Abbotts View Livery: Barefoot and Back to Nature

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Abbotts View Livery: Barefoot and Back to Nature Abbotts View Livery is a Track System or Paddock Paradise boarding facility also offering consultancy Based in Aston Abbotts Buckinghamshire, UK.

Please see our website, or contact me for more information.

Are you winter ready?❄️💩It may only be approaching September, but before we know it the autumn will be here, followed by...

Are you winter ready?❄️💩

It may only be approaching September, but before we know it the autumn will be here, followed by every horse owners nightmare, the dreaded winter months.

The summer is the best time to get as prepared as you possible can for the incoming weather changes, and last year the rain came early and in the South of the UK (where we are based) it rained from end of September to June!

On a track system, unless you are fully surfaced you will have mud, just the same as you would in a paddock environment. The best way to manage this for you and your horses is to make sure you have things in place to manage it BEFORE it arrives.

But winter isn't just about mud, it's also about battling the cold and rapid weather changes.

Here's some of our top tops to make sure you are ready for the mud, rain, ice and cold!

💩 Firstly and arguably most importanly, make sure you have hardstandings in place. This doesn't necessarily have to be a permanent hardstanding, and could be mud matting instead. We have a mix of limestone hardstandings, and Jelka Group top clean mud mats to create mud free platforms and pathways for our horses.

Last year, as the rain came early and was showing no signs of stopping I bought two pallets of mud mads from Jelka and layed them in already wet mud. Although they have been fantastic, it would have been better to lay them when the ground was dry so that they would have stayed completely level.

We have since layed more Jelka mats during the dry months in preparation for the coming Winter around almost all of our hay feeding areas. Check our reels for videos of them being laid and used.

Now is also your last chance to build any permanent hardstanding, which you can find step by step instructions for in my guide book on Horse Track Systems (see 📖 below).

💧 Make sure your pipes to your water troughs are insulated. We keep our troughs under cover in the barn as this not only helps keep them algea free in the spring and summer but stops them from freezing as hard in the winter. Consider this when first setting up track and deciding where to put the water point, or consider moving it if you're having this trouble with an existing water point.

🧥 Although the majority of horses fair well in weather without rugs if they have a full coat, horses that are clipped, older, younger, thinner or have certain medical conditions that may comprise their insulation abilities, may mean that your horse needs a rug in winter. Make sure any rugs from last year are clean, re waterproofed and ready in advance, or start shopping for new (there might still be some good bargains on for winter rugs at the moment!).

🌾 By now the majority of this year's hay has been harvested and the new batch is in the barn waiting to be used. If you have wrapped hay like us, it's advisable to wait 6-8 weeks before using it so the fermentation process can take place. Dry hay can be used straight away as long as it has been baled correctly and dried properly.

When changing over to this year's hay, it's a good idea to mix the two together for a few days or weeks to slowly introduce it. Horses digestive systems are sensitive and don't take to sudden change well so doing so will ensure a gradual introduction of new forage and prevent any loose droppings or f***l water, or in worst case, colic.

It's also a good time to get any new hay tested to make sure it is below 10% ESC (sugar and starch combined). Forage plus offer this service along with step by step instructions on how to correctly gather your sample.

Late cut hay is best so don't buy any cut before July if you can. July or August hay will likely be lower in sugar and longer and more fiberous whereas May or June cut hay will be shorter and sweeter and likely higher in sugar and calories.

You could also have the hay tested for nutrient levels which enables you to know exactly which nutrients are lacking and enables you to have a vitamin and mineral balancer made to match accordingly. (Speak to forage plus for details, see above).

🥕 If you have any poor doers, now is a good time to start thinking about planning to gradually increase their feed to combat the coming weather changes. Coat changes can be quite a hard time for horses internally and they may need a little extra support. For your good doers, don't change a thing! Remember winter is a good time to help them naturally loose weight before Springtime.

✂️ If applicable, make sure your clippers are ready for the season! Get your blades sharpened and clippers are serviced if needed. Clipping is useful for horses in full work in the winter to stop them overheating or sweating to much when ridden, but it's also a great to aid weight loss. In September and October this is normally the time I will start our 'fat pony slim' clipping, where I take the the neck, chest and tummy hair off, leaving the rump and back for winter protection. For those horses who gain weight too easily or who are already overweight, this helps them use a few more calories to keep warm.

Remember you don't want them to get too cold or shiver, so have a rug as back up for sudden cold days. If you haven't used this clip before then start small with just the chest and neck and see how your horse copes.

