Griffin, Jose Fernando Ferreira, Phillip Williams, Malgorzata Jedraszczyk, Muriel Graham-clare, Trish Lang, Derek Hornsey, Harbir Dagar, Elaine Beddow, Sandra Robertson, Jean G Scarfe, Becky Hughes, Clare Day, Carol Hansman, Susan Webb, Mary Laughlin, Robert Edmunds, Bhupendra Wadke, Michelle Harvie, David Campbell, Sylvia Mearns, Andy Dickinson, Ady Deady, Peggy Regan, Simba Petru Zaharia, Liz Parker, Albert John Switzer, Roy Wagner, George Jacob, Wendy Avene, Patricia Irons, Angie Keddie, Robert Pearson, Patrick Haughey, Paul Wixey, Jean Stockton, Eunice Wendy Clark, Michael Martin, Jean Stockton, Alex Vial, Colin Atkinson, Stuart Flack, Christine Petch, Alexander Walker, Bryan James, Jeanette Gardner, Patricia Edgerton, Carolin Porter, Suzanne Lawson, Amanda Maffeo


Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Andrew Vowles, Ch Moneeb make sure you jump over to my si...

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Andrew Vowles, Ch Moneeb make sure you jump over to my sister page Hindes Hounds -Canine behaviour and training services and follow that!


Just a reminder for anyone who lands here looking for Tibetan Mastiff Behaviour and Training help. I am still very much working with TM's. However all requests for help and information should be directed to me at Hindes Hounds Canine Behaviour and Training. You can connect through my page or website.
I beleive I am the only certified and insurance approved behaviourist in the UK who owns and regularly works with Tibetan Mastiffs. International help is also offered through whats app video and zoom.


Oh dear yet another Tibetan Mastiff group with the best intentions of preservation has been set up and I fear once again set to fail in its purpose through no fault of the group admins. PLEASE HEAR MY PLEA.........Unless enough of us can clearly agree what we are trying to preserve we are doomed to failure. These circular arguments have been going on for years, everyone has a different view as to what the true Tibetan Mastiff is. Meanwhile we have a highly polluted registered gene pool with numerous people taking offence if it is suggested their dogs are not pure. While all of this is happening, these dogs in their native lands are depleting rapidly and any conservation efforts again come up against the same question, what are we trying to preserve, what is pure......weigh this up against the complex issues in an ever evolving world where lifestyles are changing and tolerance of dogs with the 'traditional temperament' of a TM, I use these words loosely, are less and less tolerated in many societies.

So let's have a few less 'know it all's' a little less criticism of others and a little more, if it is at all possible, of working together, not against each other to find a solution, if we really want to find one.

I invite anyone who really wants to co-operatively be part of finding a solution to PM me. If you are interested in being nosey, being an observer, or a 'fence sitter' please do not bother. If you feel.you have ideas you wish to share, possible solutions, a willingness to do something to help and contribute in any way and a willingness to work with others in a respectful way, willing to listen to the views iof others and contribute to a solution, then please do contact me. TOGETHER WE ARE STRONG, ALONE WE ARE NOTHING BUT A TINY UNHEARD VOICE.



A beautiful native girl in Nepal, wearing her summer bikini...I met her in the spring when I visited kachengunga kennels and can't wait to visit again....🙂



No comments on not walking dogs in this weather I promise. I have seen too many already but this just might be useful!!
Most responsible dog owners will be thinking about when they can walk their dog and may endeavour to do so in the early morning or late evening while we're suffering from these hot temperatures. One thing that I I think we all need to bear in mind is that although we may have thought it had cooled down enough it may not have called down enough for the dog and with the best intentions in the world it is possible that any dog could overheat in these extreme weather conditions. It is therefore important to be alert for any potential signs of them struggling with the heat
If a dog has heat stroke he will be having trouble regulating his body temperature as he does not have the ability to sweat in the same way we do. The dogs average body temperature is being is between 100.5 and 102.5 degrees. They will start experience heat stroke at 105 degrees and at 106-108 degrees irreversible organ damage is likely to occur and potentially death!

What are the signs of Heatstroke:
• Excessive panting
• Excessive thirst
• Glazed eyes
• Hyperventilating
• Increase the saliva
• Dry pale gums or bright or very dark red tongue or gums
• Rapid or erratic pulse
• Weakness staggering confusion
• Vomiting
• Diarrhoea bleeding from the rear
• Collapse
Suspect Heatstroke?

• Get the dog out of the heat immediately
• Use cold water and apply to inner thighs stomach and feet pads
• Try and keep the dog moving
• use a fan for cooling.
• Give ice cold water to drink (just sips of cool water).
• smother in a wet towel - the water needs to evaporate and take away the heat


Blower units on, housing cooling nicely and a lovely woodland walk before it all gets to hot!  Life is complete!!

Blower units on, housing cooling nicely and a lovely woodland walk before it all gets to hot! Life is complete!!

