Fun at the beach for the dogs of WCK9. Poor Ron lost the ball to sly Wilfie and the tide.
#dogtrainer #dogwalker
The tale of Alfonso and his stick. He was ever so pleased with his fabulous find.
#dogtrainer #dogwalker #mastiff #happydogs #cheekydog
Boingy Benji had a great time today
#dogtrainer #dogwalker #jackrussell
Some help was required crossing some rather large puddles today
#dogtrainer #dogwalker
This past Tuesday, 24th September, Welsh Coast K9 lost one of our own. Nathan's girlfriend sadly had to make the difficult decision to put Luna to sleep. Luna was a fabulous old girl who loved nothing more than lounging on comfortable sofas, snuffling bags, and playing with puppies.
#dogloss #grief
Bring out the balls! 🥎
#dogtrainer #dogwalker #happydogs
Dribs decided to go for a little swim on her wallk with the dogs of WELSH COAST K9
#dogtrainer #dogwalker #happydogs #waterdog
One of the new girls at WELSH Coast K9 coming out of her shell
#dogtrainer #dogwalker #happydogs
Some follow the leader on today's walk with the dogs of WELSH COAST K9 #dogtrainer #dogwalker
WELSH COAST K9's resident puppy wrangler proudly displaying his new friend
#dogtrainer #dogwalker #happydogs
The handsome ginger nuts enjoying some time at the beach
#dogtrainer #dogwalker #beach
Nice little dip, I think she will check before stepping next time 🤣
#dogtrainer #dogwalker #wetdog