👞 If you have a horse who has recently been taken barefoot or has a metabolic condition, it's a good idea to make sure you have some hoof boots handy. The soft and wet can make sensitive horses more prone to foot soreness and more likely for stoned etc to get I to the white line, so this just means you can keep them comfortable. There are various different styles and types for different needs, check out Hoof Bootique

🧣Now the horses are sorted, are you ready? Need a new winter coat? Still got those holey old wellies? Get yourself prepared as well. My best advice is to buy an all in one onesie for the cold and wet, and to keep a good stash of snacks on the yard. There nothing worse than a cold and wet human. Besides, who will look after the horses then? 😉

📖For further reading and/or information on how to correctly manage mud on track in winter buy my best selling book Horse Track Systems

🎧I also featured on a podcast by The Humble Hoof talking about winter management on track which is free to listen too - you can find it on Spotify.

*Repost as the first one got removed due to too many links setting off Spam filter!*

I have no idea why but for the first time Facebook removed one of my posts about getting winter ready?!Very strange... I...

I have no idea why but for the first time Facebook removed one of my posts about getting winter ready?!
Very strange... I'll try again tomorrow...

Had to give the new jump a go last night! 😁 Buck and Buddy had a great time 😂❤️

Had to give the new jump a go last night! 😁 Buck and Buddy had a great time 😂❤️


When Cracker joined the herd fully! We miss you so much little Buck but so glad I have these happy memories 🥹❤️🌈


Always worth sharing this when it pops up as it's often a repeat question I get asked 😁

Look what I came home too!! What an amazing 30th birthday present from my lovely liveries 😭😭❤️❤️

Look what I came home too!! What an amazing 30th birthday present from my lovely liveries 😭😭❤️❤️

HAPPY THREE YEARS AT AVL ❤️❤️To Amy and her lovely three horses, Darroch, Ben and Owen. I can't imagine AVL without any ...


To Amy and her lovely three horses, Darroch, Ben and Owen.

I can't imagine AVL without any of them. They're all such big characters and wonderful horses, as is their owner Amy 🥹 Here's to many more!

Willow pillow and Saphy spap enjoying the Balemate feeder. I am loving them so far, they're great to have out on the tra...

Willow pillow and Saphy spap enjoying the Balemate feeder. I am loving them so far, they're great to have out on the track and keep the bale together and tidy (prevents them stomping on or peeing on them when they get low). They're super light and easy to move, however I would rather they didn't move so am thinking of a way to clip them to the fence.

We'll move back to our homebuilt covered feeders for the winter when the rains return, although a bale rarely lasts longer than a week so I doubt it would cause the hay any issues so I may trial them in the winter too.

Wouldn't be complete without Jelka Group top clean mats around them to keep things tidy and Nibbleze Nibbleze haynets to promote little and often feeding within a soft mesh that's better for teeth and lips.

The bales are always double netted to prevent parking and encourage them to move around which works well 👌

Picture from my fabulous head groom Flynn 😁

Need to come and visit again Gawsworth Track Livery ❤️

Need to come and visit again Gawsworth Track Livery ❤️



Here's what a 𝟭𝟯 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗹𝗼𝘀𝘀 looks like on a pony 😮📉

The first photo is largley normalised, particularly in the show ring. It is my duty to support owners who are perusing a new, healthier normal for their horses. You can find out more by booking a provisional appointment with me today 👇👇


First proper rain in two weeks! The hot sun and horses combined had made the track compacted and dusty, so the torrentia...

First proper rain in two weeks! The hot sun and horses combined had made the track compacted and dusty, so the torrential rain for 12hours sure did make an impact! (We needed it)!

It's times like these I'm so grateful for the Jelka Group top clean mud mats, making mud free areas for our horses to eat 👌

🙌 Absolutely when it comes to horse keeping and training. So much needs to change in the horse world.

🙌 Absolutely when it comes to horse keeping and training. So much needs to change in the horse world.

This sums up the frustration I feel when horse people spend more time inventing excuses / fixating on the obstacles in front of us when it comes to reforming the horse industry and bettering horse welfare.

This attitude is what prevents us from creating a better world because people don’t even want to imagine the possibility and remain stuck in the way things have been.

Life changes. The world changes. We can inspire change by having the audacity and bravery to imagine how things can be better.

That’s how all major changes happen.


Did you know that social interaction is vital for your horse’s health and well-being? Just like humans, horses are social animals that thrive on interaction with others. Here's why social interaction is so crucial ⬇️

✅ Horses are naturally curious and intelligent animals. Interaction with other horses and humans provides essential mental stimulation that helps prevent boredom and associated behaviours like cribbing or weaving. According to Heleski, C. R., & Zanella, A. J. (2006), housing conditions can significantly influence the expression of stereotypic behaviours!

✅ Social bonds reduce stress and promote a sense of security. Horses that are isolated can develop anxiety and depression, impacting their overall health.

✅ Horses learn from each other. Foals, for example, learn crucial survival and social skills by interacting with their herd. These early interactions shape their behaviour for life. Hartmann, E., & Søndergaard, E. (2013) found that social interactions among horses are essential for the development of appropriate social behaviour.