Two very special ladies posing togther.  Nothing like the bond between a TM and their little people.🥰

Two very special ladies posing togther. Nothing like the bond between a TM and their little people.🥰

Just a few pics (courtesy of the talented Primoz Peer)  from my fantastic  recent trip to Nepal, primarily to meet and t...

Just a few pics (courtesy of the talented Primoz Peer) from my fantastic recent trip to Nepal, primarily to meet and take dna samples from my favourite canines, the native guardians of the Himalayas, locally known as Bhote Kukurs, and for the preservation Club of which I am a member Himalayan Mountain Dogs (more commonly also referred to as Tibetan Mastiffs). So pleased to have been able to see and be a part of the preservation of these dogs in the native lands🥰 and so encouraged by the excellent work being undertaken by those endeavouring to preserve them in the lands where they belong. More pictures to come soon .....


Lovely sunny walk this weekend 😍


Hindes Hounds latest Google review, such lovely comments make me feel both humble and proud. Humble because it shows with the right approach and the will to work hard on your relationship and change not only your TM's behaviour but your own, so much can be achieved, even with this challenging breed. Proud because I was able to facilitate the necessary learning for this great couple to acheive what they have.

'I cannot praise Hindes Hounds enough.
I sought out behaviourist help to help with my rescue Tibetan Mastiff with another behaviourist and while it helped a little I felt like that person was lacking breed knowledge. Pamela is an expert with Tibetan Mastiffs and I've learnt so much from her since seeking her help. She's helped me with lead handling, separation anxiety, food guarding and fantastic implementation of a leadership plan.
Pamela has also helped me bring in another dog and manage those interactions. No matter the time I felt like Pamela was always at hand to answer calls, review videos and kept in contact. I had to do all behaviour training without Pamela in person due to the 300 mile distance but I felt like that didn't matter and that shows the value of her skills and knowledge.
I also really liked how much of an active listener Pamela is, she really picks up on the smallest things, listens to all needs and never condescends only praises and offers positive advice to you as a pet parent.
I'm sure we'll keep in touch and if I ever need any assistance in regards to dog behaviour I'll be ringing Hindes Hounds.
Thanks so much!'

For more TM consultation (and other canine reviews, check out the website ........

Hi All, I am very very pleased to announce the launch of our new website. Any feedback or comments would be very much ap...

Hi All, I am very very pleased to announce the launch of our new website. Any feedback or comments would be very much appreciated..Please message to let me know https://www.hindeshounds.co.uk/

HINDES HOUNDS CANINE BEHAVIOUR AND TRAINING SERVICE building relationships between canines and their humans.....



From the mists of the past I came
Shrouded in mystery and fame
Tossed into a world I do not know
Not a flickering light but a roaring flame
Now I walk in the present, untamed
Misunderstood and misnamed
I am what I am, no more and no less
I am my past and I’m not ashamed

I don’t fit into the costumes of dogs
I tear at the seams, I burn them
I am the wild, I am the fire
Let me burn free, as I please

You can not catch a roaring flame
You can not contain it, in that there’s no shame
I am the inferno, let me burn free
Walk with me, we can be the same
Don’t try to tame me, I am the wild
Don’t try to shape me, I’m not to be styled
Don’t try to rule me, I’m not made to beg
I am my past, exiled

I don’t fit into the costumes of dogs
I tear at the seams, I burn them
I am the wild, I am the fire
Let me burn free, as I please

By: Sanna Sander


My new website is now live incorporating the Pamela Hindes Method and M.U.T.T (Mutual understanding and Trust Training)

Working from home today. Observing  with mild amusement typical TM behaviour.  Do not be fooled by that dead dog look un...

Working from home today. Observing with mild amusement typical TM behaviour. Do not be fooled by that dead dog look under my desk. After charging down the garden churning up more mud and terrorising the natives, who have dared to venture out into the vast expanse he considers his territory, he is now like a coiled spring ready to alert at any sign of danger .....or mum trundling to the kitchen to get him a bonio. Meanwhile our dedicated head of home security is outside in all weathers barking at as little as a nat's fart..... and looking after the chicken.....

This is Tashi my very special TM resting after an afternoons work.  No fancy photos, just a plain ol' pic of a very spec...

This is Tashi my very special TM resting after an afternoons work. No fancy photos, just a plain ol' pic of a very special girl.......

We had the task.of taking a very reactive young male dog who has a history of lunging and nipping to a local beauty spot where there were lots of dogs, kids, people and bikes, all things he reacts to. I had been working on reducing his anxiety and reactivity on my own and with his owner, we had made good progress. Yesterday however it was Tashi's turn. The first time he hit the road with an unknown canine companion. She never ceases to amaze me.......Tashi met him on location, she immediately sensed his apprehension and proceeded to issue calming signals, within minutes he was like putty in her paws. After 20 mins he was looking at her as well as me for reassurance when he was worried about something. We had one incident with two out of control dogs and a full on charge. I did what I always do and stepped forward to protect my charge, Tashi stepped forward in front of us and took the full brunt of the charge and dealt with them in her usual calm but assertive manner, another disaster averted. With Tashi's help he had successful meets and greets with two pretty large dogs, that he would normally not have reacted well to, following her guide and picking up ques from her. The icing on the cake was that he happily jumped in to back.of my car with her and Tashi and I drove him home. This was the first time in a very long time that he has been able to relax so much in such a situation and take some great steps towards socialising with other dogs and actually enjoying a walk in such a busy place.

