Phoebus Apollo
1 year ago
I was Gautama Siddhartha Buddha, and my religion is not Satanic that is above as below. Buddhism is not a religion there is no god to worship. Those established in wisdom live in continuous, unbroken awareness that you are an eternal soul not just a perishable body. Such an enlightened person does not identify with personal desires. These desires are on the surface of personality, or the ego and the self is its very core. The self-realized person is not motivat-ed by personal desires for personal satisfaction as the mystics of all traditions will tell you that those people established in self-realization control their senses. If the senses are not con-trolled, they fill with selfish desire and greed and begin to control the person and the mind or emotions will follow wherever they lead. Eventually a person following the senses loses strength of will and unity of purpose. Their choices are dictated by their desires. When the will is led astray by the desire for pleasure, the mind becomes confused and scattered and eventually sends you insane leading to spiritual destruction? When you keep thinking about sense objects, attachment comes. Attachment breeds desire and you list your possessions that do not match your desire it turns to anger. Anger clouds the judgment; you can no longer learn from past mistakes. Lost is the power to choose between what is wise and what is un-wise, and your life is an utter waste. My view of the Law of (Distraction) Attraction.
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Reply: Quite right Buddha abundance and spirituality don’t mix only the gurus and teachers get rich quick. Abundance therefore is a low vibration.