✅ Regular social interaction encourages natural behaviours such as grooming and play, which are important for physical and mental health.

✅ Horses that are well-socialised tend to be less aggressive. Social hierarchies in herds are established through interaction, reducing the need for constant displays of dominance. Christensen et al. (2002) found that horses housed in groups exhibit fewer aggressive behaviours compared to those housed individually.

That’s why at Jelka, our mission is to create welfare-conscious facilities that aim to fulfil horses' natural needs and desires, such as the HIT Active Stable. Learn more about how we can help better the lives of domesticated horses at

This 10000x! I'll never put a bit in my horses mouths ever again.

This 10000x! I'll never put a bit in my horses mouths ever again.

Many horses accept bitless bridles and can be more comfortable in them. Read our guide to some of the most popular designs

Missing you little man 😞🌈

Missing you little man 😞🌈

23 years old, with EMS and Cushing's and a previous sufferer of laminitis. Thriving at AVL for the last few three years 🥰

Happy, healthy and full of beans is our Little Buck ❤️

Being an ex- show pony he is very fine and typically a poor doer. It's a challenge to keep his weight looking well without grass, and how he drops weight at any drop of temperature, but he's looking great and his EMS and Cushing's are under control.

He gets special to treatment 'old man time" in one of our pens adjacent to the track, with easier to access hay (not loose as he prefers netted!?) and his own comfy bed ❤️

All horses are individuals and we find it works best to treat the track as if it's for good doers, and feed up the poor doers through extra feeds, loose hay time, or grass time if they can have grass. This is especially important for horses who are young or old but the majority manage on track on ad lib hay in slow feeders without any additional care.

Learn more in my best selling book:

Horse Track Systems: A 'How To' Guide to a Healthier Horse in Body and Mind

Still on offer 😁👌

Thank you lovely liveries 💕💕

Thank you lovely liveries 💕💕

How beautiful is Warmblood Willow 😍

How beautiful is Warmblood Willow 😍

It drives me nuts that people think this foaming is a good thing 🫣 foaming at the bit IS NOT a good thing. It means they...

It drives me nuts that people think this foaming is a good thing 🫣 foaming at the bit IS NOT a good thing.

It means they can't swallow their saliva due to the bit (put your finger on your tongue and try and swallow - you can't), the flash band means they can't even open their mouth to evade it. Instead of being swallowed it comes out of the mouth in a foam, and for an animal that needs to swallow constantly due to the acid in their stomach, this is not a good thing.

Welfare washing.

Welcome to beautiful Apache the Appaloosa 😍Apache is here for a better life of free choice and movement within a herd en...

Welcome to beautiful Apache the Appaloosa 😍

Apache is here for a better life of free choice and movement within a herd environment and is in full ridden work.

Only 5 visits left in the diary before Abbott's View alpacas closes for good 😢

Only 5 visits left in the diary before Abbott's View alpacas closes for good 😢

Lovely morning ponying my young Arrow from my Buck this morning. I think he might be taller than Buck now! 😁

Lovely morning ponying my young Arrow from my Buck this morning. I think he might be taller than Buck now! 😁

Hoof trim snowflakes 😂

Hoof trim snowflakes 😂

From one of my liveries this evening 🥹❤️

From one of my liveries this evening 🥹❤️






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Our Story

Abbotts View Livery is a combined track and equi-central system hybrid that allows your horse to live out in a herd 24/7 all year round, with free choice and careful management of grass intake. We offer part, full and retirement livery packages.

The 'traditional' way of keeping horses (shod, stabled and turned out onto lush grass) that has been performed for many years needs addressing. For some horses, this system ‘works’, but for most, this has big and negative impacts on their health and well-being (think obesity, boredom, weaving, wind sucking, pacing, door kicking, and other stress related behaviours). We need a way of keeping horses that provides more turn-out, decreased behavioural problems, more movement and better management of the high sugar and starch grasses of England that are detrimental to the health of the majority of todays horses (think EMS, Laminitis, obesity, cushings). Being able to keep horses living out 24/7, year round, whilst still managing grass intake and your horses mental and physical well-being is a huge task, wether your horse is retired or in full ridden work. A track system is a new and exciting way of keeping horses that provides all of these things, and I believe, is the key to having mentally and physically healthier horses.

So after a lots of research, budgeting, planning and dreaming my vision of running a yard came to fruition! I feel so excited to be able to create a livery environment that I dreamed about for me and my horses, and I'd love to share it with you and your equine partner. My mission is to create a livery yard for like-minded people where their horses are free to express their natural behaviours and is a place of retreat, where people challenge themselves to build on their relationships with their horses and offer encouragement, guidance and support to one another

Please see our website, or contact Amy for more information