Just a reminder that we need to let out TM's know when they have done the right thing.  Re-enforcement is a powerful too...

Just a reminder that we need to let out TM's know when they have done the right thing. Re-enforcement is a powerful tool.....They may be independant thinkers but they are also extremely 'savvy.' We all know that they like to bark and this is essentially generally a self re-inforcing behaviour, but what about those little gem moments when they miraculously do what you would like them to do lol!! Reinforce, reinforce, reinforce...... simply the best way to stack the odds in your favour of maintaining the behaviours you do want. As for the barking well that's probably a matter for another post..... but its not quite as simple as ignoring the behaviour you don't want!


I am pleased to announce that I now have now been granted a full membership (upgraded from associate) of the Canine and Feline Behaviour Association ('CFBA'). This means that I will be able to take pet insurance vetinary referrals through the CFBA where an owners pet insurance covers behavioural issues. My profile (not yet updated at the time of posting) can be found on their website, as can the protocol for vetinary referrals.


Whilst not specifically for Tibetan Mastiffs my Hindes Hounds Monthly Newsletter is all about early puppy development from birth to 12 weeks and the importance of socialisation ....... which may entail more than you thought...... why don't you take a look.

IT IS FREE and packed with useful information!!

Just wanted to pop this up with Mat's permission......just a little  food thought.  These are NOT the easiest of breeds ...

Just wanted to pop this up with Mat's permission......just a little food thought. These are NOT the easiest of breeds and in adolescence can really bring challenges ...... if you have taken one on and life is a little challenging right now, most of these challenges can be overcome with knowledge time and patience. Don't let your TM become another xmas casualty.

Pamela Hindes of course here’s the link


Pets for life, not for Christmas ❤️


I wanted to just pop up a post letting you know what to expect from my TM specific services.

The advice and assistance I offer is ALL ABOUT YOU and your Tibetan Mastiff! As many experienced TM owners know, these dogs are unlike any other domestic breed and have a good number of general breed specific traits. However each TM has it own individual genetically acquired traits and whole host of learned behavioural traits resulting from their individual life experiences. No two dogs are the same and no two environments or family situations are the same - there is no once size fits all.

I will never offer you a solution that is not feasible for this breed. I will never suggest that you will be able to turn them into something they are not! Everything that I do or suggest will be based on knowledge of the breed and your individual dog and circumstances. I will always work with you to find the best training or behavioural modification choices for you and your TM.

The only thing I am inflexible about is that I will always only work for the best outcome for you and your TM and I will always be honest in tempering your expectations. With many TM's traditional training will be of limited effect and you will need to expect that whilst we can work on improving your relationship and resolving any particular behavioural issues we are not likely to be creating an obedience champion. Everything we do together will be with a view to improving (not damaging) your relationship with your TM whilst resolving issues that are affecting it....


NEVER turn your back on a hungry TM.......

Well at least not when you have lined four food bowls, lovingly crafted with delectable delights for your pack of four canines on the kitchen work surface......

Chicken fight in the garden, three concerned dogs rush to my aid to deal with said fight.......one rather crafty TM whose belly is clearly as big as her eyes, grabs her moment and wham empties all four bowels on the blink of an eye....... then she saunters away from the site of said crime and takes on a relaxed and nonchalant pose....... that is one smart ass

Lesson learnt - they are more crafty than you think,lol!!

Three guesses who won't be getting any tea tonight......


This post is simply to redirect those of you that have not already found your way there to the new group that has been set up instead of this page. It appears the group format is more accessible and interactive and seems to be picking up well. I will therefore shortly archive this page once I am sure everyone has been redirected. Thank you so much for your support thus far. Any trouble finding it just let me know. The group is: TIBETAN MASTIFF UK OWNERS SUPPORT FORUM


Hi everyone, this is my first post for a forum which I hope that those either simply interested in, or interested in the welfare and support of the UK authentic UK Tibetan Mastiff in the UK can post in. The fundamental aim of this forum is to provide a supportive environment where TM owners and fanciers in the UK can swop experiences and seek help and advice where needed. We will aim to do our best to provide a signposting service for anyone needing advice or help with the breed, including help and advice with rehoming/rescue. It would be great to see those of you with many years of experience in the breed joining this forum to swop experiences, offer advice and support to others and to share knowledge. For those not so experienced it is hoped that you will feel able to seek help and advice from others. It would be great to also ensure that we continue to educate the public on what a Tibetan Mastiff is and is not, so that those seeking to acquire an authentic Tibetan Mastiff can obtain advice not only in respect of this but also in respect of the nature of the breed.




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